Dear Friends,

Happy May Day! Last year I wrote about how much I loved the tradition of May Day baskets as a child, and when I sat to write again this May I remembered the tradition of the Maypole dance from my kindergarten days. Sadly there aren't many Maypole dances anymore, but the tradition is one that my son was able to enjoy for a couple of years in a Waldorf school program for preschool. It is a beautiful sight to behold these little ones, ribbon in hand, dancing and singing around the Maypole.

Sweet memories such as these can really help when we are feeling blue or unbalanced. Conjuring a memory that brings pleasure is a sure antidote to any feelings we may be having because of all the shifting that is happening in the world. Another very useful tool is meditation. I often wonder what the world would be like if everybody sat in quiet contemplation for 10 to 20 minutes per day. For me it has become essential, and it is as important to me as eating and breathing. When I speak with people about meditation and dig deep with those that don't meditate, I find an underlying common theme--people either don't fully understand what it is or they don't think it will give them benefit. In short, meditation is simply allowing your brain to rest and just be. This is important as the emptiness you have created can then be filled with thoughts that are helpful to you and give your life value. Meditation also teaches you how to be in the present moment, and this is the only place we really should be. It can take some practice to let go of all the busy thoughts, but the wonderful thing about meditation is that there are many ways to do it and I know there is a practice that is just right for you. Once you get started, you will wonder why you didn't start sooner!

Below are four online courses I have selected that are all about meditation:

Meditation for Beginners by Madisyn Taylor. This is an eight-week course by me that will cover all the basics for beginning meditators. I teach many different types of meditation, so you can pick one that works just right for you and also learn about preparing your space, postures, and how to turn off your active brain. Come and explore all aspects of meditation with me. more info

How to Quiet the Mind by Gina Lake. This eight-week course includes exercises, videos, and meditations to help quiet your mind. Explore the truth about your mind and who you really are, detach from the egoic mind, and learn how to experience the "now" and stay there. more info

60 Meditations for Greater Happiness by Gina Lake. In this 60-day online course you will receive a new short meditation, in both written and audio form, set to music. Learn what it means to be truly happy and what interferes with happiness. more info

A Year of Guided Meditations by Dudley and Dean Evenson. This is a 52-week course where you will receive a new, guided meditation each week for a year. Dudley and Dean are lovely humans, and it would be an honor to receive a weekly meditation from them. more info

Thank you, friends, for reading this far, and I hope that if you aren't already a meditator you will take a peek into this wonderful life-enhancing practice. It has truly changed my life, and I can't imagine getting through my day without it. Enjoy this beautiful month of May--give somebody a May Day basket or dance around a Maypole.

Be well,

Madisyn Taylor