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Here’s What Happens if Donald Trump Drops or is Forced Out of Presidential Race

Here’s What Happens if Donald Trump Drops or is Forced Out of Presidential Race

by Rachel Stockman

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Utah Senator Mike Lee Pleads With Trump Via Facebook Video: 'Step Aside, Step Down'

Utah Senator Mike Lee Pleads With Trump Via Facebook Video: 'Step Aside, Step Down'

by Lindsey Ellefson
"You, Sir, are the distraction!" he said in response to Trump's buck-passing apology tonight, during which he claimed that the focus on his past comments is just a distraction that will help Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.
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In 1999, Trump Said He Couldn’t Be President Because of the Women He’d Sleep With

In 1999, Trump Said He Couldn’t Be President Because of the Women He’d Sleep With

by Lindsey Ellefson
"Can you imagine how controversial I’d be? You think about [Bill Clinton] and the women. How about me with the women? Can you imagine?"
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Geraldo Rivera Tells O'Reilly That Leaked Audio Will Put Trump Campaign on 'Life Support'

Geraldo Rivera Tells O'Reilly That Leaked Audio Will Put Trump Campaign on 'Life Support'

by Lindsey Ellefson
O'Reilly, as he had done throughout the evening, tried to downplay the effect of the leaked audio by saying, "Let's see how it plays out. That's speculation."
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Don Lemon Panel Implodes During Trump Tape Segment: Stop Saying Pussy on Air!!

Don Lemon Panel Implodes During Trump Tape Segment: Stop Saying Pussy on Air!!

by Lindsey Ellefson
"You know what, Scottie? Don't tell me you're offended when I say pussy but you're not offended with Donald Trump says it!"
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Don't Laugh at Trump Buying Nancy O'Dell Furniture -- It Shows His 'Move' Was Premeditated

Don't Laugh at Trump Buying Nancy O'Dell Furniture -- It Shows His 'Move' Was Premeditated

by Lindsey Ellefson
Footage of O'Dell reveals that her love for furniture was something Trump could have used to get close to her, meaning his attempt to get her to cheat was planned out.
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BREAKING: Trump Releases Video Statement About Leaked Audio

BREAKING: Trump Releases Video Statement About Leaked Audio

by Lindsey Ellefson
Donald Trump has finally released the video of his apology for his past sexist comments.
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GOP Rep. Wants Trump to 'Do the Right Thing' and 'Step Aside'

GOP Rep. Wants Trump to 'Do the Right Thing' and 'Step Aside'

by Josh Feldman
A Republican member of Congress is now calling for Donald Trump to drop out of the Republican presidential ticket "for the good of the country."
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The Only Way Republicans Can Turn the Billy Bush Chicken Crap into Chicken Salad

The Only Way Republicans Can Turn the Billy Bush Chicken Crap into Chicken Salad

by John Ziegler
One of the flaws in horror films or reality television shows where the villain survives numerous apparent deaths is that, when the anti-hero finally does...
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Maher Unloads on Every 'Whiny Little Bitch' Voting Trump to Make Themselves Feel Better

Maher Unloads on Every 'Whiny Little Bitch' Voting Trump to Make Themselves Feel Better

by Lindsey Ellefson
"They're kindred spirits, these white men sitting at the end of the bar, nursing a gin and tonic because their dick doesn't work anymore and life didn't pan out the way they wanted."
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Maher & Mark Cuban Rip Apart Trump’s Plan to Sleep With Married Woman: ‘Mike Pence, Your Move!’

Maher & Mark Cuban Rip Apart Trump’s Plan to Sleep With Married Woman: ‘Mike Pence, Your Move!’

by Lindsey Ellefson
Obviously, the panel turned their attention to his running mate, who has professed a deep faith in the past.
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'I'm Out': GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz Withdraws Support for Trump Over Audio

'I'm Out': GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz Withdraws Support for Trump Over Audio

by Josh Feldman
Republican Congressman Jason Chaffetz declared tonight that he is officially withdrawing his endorsement of Donald Trump over the audio of sexist 2005 remarks released today.
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Hannity Makes It Clear That 'Nobody's Going to Defend' Trump's Leaked Comments on Women

Hannity Makes It Clear That 'Nobody's Going to Defend' Trump's Leaked Comments on Women

by Lindsey Ellefson
Tonight on Fox News, even Sean Hannity couldn't defend Donald Trump after hearing the leaked audio of what he said about women in 2005.
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New York Times Runs Profile of 'Groper in Chief' Trump

