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Anonymous Claims Credit for Doxxing Personal Trump Info That's Been Online For a While

Anonymous Claims Credit for Doxxing Personal Trump Info That's Been Online For a While

by Ken Meyer
Members of Anonymous put out a video that claimed to dox Donald Trump's personal information, but most of the contents that they referred to are not actually new.
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Ex-Benghazi Committee Investigator Drops Claims of Anti-Clinton Bias

Ex-Benghazi Committee Investigator Drops Claims of Anti-Clinton Bias

by Alex Griswold
Ex-Benghazi Committee staffer Bradley Podliska lit up the political world last October when he claimed that the committee had a partisan obsession with Hillary Clinton, and that he was fired for not going along with it.
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Bernie Sanders Says He Will Ask Obama to Withdraw SCOTUS Nomination if He Wins

Bernie Sanders Says He Will Ask Obama to Withdraw SCOTUS Nomination if He Wins

by Tommy Christopher
The high-stakes poker game being played over the nomination of a replacement for deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia took an important, if predictable, turn Thursday when one of the leading Democratic candidates for president weighed in on the nomination of DC Circuit Court Chief Judge Merrick Garland.
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Mysterious White Powder, Threatening Letter Sent to Eric Trump in New York City

Mysterious White Powder, Threatening Letter Sent to Eric Trump in New York City

by J.D. Durkin
The letter, which arrived at Eric Trump's 14th Floor apartment in the building, was opened by his wife Lara when white powder fell out of the package. The NYPD, FDNY, and other local law enforcement are still investigating.
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The Daily Show Literally Heckles McConnell Over SCOTUS Obstruction

The Daily Show Literally Heckles McConnell Over SCOTUS Obstruction

by Josh Feldman
The Daily Show tonight mocked Republican obstruction on President Obama's "totes adorbs" Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland.
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WATCH: Man About to Be Sentenced Sings Adele-Themed Apology Song to Judge

WATCH: Man About to Be Sentenced Sings Adele-Themed Apology Song to Judge

by Rachel Stockman

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Fox News Reacts to Report About Michelle Fields Being Dropped from Bolling Show

Fox News Reacts to Report About Michelle Fields Being Dropped from Bolling Show

by Josh Feldman
Fox News is reacting tonight to a report out today about ex-Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields being pulled from her regular role as a panelist on one of their weekend programs.
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Muslim Student Allegedly Attacked by Man Chanting Trump's Name

Muslim Student Allegedly Attacked by Man Chanting Trump's Name

by Josh Feldman
A Muslim student attending Wichita State says that he and a friend were attacked outside a convenience store by someone who was chanting "Trump, Trump, Trump."
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Sanders: GOP Will Pay 'Heavy Political Price' for SCOTUS Obstruction

Sanders: GOP Will Pay 'Heavy Political Price' for SCOTUS Obstruction

by Josh Feldman
Bernie Sanders tonight spoke with Rachel Maddow and went after his Republican colleagues for engaging in blatant obstructionism on President Obama's Supreme Court nominee.
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Hillary; We’ve Done ‘Really Good Job Securing the Border’

Hillary; We’ve Done ‘Really Good Job Securing the Border’

by Josh Feldman
Hillary Clinton said in an interview with an Arizona radio station earlier today that border security isn't as big an issue as Republicans have made it out to be.
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O'Reilly Insists He's Plenty Tough on Trump: I’m 'Demonized' for Treating Him Fairly

O'Reilly Insists He's Plenty Tough on Trump: I’m 'Demonized' for Treating Him Fairly

by Josh Feldman
Bill O'Reilly tonight took great personal offense at suggestions he has not been tough enough on Donald Trump and insisted he's been plenty tough.
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Michele Bachmann: Hillary's the Candidate Who's More in Line with 'Fascist Values'

Michele Bachmann: Hillary's the Candidate Who's More in Line with 'Fascist Values'

by Josh Feldman
Michele Bachmann said during an MSNBC appearance tonight that Hillary Clinton's recent comment about killing coal jobs sounds like it came from a candidate more in line with "fascist values."
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Petraeus Speaks Out: Hillary 'Being Treated Fairly' Over Emails

Petraeus Speaks Out: Hillary 'Being Treated Fairly' Over Emails

by Josh Feldman
David Petraeus, former general and CIA director, is speaking out about the presidential election and Hillary Clinton's emails in a new interview.
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Fox Host: The Irish 'Got Over' Being Denigrated, Don't Shout 'Irish Lives Matter'

