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For a limited time, each mini-course is 25% off making them the perfect holiday gift for yourself, your family and your friends. Our Maximum Weight Loss Mini-Course teaches you how to lose weight effortlessly and healthfully without being hungry. Mary’s Mini-McDougall Diet® is a simplified version of the McDougall Program, ideal for an introduction to a starch-based diet and to accelerate weight loss. our latest mini-course, McDougall’s Medicine: A Challenging Second Opinion is your comprehensive guide to weight management, the root cause of diabetes, cardiovascular health maintenance, cancer prevention and the facts about essential nutrients. Everyone wants to feel and look their best at every age. Our Aging Gracefully Mini-Course offers practical and easily implemented lifestyle changes that will help you live longer and better - avoid Alzheimer’s, reverse heart disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes and more. The Truth About Food explains the science behind how a whole-food, low-fat, starch-based diet reverses chronic lifestyle diseases. No matter your age, eating well and feeling better is never too late.

Save 25% off our popular Starch Solution Certification Course. Empower yourself with the knowledge to live a healthy life.

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How to Protect Your Kidneys

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For 35+ years, we've empowered people to lose weight, heal and thrive with a starch-based lifestyle.

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