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Discover what you've been
missing with Snap Focus


Did you know Snapchat has 332 million daily active users¹ with a combined buying power of $4.4 trillion?²


So...what are you waiting for?
It´s time to get Snap Focus certified.


Introducing Snap Focus
Snap Focus is Snapchat´s educational learning portal where everyone from strategists, media planners, buyers and more can learn the ins and outs of the platform and add a new tool to their belt.


What You´ll Learn
Throughout the course, you´ll develop the skills you need to plan, buy, and run effective Snapchat campaigns with a curriculum of lessons to choose from.


Sign into Snap Focus and start learning today




¹Snap Inc. Internal Data Q1 2022
²2021 Global Cassandra Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Those with a monthly income N=12,710 respondents. Cumulative total of average by market. Spending power for the Snapchat Generation was calculated as follows: We obtained the average monthly income for each respondent. The sum of any expenses related to rent or mortgage, debt, insurance, medical expenses/healthcare, spending money given to others, and utilities was subtracted from this average monthly income. We then multiplied each respondent’s average monthly discretionary spending by 12 to obtain their average yearly discretionary spending and averaged these results within each country across the Snapchat Generation.

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