Bitcoin Investment Roars Back to Life and featured posts by Jeffrey Carter, Jeff Bussgang, Nathan Latka, Chris Thompson and more.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Bitcoin Investment Roars Back To Life In The First Quarter (read more)

Forget about a correction, bitcoin-related startups just had their second best fundraising quarter in years. Alex Wilhelm, Editor-in-Chief of Mattermark, takes stock of the industry and concludes that things look all the better now.



From the Investors 

Jeffrey Carter of Hyde Park Angels argues that selling is a learned skill and outlines a number of common mistakes people make when selling in “Sales is Everything

Mahesh Vellanki of Redpoint Ventures continues his series of posts on healthcare, this time examining the interplay between all of the various industry players in “Who Are The Key Players In The Healthcare Industry?


Jeff Bussgang of Flybridge Capital Partners shares slides on how to approach achieving product-market fit and addresses the issue of investor-founder fit in “The Search for Product-Market Fit

Steven Sinofsky of Andreessen Horowitz puts together a list of inventions that were once labeled toys before they became the next big thing in “[…] is a Toy

Boris Wertz of Version One looks back on his entrepreneurial journey in “Stubborn on Vision, Flexible on the Details

Jenny Fielding of Techstars talks about startups in industrial IoT and FinTech, what entrepreneurs should consider when applying to accelerators, and what “traction” really means these days in “Venture Studio Episode 23” (podcast)


From the Operators 

Nathan Latka of Heyo publishes SaaS metrics for multiple companies to help you benchmark how your company is doing against others in “11 SaaS Companies Reveal MRR and Other SaaS Metrics

Chris Thompson of Managed by Q summarizes the template that his company's sales team has used to build a successful lead qualification process in “How to Build A Lead Qualification Process

Jeremy Stanley of Instacart and Data Scientist Daniel Tunkelang answer the why, when, where, and how for founders who are interested in building data science teams in “Doing Data Science Right

Ryan Margoles of Notion offers a number of insider tips for building a great IoT company and product in “An Insider’s Handbook for IoT Startups

Christian Thurston of Gigster explains how writing and programming are both fundamentally creative fields and walks through their similarities in “Why Great Writing Mirrors Great Programming

Katie Sullivan of VENTUREAPP provides guidelines on the training program and timeframe startups should implement for new hires from day one to ongoing learning in The Employee Training Handbook for Startups

Curated with ♥ by Sonia Bhasin and the Mattermark team. 
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