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Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Save cash
Japanese restaurant Miyako slashes bills by 31 percent
Enjoy huge birthday savings at Hyatt Regency Dubai spot
Al fresco films
Seaside cinema coming to the beach in Dubai
Classic movies on the beach every week through October
Expo 2020: The greatest World’s Fair in history
Everything you need to know about the arrival of Expo 2020
Friday feasting
Four reasons to book The City Brunch 
Sponsored: Heaps of fun and even more food at this excellent-value Friday fiesta
The verdict
Soho Garden
While top fun for a night out, this Meydan spot falls short with its new menu
Win a Visa Gift Card worth Dhs2,500 to spend in any mall in Dubai
Win Dhs300 voucher and experience Oktoberfest at Nezesaussi Grill Downtown
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