Dear VB Reader ,
I’m going to let MobileBeat 2016 attendees explain exactly why you need to get on the floor of MB 2017, coming up fast July 11-12. I’ve picked out some highlights below, but feel free to check out the 2016 video.
There’s networking:
“MB is critical for meeting people. You have like-minded people sharing ideas. It’s crucial.”
“Not a better place I can think of in the last year to meet the right people all in one spot to talk about how to make progress in this space.”
“This conference brought together all the best people and founders in the bot space and AI space and the NLP space. So many great networking possibilities.”
There’s knowledge:
“Most of the people here are at the forefront of this space.”
“I’ve learned a ton about messaging and where the future of bots and AI are headed.”
“I’m going to be taking back to my organization how fast the space is moving to be more intelligent and more engaging.”
“It’s a great opportunity to meet the who’s who in the space, exchange ideas on what’s working, what’s not working, and talk about partnerships.”
And a vision of the future for your business:
“Coming here is an eye-opening experience – learning about what’s coming out in the next year or maybe tomorrow.”
“I was fascinated at the use cases and so excited to try these new products coming out. You can’t help but be excited by this new wave.”
“The attendees are awesome, the content has been really engaging – the future of really innovative consumer experiences. The takeaway is that I’ll definitely be back next year.”
So if you don’t believe us, maybe you’ll consider the wealth of experience and knowledge your peers soaked up last year – and jump on the opportunity to dive in this year. You’ve got less than two weeks left to register, and maybe get your own testimonial immortalized forever in an email.
I’m going in! Registration ahoy!
(Less than two weeks left to register for MB 2017)
Very sincerely yours,
Matt Marshall
Founder & CEO, VentureBeat