In this issue, February 21, 2023 View it in your browser.

MariaDB 11.0, AWS Policy Cedar, Containerd & Wasm, CloudNativeSecurityCon, FinOps, PHP 8, .NET Language Strategy, Functional .NET, Web3, Android 14, Refactoring, DevSusOps

QCon San Francisco returns October 2-6: Attend in person, or access most talks on-demand.

Solve your challenges with valuable insights from senior software developers applying the latest trends and practices. Join your peers at the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco. Or get on-demand access to most talks with our new online ticket. Launch pricing is available for a limited time only. Register before March 29 for our best price.

Sponsored by ScyllaDB


Learning Rust the Hard Way for a Production Kafka + ScyllaDB Pipeline

Numberly needed to move its high-performance applications to Rust in order to benefit from a lower-level programming language. CTO Alexys shares their experience developing with a Rust code base, building a mission-critical system combining Apache Kafka and ScyllaDB, and more. Live Webinar, March 2nd, 2023 - Save your Seat.

Being Opiniated About the Engineering Culture you want to Build

In this podcast, Shane Hastie, Lead Editor for Culture & Methods spoke to Viraj Mody about creating great developer experience through being opiniated and deliberate about the culture you want to build. (Podcast)

TOP AI, ML & Data Engineering NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Carnegie Mellon Researchers Develop AI Model for Human Detection via WiFi

  2. Unsupervised Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation Using Deep Learning

  3. Influxdata Releases Its New Database Engine in InfluxDB Cloud

MariaDB 11.0 Brings a New Optimizer Cost Model and More

After 10 years since the last release, MariaDB Server 11.0 has been released, bringing a new optimizer cost model which aims to predict more accurately the actual cost of each query execution plan, removed InnoDB change buffer, and so on. (News)

Sponsored by Blameless


Bridging the Gap: DevOps to SRE

Enhance your incident management by investing in a powerful toolbox, aligning on SLOs, and creating a just culture. This eBook gives you practical steps to implementing SRE practices. Download now.


  1. AWS Creates New Policy-Based Access Control Language Cedar

  2. GitLab Improves Merge Requests, GitOps Functionality and More

  3. Platform Engineering Challenges: Small Teams, Build Versus Buy, and Building the Wrong Thing

  4. Containerd Adds Support for a New Container Type: Wasm Containers

  5. CloudNativeSecurityCon 2023: Identifying Suspicious Behaviors with eBPF

Moving Past Simple Incident Metrics: Courtney Nash on the VOID

The Verica Open Incident Database (VOID) is assembling publically available software-related incident reports. InfoQ talks with Courtney Nash about their recent findings including how MTT* metrics may not be beneficial, the average time to incident resolution, and the importance of studying near-miss reports. (Article)

Sponsored by Cockroach Labs

Cockroach Labs

Guests from DoorDash, Greenhouse, Starburst Data and more...

Introducing "Big Ideas in App Architecture," the new podcast from Cockroach Labs for architects and engineers building modern, data-intensive apps. Early fans who subscribe may enter to win prizes! Terms and conditions apply. Listen now.


  1. AWS Releases New Graviton3-Based General Purpose (m7g) and Memory-Optimized (r7g) EC2 Instances

  2. AWS Publishes Reference Architecture and Implementations for Deployment Pipelines

  3. Microsoft Joins the FinOps Foundation as a Premier Member

  4. New CloudWatch Metrics for AWS Lambda Asynchronous Invocations

  5. Faster Startup Time and Lower Memory Usage: New CRT HTTP Client in AWS SDK for Java

EaaS as a Technique to Raise Productivity in Teams

In essence, EaaS addresses developer productivity issues by providing settings that make it simple for developers to test and mimic real-world uses of their system. This article discusses the benefits of EaaS. (Article)

Sponsored by D2iQ


[DZone RefCard] Kubernetes Multi-Cluster Management and Governance

Explore Kubernetes multi-cluster management and governance, why it's important, and core practices for success. Get your copy compliments of D2iQ.


