March 2024 DexNews

TokyoDex x Social Interior Held a Collaborative Workshop Exploring “Motivation”


In February 2024, TokyoDex and Social Interior collaborated to host a workshop event. Attendees were drawn from various communities, with over 40 individuals in total participating. The event commenced with an art-card-game icebreaker, paving the way for discussions centered around the theme of "motivation" and collaborative art creation within groups. Participants from diverse backgrounds shared their perspectives on motivation, sparking a reevaluation of individual approaches. The collaboration between Social Interior, a company reshaping corporate culture through furniture coordination, and TokyoDex, renowned for similar endeavors utilizing art, provided a platform for innovative business exchange that transcended industry boundaries. Encouraged by the success of this event, we are excited to announce plans for more trial workshops in the future. Stay tuned for updates!

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Artwork Inspiring Personal Transformation Unveiled
at a Global IT Company

グローバルIT企業の新オフィスを彩る作品の依頼を受け、TokyoDexは企業の未来をテーマにVision Artワークショップを主催しました。参加者のアイディアからヒントを得て、アーティストのErica Wardは「Borderless」「Connected」「Transformation」というテーマで、4連の大型キャンバスを制作しました。この作品は、チームのシナジー、個々のユニークさ、そしてグローバルな視野への奨励を象徴し、より良い未来に向けた個人の変革を促進しています。

Adorning the walls of a recently renovated Global IT Company's office, this artwork stems from a Vision Art workshop led by TokyoDex in which team members discussed the company's future trajectory. Drawing inspiration from participant insights, artist Erica Ward created four interconnected canvases inspired by the keywords "Borderless," "Connected," and "Transformation." The resulting pieces symbolize team synergy, individual uniqueness, and encourage a global perspective, emphasizing personal transformation for a positive future.

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Dynamic Digital Murals Completed
for a Global Data Services Company



In 2023, a global IT company that opened new offices in Midtown and Tennoz had a unique challenge. They wanted to bring murals into their central gathering areas, but the ideal walls for artwork were interrupted by large monitors. Our solution? To make the monitors part of the artwork of course! TokyoDex worked with artists Yohei Takahashi and XOLA to blend elements of their murals into motion graphics that appear on screen to create a seamless analog-digital installation.

Yohei Takahashi’s work in the Tennoz office transports viewers to a serene scene where Japanese white-eyes, also known as meijro, perch on sakura branches as the seasons change on the screen. Soft and muted colors dominate the composition, while in the background, the familiar sights of the local Tennoz area further enhance the sense of place.

XOLA’s work in the Midtown office uses a calm and neutral palette to fit with the overall water theme of the office with a sense of movement and flow, depicting the harmonious interaction between land and sea. The flowing lines portray the dynamic nature of water and waves, while migrating fish and birds hint at the presence of nearby land, creating a sense of balance and unity.

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Kojinmari Vol. 2 Tama&Kai & Friendsを開催します

Live on March 30 in Hayama: Kojinmari Vol. 2

TokyoDexが長年開催してきたアート&音楽イベント「This&That」は、様々なジャンルのアーティストやミュージシャンが一堂に会し大勢の参加者を魅了してきました。この「This&That」の魅力を凝縮し、より身近にアーティストと交流できるよう、今回は新たに「Kojinmari」が開催されることになりました。Vol. 2は、私たちと親交の深いTama & Kaiをmoshimoに初めて迎えてのKojinmariとなります。DJデッキにはJay Zimmermannが参加し、Erica Wardがライブアートの背景を描きます。さらには、スペシャルゲストとしてパフューマーの Kō が香りを添えてくれます。

*入場料2,000円 (中学生以下無料)、ワンドリンク付き

TokyoDex is well know for its long-running art-and-music event “This&That,” that attracts large crowds as it brings together visual artists and musicians across multiple genres. “Kojinmari” is an attempt to bring some of the multi-platform magic of This&That to a smaller setting where the audience gets to interact with the artists on a more intimate level. Vol. 2 brings our good friend Tama and Kai to moshimo for their first Kojinamari. Joining them on the decks is DJ Jay Zimmermann while Erica Ward provides a live-art backdrop. Finally, Special guest Perfumer Kō will bring an aromatic flair to the mix! Delicious and affordable food and drink will be on offer at the cafe. Join us for an art-filled afternoon and then catch the sunset just a minute’s walk away at Morito Beach!

Open: 2:30pm, Start: 3:30pm
* ¥2,000 at the door, includes one drink. (Kids 12 and under free)

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