The Chinese VC Market and featured posts by Gil Dibner, Hiten Shah, Alison Daniel, David Cheng, and more.

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Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Taking A Fresh Look At The Chinese Venture Capital Market (read more)

How quickly did China’s venture capital scene grow in the recent bull cycle? Mattermark’s Cheung Ho Yeung charts its growth. Here's the post.



From the Investors

Primary Venture Partners releases their NYC Seed Deal Report for Q2 2016 and finds seed investing in NYC dropped more than 40% for Q2, on both a dollars and deals basis in “Q2 NYC Seed Deal Report: Cloudy with a Chance of Cautious Optimism (report)

Investor, Gil Dibner finds zero slowdown in total Europe and Israel VC funding and compares it to US funding numbers in “2Q16 VC Data for Europe & Israel - the Party Rages On” (report)

David Cheng of DCM Ventures lends his view on why bots shouldn't be built to replace apps, but rather built to replace humans in “Don’t Build a Bot Unless it Replaces a Human

Thomas Grota of Deutschte Telekom AG draws his conclusions on what we will see in the European Venture market in the coming years in “VC Fund Raising in Germany - A Status Quo

Charles Yu of New York Angels provides an in-depth discussion of the recent Lyft sale rumors that also includes a waterfall analysis in “To Acquire a Unicorn


From the Operators 

John-Henry Scherck of DocSend explores how to make email outreach more effective by combining sales triggers with psychological triggers to start meaningful sales conversations in “Here’s How to Use B2B Sales Triggers the Right Way

Hiten Shah of Quick Sprout  thinks about not just marketing or acquiring customers, but building a brand for the long term in “How to Build a Brand from Nothing

Drew Koloski of Upsider covers why it's important for salespeople to take the initiative to track and organize their own individual sales success metrics in "Is Your Sales Job More Data Driven Than Your Sales Career?"

Richard Li of Datawire discusses how adopting microservices is the key to more efficient and reliable cloud application development at startups in “Microservices Essentials for Executives: The Key to High Velocity Software Development

Dave Nevogt of Hubstaff hired his first employee when he was 23, not knowing what he was doing, and walks through his process for now managing an entirely remote team in "We Uncover the System That Lets Us Grow 10% Each Month."

Jim Shook of Dozen Digital identifies when, how and why startups should think about working with outsourced service providers in “Working With an Agency: The Pros and Cons Startups Should Consider

Alison Daniel from NoCMO lists the top Snapchat users to follow for the best startup and marketing advice in “8 People You Should Follow On Snapchat for Marketing, Growth and Startup Advice

Curated with ♥ by Nick Frost.
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