Greentech Media, the source that brings you daily news, market research, and industry events, invites you to take advantage of the following complimentary white papers, videos, reports, and more from across the Grid Edge in our Resource Center.
Greentech Media, the source that brings you daily news, market research, and industry events, invites you to take advantage of the following complimentary white papers, videos, reports, and more from across the solar industry in our Resource Center.
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You are 24 hours of sun // Driving the transition to 100% Renewable Energy
We believe in a future where our world is powered by 100 % renewables. Fronius is leading the way in technological innovation to create products ready for this world. We focus on how we consume, generate, store and distribute power. Take a look as we follow the lives of three different individuals across the globe moving towards our vision, 24 Hours of Sun. Are you 24 Hours of Sun? Will you share how you are a part of our vision? Visit to find out how you can become one of our many it will take to move towards our vision of a world of #24hoursofsun.
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Executive Summary: U.S. Residential Solar Economic Outlook 2016-2020
This is the executive summary for our new slide-based report, released Feb. 10, 2016. The report explores how rate design and net metering reform risk complicate the residential solar economic outlook in ways that can either strengthen or weaken the rooftop solar savings that can be attained by a customer. It details what might happen under several net metering reform scenarios, provides case studies, outlines key market drivers and includes in-depth forecasting out to 2020.
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