Good morning, Marketer, and back to basics with operations 

Something a little different from marketing operations agency Perkuto this week (see below); a guide to the key points to consider when your MOPs organization is under stress. Interestingly, as author Lindsay DiLemmo points out, much the same points need to be considered when you’re confronting a slowdown.

This reminds me of the clear message which went around B2B marketing in 2020, when some brands were faced with skyrocketing demand for their products or services (for example, anything relevant to remote working), while other pipelines suddenly dried up. In both cases, it was back to the ABM basics — prioritizing key accounts, whether to serve their growing needs or to preserve them as customers until the good times come around again.

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

MOPs Rundown: Maximize your resources during a time of peak capacity

Here are some actionable best practices if you're facing crunch time — or a slow down.

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What it means to be an empowered marketer in today’s digital landscape

How marketers can empower their operations in a digital-first landscape.

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Consumer research differentiates brands this holiday season

Shopping insights reveal the “new normal” shopping trends that may be here to stay – and the tactics leading brands should implement now.

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How to build feedback into your agile marketing workflow

It is important to constantly inspect and adapt and make little tweaks along the way, this chapter from the e-book "MarTech's agile marketing for teams" shows.

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Keep your emails out of the spam folder and in front of your subscribers

Email has long been one of the most reliable marketing channels for getting your messaging in front of your customers. But many obstacles can get between you and your intended recipients. The MarTech Email Marketing Periodic Table will tell you everything you need to know about sending emails that your customers want to receive and that inboxes won’t block from being delivered.

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MNTN launches Creative-as-a-Subscription

The marketing platform for connected TV aims to simplify the ad process.

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More and more, the key to solving critical marketing and marketing ops challenges is marketing technology. But with 7,000+ solutions on the market, finding the right one for your needs can be overwhelming. MarTech makes it easy. Discover dozens of time-saving, profit-boosting solutions and the actionable tactics to effectively leverage them… all in one place, all without leaving your desk, and all for free.

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Email deserves your respect

Email is hardly the newest marketing channel around, but it shouldn't be treated like a commodity. Respect its power.

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  • What we’re reading. 10 books to gift a marketer this holiday season (from LinkedIn Marketing Solutions).
  • The future of work. “Forrester is shifting to an ‘Anywhere Work’ model which gives employees the flexibility to work where it makes sense for them—in the office, at home or somewhere in between. It empowers employees, drives employee engagement and ultimately produces better customer outcomes.” Shweta Argawal, Director, Global Corporate Communications, Forrester

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