May 2023 DexNews
Plenus Office Art Completed!

エントランスホールのアートは「明治・大正時代」「昭和時代」「現代」そして「未来」をテーマに、山口謠司、青山ときお、森優、Kazu Tabuの4名のアーティストがそれぞれの時代を担当し制作しました。作品全体には、各時代におけるプレナスの歩みや、時代のモチーフがふんだんに散りばめられています。執務エリアにはTokyoDexによるVision Artワークショップ通して、食について思いを深めて出てきたアイディアをインスピレーションにした、アーティストAlessandro Bioletti のビジョンアートを制作しました。

For Plenus Co., Ltd., the leading company of full-service restaurants such as Hotto Motto, TokyoDex brought together five artists to create custom artworks for their new headquarters in GINZA SIX. These captivating artworks explore the evolution of Japanese food culture and its interwoven relationship with Japanese history.
On the entrance hall wall, Yoji Yamaguchi, Tokio Aoyama, Mori Yuu and Kazu Tabu respectively were in charge of creating artwork depicting different eras from Meiji / Taisho, Showa, the present and the future. Each wall intertwines the rich company history of Plenus with motifs that encapsulate the essence of each era. In the employee space, Alessandro Bioletti created artwork inspired by our Vision Art workshop with Plenus employees.

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We’re Looking for a Bilingual Project Manager!


We’re looking for a Bilingual Project manager! TokyoDex has a unique and forward-thinking culture where each member’s opinion is respected and we make decisions as a team.  Office hours and vacation days are flexible as long as the work gets done and results are delivered.  See the link below for full details in Japanese and don't hesitate to reach out to us if you're interested in having an initial conversation with a member of our team.

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TokyoDex Original Goods 発売中
TokyoDex Original Goods Now on Sale

【T-Shirt】TokyoDex10周年記念グッズとして「Better with Art T-Shirt」を制作しました。美しいレタリングでTokyoDexのテーマである「Better with Art」が描かれたTシャツと共に、たくさんのアートと触れ合う日々をお過ごしください。

【T-Shirt Pair Set】先日発売された商店建築とTokyoDex10周年記念グッズの「Better with Art. T-Shirt」のペアセットです。単品で購入するより¥500お安くなります。


【T-Shirt】To commemorate TokyoDex's 10th Anniverary, we created the "Better with Art" t-shirt. It features the TokyoDex slogan "Better with Art" in beautiful lettering. We hope that you'll spend your days surrounded by great art.
【T-Shirt Pair Set】This is a set of two "Better with Art" t-shirts, which commemorate the recently released special edition of "SHOTENKENCHIKU" magazine and the 10th anniversary of TokyoDex. Take advantage of this opportunity to get your "Better with Art" t-shirt at a 500 yen discount when purchased as a pair. Purchase from the TokyoDex online store and receive a free sticker! 

TokyoDex online store
TokyoDex からのご案内
Update from TokyoDex

TokyoDexは、オフィスアートだけではなく、アートを活用して会社のブランディングや人事に活かす為のワークショップやプロモーションも行っています。ワークショップでは美しい空間を制作するだけではなく、組織のビジョンを視覚的に表現します。また、大規模な壁画から世界にひとつだけのブランド商品まで、幅広いアウトプットも提供しています。詳しくは <> までご連絡ください!

Did you know TokyoDex does more than office art? We also offer a range of workshops and promotions that leverage the power of art for branding and HR initiatives. Our services go beyond just aesthetic considerations as we work with clients to capture their organization's vision through immersive workshops. The output can range from large-scale murals to one-of-a-kind branded merchandise. Drop us a line at <> to learn more!

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