Fox Host: The Irish 'Got Over' Being Denigrated, Don't Shout 'Irish Lives Matter'

by Josh Feldman
As Fox's The Five opened today's show talking about St. Patrick's Day, one of the hosts got in a passing remark dissing the #BlackLivesMatter movement.
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Conservatives Against Trump Release Statement Calling for Anti-Trump Unity at Convention

Conservatives Against Trump Release Statement Calling for Anti-Trump Unity at Convention

by Josh Feldman
Earlier today, a group of influential conservative leaders and operatives held a private meeting to discuss efforts to take down Donald Trump and even discuss third-party options if he's the GOP nominee.
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TownHall Posts Despicably Misleading Headline Regarding Sen. Reid and 'Biden Rule'

TownHall Posts Despicably Misleading Headline Regarding Sen. Reid and 'Biden Rule'

by Sam Reisman
Slow clap for the wordsmiths at TownHall, who took nine seconds of video capturing a sarcastic senatorial quip, assiduously evacuated the whole thing of context, and spun it into one despicably misleading headline that demonstrates enormous contempt for readers and for the facts.
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Limbaugh: Trump's Not the One Who's 'Craving Riots,' It's the Media!

Limbaugh: Trump's Not the One Who's 'Craving Riots,' It's the Media!

by Josh Feldman
Rush Limabugh came to Donald Trump's defense today over his comments warning of riots at the convention if he's robbed of the GOP nomination.
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Fox's Stuart Varney Sounded Off on Michelle Obama's New Song and People Weren't Feeling It

Fox's Stuart Varney Sounded Off on Michelle Obama's New Song and People Weren't Feeling It

by Lindsey Ellefson
If you felt like the last line read a little differently than the rest of the post, you're not alone.
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Paul Ryan on Possibility of President Trump: 'We'll Make It Work'

Paul Ryan on Possibility of President Trump: 'We'll Make It Work'

by Josh Feldman
House Speaker Paul Ryan clearly doesn't care much for Donald Trump, but he made it clear today that if Trump becomes president, "we'll make it work."
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NSA Refuses Clinton Secure Phone, She Sets Up Private Server Instead

NSA Refuses Clinton Secure Phone, She Sets Up Private Server Instead

by Christopher White

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Must See: Rep. Elijah Cummings Tears Gov. Snyder Several New Ones Over Flint Crisis

Must See: Rep. Elijah Cummings Tears Gov. Snyder Several New Ones Over Flint Crisis

by Tommy Christopher
Governor Rick Snyder appeared before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Thursday for a hearing on how his administration has handled the Flint water crisis, which resulted in the poisoning of an entire community of children with lead.
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Pro-Sanders Group's Dig at Clinton Winning 'The Confederacy' Sparked a Childish Twitter War

Pro-Sanders Group's Dig at Clinton Winning 'The Confederacy' Sparked a Childish Twitter War

by Lindsey Ellefson
PDA is continuing to issue message on Twitter.
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Rabbis Plan to Boycott Trump's Speech at Pro-Israel Summit

Rabbis Plan to Boycott Trump's Speech at Pro-Israel Summit

by Sam Reisman
A group of rabbis are planning to boycott Donald Trump's speech next Monday at the pro-Israel summit AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).
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Carson: Trump's Plagiarism of My Op-Ed 'Doesn't Bother Me at All'

Carson: Trump's Plagiarism of My Op-Ed 'Doesn't Bother Me at All'

by Ken Meyer
Ben Carson said in a CNN interview yesterday that it doesn't concern him in the slightest that one of Donald Trump's recent op-eds might have been plagiarized from his own.
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Trump, Cruz Exchange Online Fire With Photoshopped Jim Carrey Movie Posters

Trump, Cruz Exchange Online Fire With Photoshopped Jim Carrey Movie Posters

by Josh Feldman
Are you a fan of late 90s/early 00s Jim Carrey comedies? Well, good news, because that's what Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have been exchanging fire over today. Sort of.
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News Station Accidentally Shows Joe Piscopo While Trying to Honor Frank Sinatra Jr.

