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Esurance Rolls Out 'Election Insurance' on April Fools' Day to Move You to Canada

Esurance Rolls Out 'Election Insurance' on April Fools' Day to Move You to Canada

by Alex Griswold
The ad features a series of humorous vignettes from a stereotypical snob, hippie, and redneck explaining why they're moving to Canada. "I believe it is my patriotic duty to leave this country and only return when we are back on top," the redneck says.
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Sanders Jokingly Scolds Colbert's Treatment of Staff in Surprise Late Show Appearance

Sanders Jokingly Scolds Colbert's Treatment of Staff in Surprise Late Show Appearance

by Ken Meyer
As Stephen Colbert proceeded through last night's episode of The Late Show, he surprised his viewers with an unexpected visitor: Bernie Sanders.
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Ted Cruz 'Cleverly' Announces Donald Trump Has Accepted His Invitation to Debate

Ted Cruz 'Cleverly' Announces Donald Trump Has Accepted His Invitation to Debate

by Tommy Christopher
Republican presidential contender and Texas Senator Ted Cruz has long been known for showcasing the pop-culture acumen of a MySpace video with a ten-year lag, and on Friday, put that skill to good use. Current frontrunner Donald Trump has previously indicated that he sees no need for further presidential debates with rivals Cruz and Gov. John Kasich (R-OH), but on Friday morning, Cruz found the perfect (for him) way to announce that Trump had had a change of heart.
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Trump Accuses MSNBC of Editing Town Hall Abortion Question, Network Responds

Trump Accuses MSNBC of Editing Town Hall Abortion Question, Network Responds

by Alex Griswold
In an interview with Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor Thursday, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump accused MSNBC of editing down his controversial back-and-forth about abortion in a way that presented his comments out of context.
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Kimmel Reveals Why the Whole Trump Candidacy Has Been the Ultimate April Fools' Prank

Kimmel Reveals Why the Whole Trump Candidacy Has Been the Ultimate April Fools' Prank

by J.D. Durkin
On Thursday night they produced perhaps their sharpest one to date: Donald Trump's Huge Campaign Announcement, a carefully edited video with convincing Trump voiceover revealing what has been really going on behind the scenes of his whole rollercoaster candidacy.
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White Student Confronted Over Dreadlocks: ‘My Hair, My Rules, My Body’

White Student Confronted Over Dreadlocks: ‘My Hair, My Rules, My Body’

by Rachel Stockman

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Police: No Evidence of Sexual Assault at Trump Rally, Pepper Sprayer Still Wanted

Police: No Evidence of Sexual Assault at Trump Rally, Pepper Sprayer Still Wanted

by Alex Griswold
A few days after asking for help finding a man they suspected had committed a sexual assault at a Donald Trump rally, Janesville, Wisconsin police now say there is no evidence that assault happened.
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People Claim Disastrous Consequences With Gmail's April Fools' Prank Gone Wrong

People Claim Disastrous Consequences With Gmail's April Fools' Prank Gone Wrong

by J.D. Durkin
But Gmail quickly removed the prank feature after only a handful of hours in operation, once people began to complain about serious repercussions from using the Send + Mic Drop option.
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Hillary: GOP Just 'Embarrassed' Trump Said What They Really Believe on Abortion

Hillary: GOP Just 'Embarrassed' Trump Said What They Really Believe on Abortion

by Josh Feldman
Democrats eagerly pounced after Donald Trump talked about abortion "punishments" yesterday, and even after Trump backed away from that position, Hillary Clinton is saying she doesn't buy it for one second.
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Dana Loesch Responds to Scolding from Greta Over Lewandowski: This Is About 'Human Decency'

Dana Loesch Responds to Scolding from Greta Over Lewandowski: This Is About 'Human Decency'

by Josh Feldman
Last night, Fox's Greta Van Susteren scolded the 16 prominent women in conservative media demanding Donald Trump fire Corey Lewandowski for convicting him in the court of public opinion. One of those women, Dana Loesch (who regularly appears on Fox), responded to Van Susteren on her show tonight.
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Megyn Kelly Confronts Trump Spox: How Can He Win When So Many Women Disapprove of Him?

