AppSumo: The Store For Entrepreneurs

Marketers: The James Bond of Facebook is here
Jeff Lurie  Jeff Lurie  August 28, 2017
Lifetime access to your competitor's Facebook activity is disappearing soon

Lifetime access to Social Insider


Sumolings, I hate to break it to you but...

Like any good secret agent, the folks over at Social Insider can't stay around forever. In fact, they've got their bags packed and will be leaving the AppSumo HQ in less than 24 hours.

And with them, your ability to spy on...errrr... I mean... get insights on your competitor's Facebook activity will be gone.

Lifetime access to Social Insider


Social Insider gives you the Facebook Insights of all of your competitors.

The Sumolings who bought this deal weren't JUST pumped about what this app could do, but also the sweet price and customer service that came along with it:

Lifetime access to Social Insider


The inside look you get into your competition's digital strategy will help you learn what's working for them so that you can make it your own.

Using the power of Social Insider, you'll be able to stay relevant and let your competition make the mistakes for you.

Lifetime access to Social Insider


Social Insider is giving you access to all kinds of information that you'll want and need.

How are people interacting with something your competition just posted? You'll know immediately. (And you can even sort fans by reactions.)

Is your competition's new video going viral? Know before they do.

Who are your competitions raving fans? Find out, and create a lookalike audience in minutes.

Did your competition's accountant really just photocopy his cheeks? Well, you won't have that much insight. But why would you want to anyway?

Lifetime access to Social Insider


Getting an ‘inside man’ to send over all of your competition's data is not only very expensive but also illegal.

So that makes Social Insider's $60/month price tag a steal.

But, c'mon, Sumoling. This is AppSumo and we don't play no games.

For these last 24 hours, Sumolings can get lifetime access for just $39!

That means...

  • Unlimited reports for an unlimited number of Facebook pages

  • Unlimited save time for data

  • Downloadable data (.pdf and .csv)

  • Analytics for Instagram business profiles (coming very soon)

  • And more!

So just to be clear, when we say lifetime access, we aren't talking about lifetime access with some restrictions.

Instead, you could monitor 20 million Facebook pages and still have room for 20 million more. (That is the exact number of pages we expect you to view.)

Grab your code before this deal expires!

Click Here For Lifetime Access To Social Insider!

Lifetime access to Social Insider
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AppSumo: The Store for Entrepreneurs