The New York Times is now reporting Net Neutrality is next.
free press action fund


Well, that was fast. Earlier today we warned you that Trump was coming after Net Neutrality. And now the New York Times and other outlets are reporting that "Net Neutrality is Trump's next target."1 

When asked about this week's vote to roll back broadband privacy rules, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer referenced the FCC's historic vote to safeguard the open internet and said that the president has "pledged to reverse this overreach."

Overreach? What an insult. More than 4 million people, companies, organizations, artists and activists fought for real Net Neutrality and made it happen. And we're not going to let Donald Trump take it away.

Now we know: Trump is coming for Net Neutrality. And this time it's going to take millions more people to save the internet. Every dollar you can give will help us get ready to fight back.  



The New York Times is now reporting Net Neutrality is next.

free press action fund

Chip in $10 today to stop the coming Trump attack on Net Neutrality.


There’s been a massive backlash against congressional Republicans’ attack on broadband privacy.

There’s a crowdfunding effort to pay for the private browsing histories of every member of Congress. The creator of the game Cards Against Humanity has pledged to purchase this data and release it to the public. And Stephen Colbert covered the vote on the Late Show last night, noting that “there is not one person, not one voter of any political stripe anywhere in America who asked for this.”2

But here’s the thing: Late-night talk shows can’t change what happened in Congress. Nor will revenge plots to release the private data of the lawmakers who voted for this. None of this will save us from what’s coming next: a direct attack on the Net Neutrality rules that millions of people fought for and won just a few years back.

But here’s what can save the internet: organizing. Advocacy. Lobbying. Smart legal arguments. Cutting-edge research that exposes the lies and motives of the Comcasts of the world.

Help defeat Trump’s attacks on Net Neutrality. Chip in $10 today.

By working together we can stop the Trump administration from destroying Net Neutrality. And while Trump and his allies in Congress may have won this fight, they should be damn scared by the response. Soon enough they’ll learn what you and I know so well: The public will not stand for attacks on the open internet.

We won Net Neutrality through coordinated, smart, strategic responses to the cable and phone companies’ efforts to lock down the open internet for their own benefit. We won by making a strong legal case that’s holding up in court. We won by organizing rallies and marches and protests and stunts that pressured lawmakers into doing the right thing.

We’ve done it before and we’ll do it again. But we can’t do it without your support.

Your donations ensure that we can immediately mobilize in response to these attacks. And with a hostile administration, we’ll need to work faster and smarter to win.

Chip in $10 today to save Net Neutrality.

Thanks for all that you do—

Candace, Dutch, Lucia and the rest of the Free Press Action Fund team

P.S. We need to fight harder than ever before to save Net Neutrality. We don’t take money from business, government or political parties and rely on the generosity of charitable foundations and people like you to fuel our work. Chip in $10 or more today. Thanks!


1. “Net Neutrality Is Trump's Next Target, Administration Says,” The New York Times, March 30, 2017:

2. “The Scrapping of Internet Privacy: Something We Can All Hate Together,” The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, March 29, 2017:

The Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. The Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at

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