Megyn Kelly Confronts Trump Spox: How Can He Win When So Many Women Disapprove of Him?

by Josh Feldman
Megyn Kelly tonight confronted Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson over how Trump is supposed to win the presidency when he has gigantic unfavorables with women.
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Karl Rove: Picking 'Fresh Face' at Convention Could End Up Really Helping the GOP

Karl Rove: Picking 'Fresh Face' at Convention Could End Up Really Helping the GOP

by Josh Feldman
Karl Rove made the case to conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt earlier tonight that nominating a "fresh face" at the GOP convention could do wonders for their presidential aspirations.
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Trump on Abortion Flap: 'Could Be That I Misspoke But This Was a Long Convoluted Subject'

Trump on Abortion Flap: 'Could Be That I Misspoke But This Was a Long Convoluted Subject'

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump appeared on Fox News tonight to defend himself amid the ongoing controversy over his abortion position, saying it was a "long convoluted" topic.
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Limbaugh Confronted by Caller: You're 'Going So Far Out of Your Way... to Defend Trump'

Limbaugh Confronted by Caller: You're 'Going So Far Out of Your Way... to Defend Trump'

by Josh Feldman

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Don’t Be Fooled, No One Knows What’s Going On With Clinton FBI Investigation

Don’t Be Fooled, No One Knows What’s Going On With Clinton FBI Investigation

by Christopher White

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Trump Ally Roger Stone: 'The Big Steal is On,' Tells Supporters to Protest at RNC

Trump Ally Roger Stone: 'The Big Steal is On,' Tells Supporters to Protest at RNC

by Sam Reisman
Roger Stone spoke to Alex Jones on his show Wednesday, and encouraged Trump supporters to rally at the RNC convention in July to prevent the party from stealing the nomination from Trump. "The big steal is on," Stone averred.
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Trump Supporter: Liberal Media Always Uses Abortion to 'Trap' Republicans

Trump Supporter: Liberal Media Always Uses Abortion to 'Trap' Republicans

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump supporter Scottie Nell Hughes said on CNN earlier tonight that Donald Trump fell into yet another liberal media "trap" on the subject of abortion.
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Glenn Beck Sees Something Clintonian in Trump's Response to Michelle Fields

Glenn Beck Sees Something Clintonian in Trump's Response to Michelle Fields

by Josh Feldman
After listening to Donald Trump talking yesterday about Corey Lewandowski and Michelle Fields, Glenn Beck expressed his utter shock at how dismissive the GOP frontrunner has been about this whole thing.
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Why Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski’s Battery Charge May Be Dismissed

Why Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski’s Battery Charge May Be Dismissed

by Richard Hornsby

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Fox's Bolling: Trump Should Have Just Dodged the Abortion Question

Fox's Bolling: Trump Should Have Just Dodged the Abortion Question

by Josh Feldman
Fox News' Eric Bolling recommended today that Donald Trump should have just dodged Chris Matthews' question on abortion instead of talking about "punishment."
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Fiorina Pulls a Reverse Rubio By Trying to Shake her Voters and Delegates to Thwart Trump

Fiorina Pulls a Reverse Rubio By Trying to Shake her Voters and Delegates to Thwart Trump

by Lindsey Ellefson
She recently endorsed Trump's biggest rival, Ted Cruz, so the formal request to have her name taken from the ballot in California indicates that Cruz's campaign believes he will absorb anyone who may have voted for her.
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Conservative Media Watchdog Rips Seth Meyers Bit on Anti-LGBT Laws as ‘Anti-Christian'

Conservative Media Watchdog Rips Seth Meyers Bit on Anti-LGBT Laws as ‘Anti-Christian'

by Sam Reisman
Late Night host Seth Meyers released a biting segment on the anti-LGBT legislation that recently passed the state legislatures in Georgia and North Carolina.
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Hillary Clinton Slams Sanders Campaign 'Lies' in Confrontation With Activist

Hillary Clinton Slams Sanders Campaign 'Lies' in Confrontation With Activist

by Tommy Christopher
Facing a close run against Bernie Sanders in upcoming primary races, former Secretary of State and current Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is beginning to show the bare knuckles of the brawler she needs be to win. Following a campaign rally at the State University of New York Purchase campus on Thursday, Greenpeace activist Eva Resnick-Day asked Hillary if she would reject donations from fossil fuel interests, and Clinton laid into her but good.
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Trump Tweets 'Thank You Wisconsin' for a Poll That Has Him in Second Place

Trump Tweets 'Thank You Wisconsin' for a Poll That Has Him in Second Place

by Josh Feldman
You know how Donald Trump likes to brag about how well he does in polls? Well, today he proudly tweeted out a poll from Wisconsin that, um, does not have him in first place.
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Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson Joins Fox News as Contributor, Will Host Podcast

