TODAY'S TOP STORIES - September 1, 2017

John McCain Takes Aim at Trump in Op-Ed: 'We Are Not His Subordinates'

By Jennie Neufeld, AlterNet

The Arizona senator calls the president "poorly informed" and "impulsive." READ MORE»

Fellow Pastor Unleashes Holy Hell on Joel Osteen for His Disgraceful Response to Hurricane Harvey

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

"You don’t wait to be shamed by strangers, and you don’t make excuses." READ MORE»

Trump Is Downright Miserable, and He's Begun Lashing Out at Top Aides

By Callum Paton, Newsweek

A new report indicates the president is rapidly losing patience with John Kelly and others. READ MORE»

Does Trump's Presidency Signal the Beginning of the End for Liberal Democracy?

By Andrew O'Hehir, Salon

Even the likes of Francis Fukuyama are beginning to wonder. READ MORE»

Robert Reich: Google Is Proof Positive That Big Money Is Poisoning Our Politics

By Robert Reich,

The problem is bigger than the Kochs. Major corporations are silencing their critics in the press. READ MORE»

Let's Stop Pretending Ivanka Trump Ever Gave a Damn About 'Women's Rights'

By Jessica Valenti, The Guardian

The first daughter supports scrapping a plan to help guarantee equal pay. No one should be surprised. READ MORE»

Trump Administration Quietly Removes Sexual Assault Report from White House Website

By wagatwe, DailyKos

Officials took down pages devoted to climate change and LGBT rights earlier this year. READ MORE»

Disturbing Video Captures Out-of-Control Cop Roughing Up a Utah Nurse

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

The nurse had refused to draw blood from an unconscious patient. READ MORE»

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