The History of Chicago VC, Global SaaS Data, and 10 must-read posts by Harry Stebbings, Tomasz Tunguz, Janessa Lantz, Steven Levy, and more.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Funding Chicago Innovation: A Look At Windy City Startup Investors (read more)

In the third installment of a four-part series on Chicago, we take a look at some of the angels and VCs that are funding Chicago’s future.



From the Investors

David Kelnar of MMC Ventures presents the first map of AI startups in the UK and shares six key trends shaping the market in "Artificial Intelligence in the UK: Landscape and Learnings from 226 Startups

Tomasz Tunguz of Redpoint Ventures sees a more encouraging trend of secular growth in almost every single geography and visualizes the data in “Just How Global Is The SaaS Startup Phenomenon?

Harry Stebbings of Atomico highlights advice on the characteristics that “great VCs” should have as a foundation for their success in “What Makes A Great VC, From The Best I Have Met!

Jeffrey Carter of West Loop Ventures thinks that online platforms have given more companies the ability to raise seed capital, but still is not quite sold on the concept in “Are Angels Muscling in on VC’s?


From the Operators 

Clifford Oravec of Tamboo goes deep on building a Minimum Viable Product for fun and profit in “The Epic Guide to Bootstrapping a SaaS Startup from Scratch, Part 3

John Doran of Phorest walks through his insights on how to avoid letting Technical Debt cripple your product in “Technical Debt part 2: Avoiding Technical Bankruptcy

Steven Levy of Backchannel covers Eric Migicovsky, CEO of Pebble, who explains what went wrong at his company and why Fitbit scooped it up in “The Inside Story Behind Pebble’s Demise

Jeff Epstein of Ambassador gives potential (and current) employees a view into his thought process, expectations, and culture at Ambassador in “My “User Manual”

Allan Wille of Klipfolio chats with Nathan Latka of The Top Podcast on why startups should focus on the needs of customers in running their business and be a part of their growth in “The Top - Ep. 506: Allan Wille

Janessa Lantz of HubSpot call for professionals to stop pretending our jobs are irreplaceable and start engaging in the discussion about the potential of a jobless future in “Dear Professionals, It’s Time to Stop Pretending AI Won’t Take Our Jobs

Curated with love by Nick Frost.
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