McDougall’s Medicine: AMA
with Dr. John & Mary McDougall

Spend some time getting to know the McDougalls. This Sunday at 5 pm PT Dr. McDougall will talk about diabetes, plus answer your questions about general health. If you’d like to learn more about diabetes before Sunday, watch Dr. McDougall’s recent lecture, Cure Diabetes with These Simple Changes.

Questions can be submitted during Sunday’s livestream or ahead of time to

Watch for Free

“The ability to be at home while doing the program made it work for me. Morning meetup and chats gave a more personal, community feel than just listening to lectures.” - Susan P.

Feel Better Than You Have in Years

90% of participants reduced or eliminated unnecessary medications in less than 2 weeks while eating unrestricted amounts of the right foods. 

Check out what participants have to say about the 12-Day McDougall Program!

This is not simply a 12-day program - we will continue to support you for an entire year and you'll become a McDougall patient for life. We will be there when you need us. Secure your spot today while there's still room. Contact us at to learn more or for help with your registration.

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Book a Consultation
Do you have questions about whether your ailment can be helped, reversed or cured by a change in diet? Book a 25-minute consultation with Dr. Lim, Medical Director of the McDougall Program, and have your general questions answered to find out if our program is right for you. If you decide to join the program, 100% of the consult fee will go towards the program enrollment. After completing the 12-Day McDougall Program, you will become a patient for life and we’ll be there for you to address your personal medical concerns when you need us.
New Patient Consultation
We can only give you general information and not personal medical advice during this initial consultation because we legally cannot give medical advice unless you are a patient of ours.

Learn How to Live Longer and Better with Our New Mini-Course

This brand new mini-course featuring new and exclusive lectures from Dr. McDougall is designed to help you achieve the highest quality of life possible, now and in the future. Even if you haven’t lived a healthy lifestyle or eaten the best diet, it’s never too late to change your habits and experience positive results.

Benefits of this Mini-Course

• Learn how to make informed decisions about your lifestyle to live longer and better

• Improve common diseases like arthritis, heart disease and atherosclerosis, type-2 diabetes, kidney disease, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, depression and more

• Preserve and improve cognitive health by learning the benefits of a good diet for your brain. Other benefits include lower insulin resistance, cholesterol, body weight and blood pressure

• How to avoid pathognomonic senile plaques (present in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients). If you don’t have senile plaques, you don’t have Alzheimer’s disease

• Learn Dr. McDougall’s safe, non-toxic, relatively inexpensive and effective treatments for Alzheimer’s disease patients (that you hardly hear about because it’s not profitable)

• Make the best of your years

Learn More

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