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Cannabis Business Times Newsletter
How to Grow Mother’s Milk

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Cannabis Business Times

Breeder’s Brief

How to Grow Mother's Milk (Nepali OG x Appalachia)

How to Grow Mother's Milk (Nepali OG x Appalachia)

Cultivation information for growers, from breeders.

Inequities and Barriers

Minority Cannabis Business Association to Release National Cannabis Equity Report, Digital Research Map

MCBA Executive Director Amber Littlejohn says the data paints a bleak picture of social equity in the industry.


Agnetix: Responsive Agriculture

The Agnetix ZENITH and PHENOM LED lighting platforms are the most efficient and technologically advanced on the market. They address the aspects that cultivators and enterprise-level business owners are most concerned with: the ability to monitor their crops health at a glance – remotely if desired – and energy efficiency.

Click Here to Learn More

THC Regression

Illinois Lawmaker Files Legislation to Limit the Amount of THC in Cannabis Products

The measure, which would cap the amount of THC at 10% for flower and 15% for concentrates, has faced opposition from the state’s dispensaries.

The Ins and Outs

How Stone Road Farms’ Lex Corwin and Blake Kelley Work: Cannabis Workspace

How Stone Road Farms’ Lex Corwin and Blake Kelley Work: Cannabis Workspace

In this installment, CBT presents an up-close look at the tools and habits behind the California operation.

CBT Headlines

Extended Debate

South Carolina Senate Takes Up Medical Cannabis Debate

South Carolina Senate Takes Up Medical Cannabis Debate

The conservative medical cannabis legalization bill faces a tight deadline in both the Senate and the House.

GIE Media, Inc. 5811 Canal Road, Valley View, Ohio 44125

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