Dear John,

Supporters who give generously but don’t qualify as major donors can too easily fall through the cracks at a lot of nonprofits. How can your nonprofit avoid this mistake, attract midlevel donors, deepen relationships with them, and inspire greater giving over time?

Join the Chronicle of Philanthropy on October 8 at 2 PM ET for the webinar, Cultivate Midlevel DonorsYou'll learn how to make the most of your outreach to these key supporters from two veteran fundraisers:
In this 75-minute session, they’ll explain how to set goals for midlevel giving and craft a customized communications plan for these important donors. Plus, you’ll get real-world examples of appeals and virtual experiences that resonate with midlevel donors.

Can’t make the live event? Register now and watch the session at your convenience.

Qualified participants receive 1.25 CFRE credits.

This webinar is produced with support from iDonate.


Nicole Wallace
Features Editor
Chronicle of Philanthropy
1255 Twenty-Third St. NW
Washington, DC 20037

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