
Expert articles on cloud, software development, and AI

Infoworld First Look

February 07, 2024

Martin Hellman: We’re playing Russian roulette

Co-inventor of public-key encryption, winner of the Turing prize, and advocate for world peace—Martin Hellman shares his insights on technology, war, and personal development. Read more ▶

Image: How to assemble a generative AI dream team

How to assemble a generative AI dream team

A lot of different skills are needed to create a system that can do the most for your business. Here’s a description of the important roles.

Why developers should put the database first

Data is the heart of the user experience, so shouldn’t developers start there? SQLite, NoSQL databases, and abstractions like Neurelo make that far easier to do.

Retrieval-augmented generation, step by step

RAG is a pragmatic and effective approach to using large language models in the enterprise. Learn how it works, why we need it, and how to implement it with OpenAI and LangChain.

Image: Visual Studio Code adds ‘Hey Code’ voice command

Visual Studio Code adds ‘Hey Code’ voice command

New voice command in VS Code starts a voice session with Copilot Chat. Per-window zoom levels also arrive with January 2024 release.

Wasm-based CheerpJ runs Java in web browsers

WebAssembly JVM promises to run ‘very large’ unmodified Java applications in modern browsers without plugins or a Java installation.

How to choose the right NoSQL database

Buyers have plenty of choice in NoSQL databases, so how do you choose? Here are five questions that could help you narrow it down.

How to make Kubernetes work at the edge

Kubernetes thrives in centralized data centers, but raises size, scalability, security, and interoperability concerns in distributed edge deployments. Here are some strategies to address them.

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