2015 Tech IPOs Looking Up, Job Openings and featured posts by Lars Dalgaard, Amit Mukherjee, Mark Suster, Tim Chen & more.

The Mattermark Daily is a hand-curated newsletter compiled daily to bring you first-person accounts of entrepreneurship, investment and insights from the startup ecosystem. If you enjoy what you read here, please consider forwarding it to spread the word. Not getting the daily regularly? Click here to subscribe!

Friday, April 1, 2016

2015 Tech IPOs Are Nearly Back To Where They Started (read more)

2015’s tech IPOs are nearly back to where they started. That’s a big improvement.

Alex Wilhelm, Editor-in-Chief of Mattermark, takes a closer look.


Editor's Note: scroll down to discover open sales & marketing positions


Weekly Digest: Top 10 Featured Posts

Lars Dalgaard of Andreessen Horowitz walks through the five areas founders must focus on to build long-lasting, strong companies in “Thoughts on Building Weatherproof Companies

Mark Suster of Upfront Ventures argues in favor of basic planning before starting a company or raising money in “How to Decrease the Odds That Your Startup Fails

Ali Hamed of CoVenture explains why whom you’ve helped is more important than who you know when it comes to getting a job in venture capital in “How to Get Your First Job in Venture Capital

Amit Mukherjee of NEA takes a closer look at the state of the tech financing market at the end of Q1 using data as well as his own observations in “State of the Startup Economy

Adam Besvinick of Deep Fork Capital lists an assortment of commerce-oriented startups he admires and explains why he believes they are building their brands in a thoughtful way in “Startup Brands I Love (and the Founders Behind Them)

David Cancel of Drift shares his process for hiring product managers and what he looks for in “This is Why I Never Hire Product Managers

Ryan Sheffer of Zero Slant organizes his thoughts around how he raised his first round of seed financing and the lessons he learned in “15 Things I Wish I Knew Before Raising A Seed Round

Christian Thurston of Gigster outlines a few things you should keep in mind to make the most out of the experience of working at a startup and how to set yourself up to create the most value in “11 Things To Know About Working At A Rocket Ship Startup

John Saddington from TOMO shares his thoughts on business building in “The Full Stack Founder

Tim Chen of OrderAhead dives into the math to show how tough it is to make the unit economics work when attempting to implement the Uber business model in other industries in “Taking the Wrong Lessons From Uber


The SaaS Metrics That Matter Most and How To Improve Them (read more)

Join SaaS legend Jason Lemkin and Mattermark CEO Danielle Morrill for a live webinar as they discuss the key SaaS metrics and KPIs crucial for meeting your growth goals and how to improve them.

Register Today



Hiring PR For The First Time? Here’s What Should Scare You (read more)

If your startup is looking to hire its first PR firm, former journalist Ed Zitron has the inside-scoop on the red flags to avoid.



Tech Layoffs Slow as Quarter Ends (read more)

Big rounds of tech layoffs have slowed as the quarter closes. Dead cat bounce? Sign of things coming back? 

Mattermark’s Kevin Liu ran the numbers and found a few rays of light to brighten your mood.


Why Investor Diversity is Key to Your Startup's Success (read more)

Today on Mattermark, entrepreneur Eileen Carey takes a look at investor diversity, and how founders should pick their next investor



Startup Job Openings

Mattermark is hiring a Sales Development Representative in San Francisco.

HealthTap is hiring a Marketing & Communications Director in Palo Alto. 

Bizible is looking for a Partner Marketing Manager in Seattle.

TomboyX is hiring a Director of Marketing in Seattle.

Visible is hiring an Account Executive in Chicago.

Muck Rack is looking for a Director of Marketing in New York City.

Managed by Q is hiring an Inside Sales Representative in New York City.

Main Street Hub is hiring an Inside Sales Consultant in Austin.

If you would like to feature a sales or marketing position in next weekend's newsletter, send an email to Sonia Bhasin.

Curated with ♥ by Sonia Bhasin and the Mattermark team.

The Mattermark Daily is a hand-curated newsletter compiled daily to bring you first-person accounts of entrepreneurship, investment and insights from the startup ecosystem. If you enjoy what you read here, please consider forwarding it to spread the word.
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