New York Times Runs Profile of 'Groper in Chief' Trump

by Lindsey Ellefson
The NYT piece focuses on testimony from Jill Harth, a woman who -- along with her boyfriend, George Houraney -- did business with Trump in the 1990s.
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After Paul Ryan Says Trump Won't Join Him at WI Event, Campaign Announces Pence Going Instead

After Paul Ryan Says Trump Won't Join Him at WI Event, Campaign Announces Pence Going Instead

by Lindsey Ellefson
Trump says he will be at "debate prep" instead of the event in Wisconsin.
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Rachel Maddow To Chris Hayes, 'We Don't Know' Trump Will Be Nominee 'By End of Weekend'

Rachel Maddow To Chris Hayes, 'We Don't Know' Trump Will Be Nominee 'By End of Weekend'

by Lindsey Ellefson
Obviously, they were referring to the leaked audio of Donald Trump telling Billy Bush in 2005 that famous men can "do anything" to women and that he just can't help kissing the ones he thinks are attractive.
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Paul Ryan Responds to Leaked Trump Audio: 'I Am Sickened'

Paul Ryan Responds to Leaked Trump Audio: 'I Am Sickened'

by Lindsey Ellefson
Everyone has been waiting to see what Paul Ryan will say now that the audio has leaked of Donald Trump talking about groping women and trying to sleep with a married woman a few months after marrying Melania Trump.
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Fox’s Perino Can Hardly Contain Herself as O’Reilly Calls Trump Audio 'Crude Guy Talk'

Fox’s Perino Can Hardly Contain Herself as O’Reilly Calls Trump Audio 'Crude Guy Talk'

by Lindsey Ellefson
George W. Bush's former press secretary looked furious, but contained her anger as she said that yes, this will affect Trump.
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It Looks Like the Trump/Bush Audio Was Leaked to WaPo by Someone Inside NBC

It Looks Like the Trump/Bush Audio Was Leaked to WaPo by Someone Inside NBC

by Lindsey Ellefson
NBC and Access Hollywood were planning to run a segment on the found footage, only to be contacted by WaPo's David Fahrenthold today for comment on the story he was doing on it.
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JUST IN: Married Woman Trump Described in Audio Leak Was Access Hollywood’s Nancy O’Dell

JUST IN: Married Woman Trump Described in Audio Leak Was Access Hollywood’s Nancy O’Dell

by Lindsey Ellefson
So, yeah, Trump talked about O'Dell's refusal to cheat on her husband and slammed her "phony t*ts" to her coworker, Bush.
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Corey Lewandoski On Trump's Lewd Comments: 'We're Not Choosing a Sunday School Teacher Here'

Corey Lewandoski On Trump's Lewd Comments: 'We're Not Choosing a Sunday School Teacher Here'

by Joe DePaolo

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Here’s Some Old Footage of Ivanka Trump Saying Her Dad ‘Is Not a Groper’

Here’s Some Old Footage of Ivanka Trump Saying Her Dad ‘Is Not a Groper’

by Lindsey Ellefson
Contrast that with the audio that came out today of Donald Trump saying he doesn't even wait for permission before kissing attractive women.
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Here Is Billy Bush's Statement on the Leaked Conversation Between Him and Trump

Here Is Billy Bush's Statement on the Leaked Conversation Between Him and Trump

by Lindsey Ellefson
We've been wondering ever since audio leaked of him and Donald Trump discussing grabbing women "by the pussy" what he would have to say about his involvement.
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The New York Daily News Front Page Tomorrow Totally Goes There: 'Grab Them By The P*ssy'

The New York Daily News Front Page Tomorrow Totally Goes There: 'Grab Them By The P*ssy'

by Joe DePaolo
The New York Daily News has had some pretty brutal front pages featuring Donald Trump during this election cycle, but its latest might be the most devastating of all.
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'America Deserves Better': Conservative Pols Speak Out After Crude Audio of Trump Leaks

'America Deserves Better': Conservative Pols Speak Out After Crude Audio of Trump Leaks

by Lindsey Ellefson
Even Kelly Ayotte, who was under fire this week for saying she would "absolutely" call Trump a good role model for kids, spoke out against his comments.
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Who Is NBC's Billy Bush, Besides the Guy Who Talked to Trump About Grabbing Women 'By the P*ssy'?

