Good morning, Marketer, are you ready for GA4?

Two important items today. 

First, we have joined the AI/ChatGPT stampede and released our own MarTechBot for you to use. It is the only bot trained on our content and it’s here to answer your marketing technology questions. Give it a spin and let us know what you think: One user already left this feedback: “Love that you created this just for marketers!” Sums it up for me.

Second, it’s only 67 days until Google pulls the plug on Universal Analytics. That’s not the only thing Big G is ending. At the end of September it will also put a stop to Optimize, it’s A/B testing and experimentation tool for GA4. But fear not, something better is coming.

As Samantha Barnes explains, the company is letting others use its API, so you will be able to choose from many different testing platforms. You could even A/B test different testing solutions. You probably shouldn’t, but you could.

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor



Google to remove GA4 integration with Optimize

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