
November 17, 2023

Dear Friend,

Welcome back to my Week in Review newsletter. Please remember to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube for regular updates on how I am serving the people of South Carolina!

Marching for Israel


This week, the largest pro-Israel gathering in American history took place in our nation’s capital, affirming the Jewish people’s right to exist and rallying against the waves of antisemitic hate spreading across our country and around the world. Nearly 300,000 people stood in solidarity with Israel, supporting its right to defend itself from the terrorist regime that massacred an estimated 1,200 Israelis and 39 Americans and took over 240 hostage.

Unfortunately, some across our country and within our own government lack the moral clarity needed to unequivocally condemn Hamas’ brutal October 7th attack and support Israel’s right to defend its people. Some members of Congress continue to perpetrate an antisemitic agenda, while prominent American educational institutions refuse to sufficiently protect Jewish students from violence and hate. I find it reprehensible that Jewish Americans have survived Russian pogroms, European purges and German gas chambers only to fear for their lives on American streets. 

That’s why I will continue to fight bigotry in federally funded colleges and universities and call out this horrifying moral ambiguity for what it is – pure evil. My Stop Antisemitism on College Campuses Act makes sure no college or university that promotes antisemitism receives a single cent of federal funding. 

I also remain committed to giving Israel the aid it needs to eradicate Hamas by supporting the Israel Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2023, which provides $14.3 billion of aid to Israel. The United States must have a single-minded focus on supporting our ally during this dark hour. 

It’s time for America to break the tide of bigotry and see our Jewish brothers and sisters simply as people. It may seem at times that humanity is our only common denominator, but it is the most powerful. 

View more photos from the March for Israel here




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