  1. GitHub Enhances CodeQL, Extends Language Support, Available Queries, and More

  2. Sonatype BOM Doctor Evaluates and Helps Patch Java Software Bills of Materials

PHP 8 - Arrays, Variables, Operators, Exception Handling and More

In this article, we discuss new features brought by PHP 8 related to arrays, variables, operators, and exception handling. We also discussed some trait-, class-, and function-related features. This article concludes the PHP 8 article series. (Article)

Sponsored by RavenDB


Our Journey Into High Performance and Reliable Document Databases with RavenDB

At Kobo, our initial database technology choice didn't work out for us in terms of reliability, performance, or flexibility, so we looked for something new. In this talk, you'll hear about our challenges, how we evaluated the options, and our experience since widely adopting RavenDB. Live Webinar, March 15, 2023 - Save your Seat.

Java News Roundup: JDK 20 RC1, Open Liberty, Micronaut, Helidon, Hibernate, Groovy, Grails

This week's Java roundup for February 6th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 20, JDK 21, Open Liberty and, Helidon 3.1.1, Quarkus 2.16.2 and 3.0.0.Alpha4, Micronaut 3.8.4, Hibernate ORM 6.2, 6.1.7 and 5.6.15, Grails 5.3.0, Apache Groovy 4.0.9 and 3.0.15, Apache Camel 3.20.2, Eclipse Vert.x 4.3.8, Gradle 8.0.0-RC5, Jarviz 0.2.0, Kotlin K2 compiler and Jfokus conference. (News)

Sponsored by Curity


How to Implement Zero Trust API Security

Learn best practices for implementing a Zero Trust approach for APIs. Watch the webinar to level up your system security.


  1. Visual Studio 2022 17.5 Preview 3 Build Acceleration

  2. Microsoft Quietly Updates .NET Language Strategy

Building Functional .NET Applications: a Guide for Choosing between F# vs C#

C# and F# are languages, each with growing user bases, that approach functional programming in fundamentally different ways. C# relies on object-oriented, imperative principles, and F# relies on functional principles.  Some developers are using F# as a complement to C#, rather than relying on the functional capabilities that exist natively in C#. (Article)

Don't Fall into the Platform Trap - How to Think about Web3 Architecture

Christian Felde discusses Web3, which in his view represents a shift in information flow, and is a threat to the existing Web2 platform model, covering the key differences between a Web2 and Web3. (Presentation with transcript included)
Software Delivery Practices Evolve Fast, So Should Your Learning. Attend QCon London software development conference (March 27-29, 2023) and uncover emerging software trends & practices to solve your complex engineering challenges, without the product pitches.

Android 14 Brings Partial Support for OpenJDK 17, Improved Privacy and Security, and More

Google has announced the first Android 14 beta, which provides support for over 300 OpenJDK 17 classes. Additionally, it implements a number of features aimed to keep malicious apps at bay and extends support for foldable form factors, battery usage optimization, and more. (News)

The After Party: Refactoring After 100x Hypergrowth

Phil Calçado explores how they dealt with the hyper growth phase and the changes and initiatives they have put in place to make sure that they keep growing and pushing the envelope. (Presentation with transcript included)

Sponsored by LaunchDarkly


10 Critical KPIs for Stronger Software Releases

In this guide, we suggest 10 KPIs you can use to track how well you’re deploying, releasing, and shipping software. Although these are just our suggestions, we believe they represent a good starting point for data collection during an often overlooked phase of software development. Download Now.

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

  1. Sustainability for Development and Operations with DevSusOps

How I Contributed as a Tester to a Machine Learning System: Opportunities, Challenges and Learnings

Have you ever wondered about systems based on machine learning? In those cases, testing takes a backseat. And even if testing is done, it’s done mostly by developers themselves. A tester’s role is not clearly portrayed. Testers usually struggle to understand ML-based systems and explore what contributions they can make. This is a journey of assuring quality of ML-based systems as a tester. (Article)

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