Good morning, Marketer, and what are your customers demanding?

It pays to know, and that’s why AI marketing tools are so critical in today’s competitive arena. They help marketers zero in on what matters.

There’s also a benefit to reading broader industry research about what customers are seeking. In the B2B space, we’ve hit on a great example of a payoff. First, our latest MarTech Replacement Survey found that there’s high demand for more features. Then, it became clear that, likely in attempting to meet this need, HubSpot has upped their subscription fees.

Read more about this below, and about other ways of boosting your marketing team’s technical capabilities. 

Chris Wood,

Marketers want better features from their martech solutions

Marketers remain focused on solutions with better features as they continue to replace even mission-critical parts of the martech stack.

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HubSpot customers paying 12% more than in 2021

Costs for HubSpot customers rose in Q1 YoY, perhaps because they were adding features or upgrading their instance.

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Create campaign impact by reaching the Workday Consumer

Microsoft Advertising recently partnered with Forrester Consulting on research outlining how work and shopping behaviors have changed for people who work remotely.

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Closing your team’s technical gap without hiring

Instead of hiring someone to support marketing automation, find a software solution anyone can use.

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What are the key elements of successful ABM strategies?

This MarTech guide looks at why B2B companies use ABM software and describes the key elements of successful ABM strategies and the capabilities ABM tools provide.

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How to turn the great buyer resignation into B2B career opportunities

The B2B buying process has gone primarily digital - most B2B sellers and teams have not.

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How app marketplaces are putting marketers in the driver’s seat

Salesforce launches a new AppExchange experience, and HubSpot has more than doubled its integrations since the pandemic began.

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Create next-level customer experiences with a DXP

If you’re not able to deliver the kind of speed and user experience you require, a digital experience platforms (DXP) can help.

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What is account-based marketing or ABM and why are B2B marketers so bullish on it?

Interest is surging as technologies to target key accounts improve and relevant data becomes more accessible.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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