News Station Accidentally Shows Joe Piscopo While Trying to Honor Frank Sinatra Jr.

by Lindsey Ellefson
Yesterday, Frank Sinatra, Jr. died unexpected before a concert and the media and music worlds rushed to honor his life and legacy.
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O.J. Prosecutor Marcia Clark Grilled Over Possible Romance With Chris Darden

O.J. Prosecutor Marcia Clark Grilled Over Possible Romance With Chris Darden

by Ronn Blitzer

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Ex-Tea Party Candidate O’Donnell Defends Hillary: Sexist Double Standard on ‘Yelling’

Ex-Tea Party Candidate O’Donnell Defends Hillary: Sexist Double Standard on ‘Yelling’

by Josh Feldman
Remember Christine O'Donnell? The tea party candidate infamous for not being a witch? Well, on CNN today, not only did she defend Hillary Clinton, but she basically admitted a Clinton presidency scares her less than a Donald Trump presidency.
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‘He’s Still Young’: A Father and Son Who Disagree About Trump Face Off

‘He’s Still Young’: A Father and Son Who Disagree About Trump Face Off

by Josh Feldman
This afternoon, CNN literally brought on a father and son to argue over Donald Trump.
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Here's Why 'The Biden Rule' Is Complete Crap

Here's Why 'The Biden Rule' Is Complete Crap

by Tommy Christopher
President Obama's nomination of DC Circuit Court Chief Judge Merrick Garland has escalated the fight to replace deceased Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, but it has also elevated Vice President Joe Biden to Supreme Leader of Senate Republicans, apparently.
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Josh Earnest Bashes GOP For Creating the Trump Monster: ‘There Are No Republican Ideas'

Josh Earnest Bashes GOP For Creating the Trump Monster: ‘There Are No Republican Ideas'

by J.D. Durkin
On Thursday, White House press secretary Josh Earnest spoke candidly about the state of the Republican establishment, giving his take on exactly what has gone wrong to result in the current state of their electoral politics.
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Pro-Hillary PAC Throws Trump's Ad Back at Him, Mocks His 'Good Brain'

Pro-Hillary PAC Throws Trump's Ad Back at Him, Mocks His 'Good Brain'

by Sam Reisman
The pro-Hillary Clinton super-PAC Priorities USA released a new video Thursday responding to -- and reversing -- the ad Donald Trump released yesterday.
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Kasich Rips Trump on Twitter for Riot Talk: ‘Unacceptable’ Acceptance of Violence

Kasich Rips Trump on Twitter for Riot Talk: ‘Unacceptable’ Acceptance of Violence

by Ken Meyer
John Kasich finally decided to bite by launching a Twitter offensive on Donald Trump for "accepting" that his supporters will riot if he's not the GOP nominee.
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Former Mizzou Prof Melissa Click Defends Herself in Washington Post Op-Ed

Former Mizzou Prof Melissa Click Defends Herself in Washington Post Op-Ed

by Alex Griswold
In a Thursday op-ed for The Washington Post, fired University of Missouri professor Melissa Click defends herself from the criticism and scrutiny she received after harassing and calling for student "muscle" to block journalists during a campus protest.
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Marco Rubio Emotionally Announces He Will Not Seek Senatorial Reelection

Marco Rubio Emotionally Announces He Will Not Seek Senatorial Reelection

by Lindsey Ellefson
When a reporter asked for clarification, he said, "No. No, I'm not running for reelection to the Senate."
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Lindsey Graham Has Decided He'd Rather Be Shot Than Poisoned

Lindsey Graham Has Decided He'd Rather Be Shot Than Poisoned

by Josh Feldman
Senator Lindsey Graham famously declared in January choosing between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump is like choosing between whether to get shot or poisoned. He has now officially settled on getting shot.
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Tim Cook Responds to Trump's Apple Boycott Threat: 'I Don't Know What He Thinks'

Tim Cook Responds to Trump's Apple Boycott Threat: 'I Don't Know What He Thinks'

by Sam Reisman
Apple CEO Tim Cook was guarded in his response when asked about Donald Trump's calls for a boycott of the company's products, even as he maintained his position in refusing to cave to government pressure.
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Fox's Janice Dean: Trump's Obsession with Megyn 'Disturbing and Not Presidential'

Fox's Janice Dean: Trump's Obsession with Megyn 'Disturbing and Not Presidential'

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump is back to targeting Megyn Kelly and calling her "crazy" now, and at least one of her Fox News colleagues is sick of it.
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Tech Company Hacks a Dildo Because Why Not?

Tech Company Hacks a Dildo Because Why Not?

by Tommy Christopher
It's a nightmare scenario we've all envisioned: you're meeting with an important client, having coffee with your pastor, or leading a parent/teacher conference when suddenly, an unmistakable hum emanates from your top desk drawer. Now, that nightmare has become a terrifying reality, as tech wizards have figured out a way to hack internet-connected sex toys.
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Recounting the Night Keith Richards Almost Pulled a Knife On Donald Trump

Recounting the Night Keith Richards Almost Pulled a Knife On Donald Trump

by Lindsey Ellefson
After the third time Keith Richards pulled out a knife and prepared to go to the press room for a confrontation, so Cohl threatened to cancel the entire pay-per-view performance and told Trump to leave.
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