AGM | Wishlist | Tree Tapping | Intl. Women's Day Promo
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Our first AGM, "The State of the Toolbox"

Thanks to everyone who attended our first-ever AGM, The State of the Toolbox, on Feb 9. We explained what we've accomplished, where we are now, and where we're headed.

If you missed it, sorry you couldn't make it! Here are some highlights:
  • Thanks for all of the community support, especially from: HUB Ottawa, Bridgehead, Maker House Co, Onshoring Ventures and Invest Ottawa, Makerspace North, Awesome Ottawa, and Soup Ottawa, among others
  • The survey received 128 (55/73) responses; it wasn't statistically representative, but did give us an indication about what you feel is working well and what can be improved
  • We're doing well and growing, but not yet sustainable – but we need your help growing our membership, encouraging those who would benefit to join the OTL
  • You want us to offer more hours, services and programming; but to do that, we need your time, energy, and enthusiasm as volunteers
  • We need great volunteers to support our library operations, marketing (esp. social media) efforts, fundraising, member outreach, volunteer coordination, and other roles
  • We've already held great joint initiatives with StopGap, RightBike, Pinecrest-QueenswayCommunity Health's FutureBuilders – and just recently, Vanier Museopark
  • We're always looking for sources of funding, corporate sponsorships and donations (esp. in-kind), and people willing to help with the grant writing process
Did you know?

In 2016, the OTL recycled a total of 1,427 lbs of metals, including 1,000 lbs of iron and steel, 318 lbs of aluminum, 18 lbs of brass, and 91 lbs of copper (from electric motors).
Wishlist Updated
After the survey and AGM, we've updated the list of most requested tools from members. Got some tools needing a new home? Check out our updated wishlist for the most requested tools at the OTL!
See the list!
Tree Tapping at the Vanier Museopark!

On February 25, over 40 members and friends of the OTL joined us at the Vanier Museopark to help them tap their hundreds of maple trees (and mistakenly a few oak trees) to produce maple syrup! Their staff were great teachers, coaches and hosts! They served us a pancake breakfast and – with your enormous help – we had finished before lunch. We also had a great time with our friends and fellow volunteers from Hidden Harvest Ottawa.

If you have another event or activity you think would benefit from our tools, expertise and volunteers, and think it would be beneficial to collaborate with the OTL, please
get in touch!

March 8th is International Women's Day!

Celebrate by coming to the tool library on Wedn. March 8th (5-9pm) and show Bettina, our kick-ass female co-founder and tool librarian of the day, a DIY project (could be picture or actual object) completed with OTL tools to receive a FREE OTL water bottle!

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