IT Modernization; Ukraine's IT Pros Tell Their Stories; Environmental Sustainability and IT

InformationWeek Cloud
April 11, 2022
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Maximize Your Organization's Cloud Budget
Tired of sky-high cloud costs? Here are some suggestions for bringing your cloud spending back down to earth.

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IT Modernization: Ask Not Why, But Why Not?

While cost and efficiency are likely the centerpieces of any company's push towards IT modernization, the other benefits can be hugely important to getting the green light.
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Ukraine's IT Pros Tell Their Stories of Bombing & Business Continuity

'People write in the corporate Slack about their air-raid warnings.' Tech workers tell us how they're using their talents to continue business, protect co-workers, and defend their country during wartime. An InformationWeek Special Report by Richard Pallardy, with contributions from tech journalists from the Ukrainian independent media.
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Sustainability: Is Now the Time for IT to Get Busy?

In 2021, most chief information officers and IT leaders thought they had addressed environmental sustainability -- but 2022 presents another story. Here are six things to focus on if you haven’t already.
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  • Protecting Industrial Control Systems from Modern Threats

    A 2021 attack on an industrial control system (ICS) at a water treatment plant in a small town in Florida raised eyebrows and surfaced new fears about the risks these kind of systems face. Unfortunately, many ICS systems are working on ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Generations in the Workplace: Stereotypes and Facts
Do IT leaders need to treat workers from different generations differently if they want to keep them happy? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
IT Careers: 10 Things IT Leaders Would Tell Their Kids Today
Given that IT is evolving faster than ever, if seasoned IT professionals wanted to guide their offspring in how to prepare for a career in IT now, what would they say? Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Ways IT Can Get Ready for the Metaverse
Sure, IT can master the metaverse. The question is where to start? Well, right here of course … Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
How to Identify and Avoid Crypto Pump-and-Dumps
With less restrictive regulations compared to traditional markets, this same lack of regulation makes cryptocurrency prime pickings for scammers. Read More
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