Who Is NBC's Billy Bush, Besides the Guy Who Talked to Trump About Grabbing Women 'By the P*ssy'?

by Lindsey Ellefson
Although much is being said about his future with NBC now that the lewd footage has leaked, his past with the network is extensive.
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CNN’s Jake Tapper Uses Twitter to Bite Back Against John Podesta Calling Him a ‘Dick'

CNN’s Jake Tapper Uses Twitter to Bite Back Against John Podesta Calling Him a ‘Dick'

by Lindsey Ellefson
Sadly, he found that Hillary for America chairperson John Podesta called him "a dick."
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CNN White House Correspondent: Trump Video May Spell End of Campaign 'This Could Be It'

CNN White House Correspondent: Trump Video May Spell End of Campaign 'This Could Be It'

by Joe DePaolo
CNN's senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta believes that the newly leaked tape in which Donald Trump is caught candidly...
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Trump’s Apology for ‘Grab ‘Em by the P*ssy’ Blames Bill Clinton Somehow

Trump’s Apology for ‘Grab ‘Em by the P*ssy’ Blames Bill Clinton Somehow

by Lindsey Ellefson

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Trump's Lewd Comments on Audio Could be Even More Problematic For NBC's Billy Bush

Trump's Lewd Comments on Audio Could be Even More Problematic For NBC's Billy Bush

by Lindsey Ellefson
While NBC and MSNBC are being careful not to link Bush's former comments to their company too often during this coverage, executives are going to have big decisions to make in the coming weeks.
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Kudos to CNN's Brianna Keilar For Staying Poised Reading Trump's Crude Remarks on the Air

Kudos to CNN's Brianna Keilar For Staying Poised Reading Trump's Crude Remarks on the Air

by Sam Reisman
Donald Trump put cable news hosts in a bit of a bind Friday afternoon.
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'Sick to my Stomach': Kaine Denounces Trump's 'Outrageous' Sex Comments

'Sick to my Stomach': Kaine Denounces Trump's 'Outrageous' Sex Comments

by Joe DePaolo
Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Kaine was quick to pounce on Donald Trump over newly surfaced hot-mic audio from 2005 in which he's bragging about his sexual exploits.
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Watch This Soccer Star's Crazy Attempt to Escape Arrest During a World Cup Qualifying Match

Watch This Soccer Star's Crazy Attempt to Escape Arrest During a World Cup Qualifying Match

by Joe DePaolo
As police chases go, this one doesn't break any records for speed, but it still might be one of the craziest in recent memory.
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Donald Trump Isn’t Alone in Believing ‘Central Park Five’ Are Guilty

Donald Trump Isn’t Alone in Believing ‘Central Park Five’ Are Guilty

by Ronn Blitzer

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How to Watch Cubs-Giants National League Division Series Baseball Game 1 Live Stream Online

How to Watch Cubs-Giants National League Division Series Baseball Game 1 Live Stream Online

by Mediaite TV
Here's how to watch Game 1 of the National League Division Series between the Chicago Cubs and the San Francisco Giants Live Stream Online.
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Family Watches Creepy Footage of Ocean Waves Hit Their Home Via Live Security Cam Left Behind

Family Watches Creepy Footage of Ocean Waves Hit Their Home Via Live Security Cam Left Behind

by J.D. Durkin
Hurricane Matthew has already claimed more than 800 lives.
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Want to See How Producers From MSNBC Talk to Team Clinton Vs. How Fox Producers Do?

Want to See How Producers From MSNBC Talk to Team Clinton Vs. How Fox Producers Do?

by Lindsey Ellefson
Both emails are from April of 2015, which, in retrospect, was part of the halcyon days before Donald Trump turned American politics upside-down.
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Trump Caught on Hot Mic Bragging About Sexual Exploits: 'Grab 'em by the P*ssy'

Trump Caught on Hot Mic Bragging About Sexual Exploits: 'Grab 'em by the P*ssy'

by Sam Reisman
Audio has emerged of Donald Trump chatting in 2005 with frank abandon and often crass detail about his seduction technique, his sexual exploits, and how "You can do anything" with women when you're famous.
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Where's the New Hoodie Chipped Ice Cream to Go With Ben & Jerry's Black Lives Matter Statement

Where's the New Hoodie Chipped Ice Cream to Go With Ben & Jerry's Black Lives Matter Statement

by Crystal Wright
What a crock of political propaganda disguised as a scoop of humanity.
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When Are the Trump/Clinton Presidential Debates?

When Are the Trump/Clinton Presidential Debates?

by Mediaite TV
The Commission on Presidential Debates recently announced the moderators for the events, a difficult task considering the challenge of finding seasoned vets who are unoffensive enough to be seen as objective and fair.
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