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Was March the Rainfall Miracle We’d Hoped For?
Yes, the Bay Area got a lot of rain this winter. Rainfall in most Bay Area cities is about 100 percent of normal. But was it enough to end the drought?Read and Listen to the Radio Report

Discovery May Lead to Earlier Diagnosis for Breast Cancer

Researchers have found a gene that may make it easier for doctors to find certain breast and possibly ovarian cancers at an earlier stage. Read the Future of You Post
What is Structural Engineering?
Ever wondered what sturctural engineers do? Check out this animated, short video and get a glimpse of how they analyze and design structures.Watch the new QUEST Video
Peak Sierra Snowpack: Beats Last Year But No Drought Buster
The “April 1” snow survey in the Sierra Nevada is always anxiously awaited, in the truest sense of the term. This year’s April 1 survey (done on March 30 this year for arcane reasons) was a good news/bad news affair. Read the Post
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