Healthcare CIOs describe their wishes for the incoming president. Among them: National data standards, stronger data security, and continuing efforts to advance technology.

Friday, November 18, 2016


CIOs to Trump: Ditch Meaningful Use
Healthcare CIOs describe their wishes for the incoming president. Among them: National data standards, stronger data security, and continuing efforts to advance technology.


Retail Clinics Don't Reduce ER Visits
Contrary to researchers' expectations, data shows that for low-acuity ailments, the proliferation of retail healthcare clinics across the United States does not reduce patient volumes at hospital emergency departments.
Medical Device Employees Are Often In The OR, Raising Concerns About Influence
Unlike rotating teams of nurses and surgical techs, reps are a consistent presence, often functioning as uber-assistants to surgeons with whom they cultivate close relationships and upon whom their six-figure salaries depend.
5 Things Hospital CEOs Want from Trump
Hospital administrators hope the unexpected election result will bring regulatory relief and no financial headwinds.
Trump May Slow, Not Stop, Transition to Value-based Care
Despite uncertainty around the GOP's promise to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, MACRA and risk-based payment models could remain intact under, says one public policy expert.
Podcast: The GOP's Path To 'Repeal And Replace' May Not Be So Easy
Republicans who have voted for years to repeal the law now have their chance to enact a replacement. Medicare and Medicaid might also see major changes under a GOP-controlled White House and Congress.




FIRST LOOK at Yale New Haven Health System

November 17, 2016 | 1-2:30 PM ET

Yale New Haven Health System in New Haven, CT, drove success-yielding changes within the organization through clinical redesign in each service line that led to achieving a cost-savings of $150 million over a four-year period.

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