State of the Toolbox | 3D Printing Workshops | Maker Day and Night | Community Night | CBC Repair Café Interview
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We want YOUR input
Join OTL members, volunteers, fans and supporters for a night of visiting and updates. Learn about OTL operations, upcoming plans and participate in our Volunteer Expo. Enjoy snacks and refreshments, celebrate the wins, consider the challenges, and help us build the tool library that Ottawa wants and deserves!

When: Monday, March 12, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Where: Beyond the Pale Brewery, 250 City Centre Ave.
Who: All ages
I'm coming!
3D Printing Workshops this Week

Interested in learning how to 3D print?! We are excited to announce two workshops coming up:

Intro to 3D printing : March 8 from 6 - 9pm
Intro to 3D printing and Advanced 3D printing : March 10 from 9 am - 4 pm  

In a society plagued by over-consumption, the Advanced 3D Printing workshop will teach the basics of leveraging advancements in technology to repair everyday objects and keep them out of landfills.

Maker Day + Maker Night
Keen to DIY, but don't have the space or tools?

Borrow the tools you need on site without having to drag them home. And best of all, benefit from the expertise and tips of Tool Ninjas

 who will be there to help you out.

Maker Day: March 11th   
11am - 5pm

LAST Maker Night for 2018:
March 12th,  6 - 9pm
Book a workbench

Community Night: March 26th

Now that we're wrapping up winter, your boots and coats will need some care before you can safely put them away until next year. Getting the salt out and conditioning your leather items is a great way to keep them going for many years, and reducing the number of items you have to buy over a lifetime.

Join us for this demo night with long-time professional leather worker Beth, the founder of
Ottawa Leather Works, as she shows you how to bring those salty boots back to life!

I'll be there!
Repair Café 

If you missed last month's Repair Café, don't fret. Our next one is April 29, 2018 at Just Food in Blackburn Hamlet.

CBC covered our Repair Café and also shot an instructional video on how to darn socks. Have a peek...

Sign up here for the next Repair Café
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