The State of IoT in 2016 and 10 must-read posts by Andy Sparks, Kathy Sacks, Donald Richard, Martin Giles, and more.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

From the Investors

Martin Giles of Wing VC publishes a 43-slide deck that covers IoT M&A trends, winning and losing categories, growth sectors, platformization, and more in “IoT Startup State Of The Union 2016


Kathy Sacks of Sacks Ventures reflects on her ‘beginner’s luck’ of InfusionSoft being her first angel investment and what she’s learned over the past 10 years in “I Fell Into Angel Investing A Decade Ago

Chris O’Donnell of Brooklyn Bridge Ventures encourages founders to not be afraid to make a fundraising ask they know they can handle in “The Bad Advice Diverse Founders are Given Around Fundraising

Alex Clayton of Spark Capital analyzes companies acquired by Salesforce, their reported headcount at time of acquisition, purchase price and revenue multiple where available in “Salesforce M&A in Context

Kyle Poyar of OpenView Venture Partners believes your pricing model could be as much a part of your innovation as your product offering in “Why Do SaaS Companies Still Charge By The User?


From the Operators 

Andy Sparks, Co-Founder of Mattermark announces his decision to leave the company and what he’s working on now in “Leaving Mattermark & What’s Next

Julie Supan of Memery explains why every startup needs to ditch generic platitudes and start speaking to the people who will really care in “What I Learned From Developing Branding for Airbnb, Dropbox and Thumbtack

Dormain Drewitz of Pivotal outlines how data can help your customers take actions based on insights in “Stop Trying to Monetize Your Data

Donald Richard of Coin Labs finds discovery and retention in mobile commerce becoming difficult to secure, and wonders if there any massive market opportunities left in “The Next Great Opportunities in Mobile Commerce

Ada Chen Rekhi formerly of SurveyMonkey accepts that the ‘work’ of product marketing varies at different companies and expands on the common pillars in “What Is Product Marketing?

Stephanie Tilenius of Vida discusses why grit is the unifying theme in her experiences pioneering new industries at Vida, eBay, Google, and PayPal in “33voices Episode 1264” (podcast)

Curated with love by Nick Frost.
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