Sunday, March 5, 2017 features posts by Josh Nussbaum, Tracy Lawrence, Kyle Hille, Mathilde Collin, and more.

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Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Three Main Elements of Building a Repeatable Sales Process

The key to building any process is to break it down into its constituent parts. Each of these parts should be broken down into its “systematic series of actions,” then those actions should be broken down into their component actions. Continue breaking it apart and optimizing until you are at the elemental parts of the process.

Here we’ll go through the three main elements of your sales process, but this shouldn’t be where you stop. You need to continue on and on until you’ve optimized each and every step of your sales funnel.

build repeatable sales process post.jpg

Weekly Digest: Top 10 Featured Posts

Josh Nussbaum of Compound details how certain factors breaking just the right way can lead to the creation of new products in “Disruption vs. Enablement: New Products

David Stein of Leaders Fund offers his playbook for founders to implement “Go to Market Fit” best practices in their own businesses, in order to scale from $10M to $100M in “Go to Market Fit: Achieving Sustainable Growth

Aaref Hilaly of Sequoia Capital provides his survival guide for what to do when you’re unsure of your CEO’s performance, with four lessons, and several pitfalls to avoid in “How To Manage Up and Have A Happy Board -- Even When You Miss A Quarter

Anu Hariharan of Y Combinator’s Continuity Fund goes over the core learnings from her research on network effects, discuss examples, and shares advice for entrepreneurs in “Network Effects

Claire Fauquier of Corigin Ventures advises people cold reaching out for jobs, for networking connections, and for startups looking for funding in “How to Crush the Cold Email Game

Nora Jenkins of Wealthsimple offers her reasons why the Human Resources department just can’t be replaced by an app or steered by someone without experience in “Tech: It’s Time To Grow Up About HR

Tracy Lawrence of Chewse shares a four-step process on how to give regular and constructive employee feedback that set expectations and strike the right tone in “How Chewse Operationalized Transparency — Starting With Salaries

Kyle Hill of HomeHero announces that HomeHero has decided to cease all operations, remove itself from the industry of home care entirely, and hopes to help people understand the forces that led them to this decision in “There’s No Magic in Venture-Backed Home Care

Mathilde Collin of Front explains why she recommends hiring for (what she considered) unnecessary roles earlier vs. later in your startup’s lifecycle in “3 Critical Hires Most Startups Make Too Late

Jeron Paul of Capshare recognizes that coming up with a startup idea that no one else has noticed is daunting, and he goes in detail (4,000 words) to help you find high-potential startup ideas in “Startup Ideas: How the Best Founders Get Them and Why Novelty is Overrated


Why SDRs Need to Care About Sand Hill Road

When someone wins the lottery, they go shopping.

If your SDRs aren’t following the news on who’s next in the funding queue or who just got a series A, then they are seriously dropping the ball.

Here’s why the news from Sand Hill Road should be at the forefront of your sales team’s mind, and how you can make sure it is.



A Product-led Approach to Sales

When approached in the right way, layering in a human sales effort into your product-led business can accelerate growth while maintaining envy-worthy unit economics.

But what should sales look like in a product-led company? The fundamentals of sales remain the same – it’s all about engaging the right people, at the right time, with relevant information.

Here's the who, when, and how of adapting to support a product-led business.


Curated with love by Nick Frost
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