Duck Dynasty's Willie Robertson Joins Fox News as Contributor, Will Host Podcast

by Josh Feldman
Duck Dynasty star Willie Robertson is officially joining Fox News as a contributor.
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Bikini-Clad Girls Duke it Out in Dramatic Beach Brawl, 3 Arrested (VIDEO)

Bikini-Clad Girls Duke it Out in Dramatic Beach Brawl, 3 Arrested (VIDEO)

by Matt Strong

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It's Time For The Media to Wise Up and Stop Interviewing Katrina Pierson

It's Time For The Media to Wise Up and Stop Interviewing Katrina Pierson

by Tommy Christopher
When Donald Trump descended that escalator and thrust "Mexican rapist" into the American political lexicon, another star was born...
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Pro-Kasich Super PAC's Attack Ad on Cruz Brings Forth the Stuff of Nightmares

Pro-Kasich Super PAC's Attack Ad on Cruz Brings Forth the Stuff of Nightmares

by Josh Feldman
A pro-John Kasich Super PAC has decided to attack Ted Cruz with (and this is a gentle assessment) the stuff of nightmares.
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Trump Hotel Executive Reportedly Charged for Shoving Young Mother

Trump Hotel Executive Reportedly Charged for Shoving Young Mother

by Ken Meyer
Donald Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski might not be the only one of The Donald's men to have been involved in an alleged act of violence anymore.
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Texas Hospice Owner Allegedly Ordered Nurses to Murder Patients

Texas Hospice Owner Allegedly Ordered Nurses to Murder Patients

by Ken Meyer
A hospice owner in Texas is under the FBI's scrutiny for allegedly ordering his employees to hasten the death of his patients in order to make more money.
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Trump Adviser Disputes Calling Michelle Fields a Reporter: 'I Don’t Know What She Is'

Trump Adviser Disputes Calling Michelle Fields a Reporter: 'I Don’t Know What She Is'

by Josh Feldman
During an appearance on MSNBC this afternoon, Donald Trump adviser Barry Bennett disputed the characterization of Michelle Fields as a "reporter."
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BREAKING: Suspect in Virginia Greyhound Shooting Subdued

BREAKING: Suspect in Virginia Greyhound Shooting Subdued

by Lindsey Ellefson
A number of outlets are reporting that there is an active shooter situation at a Richmond, Virginia, bus station.
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Staffers of Color Are Walking Away From the RNC and Rumors Say It's Because of Trump

Staffers of Color Are Walking Away From the RNC and Rumors Say It's Because of Trump

by Lindsey Ellefson
Quarker-Hartsfield has been quiet about her departure, but her team insists that it has more to do with her new job than any dissatisfaction with the RNC.
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Jean-Claude Van Damme Scrubs Facebook After Accidentally Posting Pro-Israel Comment

Jean-Claude Van Damme Scrubs Facebook After Accidentally Posting Pro-Israel Comment

by Sam Reisman
Belgian action icon Jean-Claude Van Damme accidentally set off a firestorm on his Facebook page when he posted "Shalom from Jerusalem, Israel!"
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Fox's Doocy on Trump's Abortion Answer: 'He Only Became a Politician 6 or 7 Months Ago'

Fox's Doocy on Trump's Abortion Answer: 'He Only Became a Politician 6 or 7 Months Ago'

by Josh Feldman
On Fox & Friends this morning, Steve Doocy said that Donald Trump must've flubbed his answer on abortion because he's a political novice.
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Oh Boy: RNC-Bashing Trump Finally to Meet with RNC in Washington

Oh Boy: RNC-Bashing Trump Finally to Meet with RNC in Washington

by J.D. Durkin
On Thursday, the chickens will finally come home to roost as Donald Trump -- the controversial Republican frontrunner who has spent many months publicly bashing the GOP establishment -- will finally meet the RNC leadership in Washington.
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Authorities Arrest Violently Angry Passenger Who Wanted to Do Yoga on Plane

Authorities Arrest Violently Angry Passenger Who Wanted to Do Yoga on Plane

by Sam Reisman
He wanted to do yoga and meditate. But when flight attendants told him to return to his seat, he began screaming that there was no god, and threatening to kill his fellow passengers.
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Diane Feinstein Has to Use Google When Asked Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments

Diane Feinstein Has to Use Google When Asked Hillary Clinton's Accomplishments

by Alex Griswold
When meeting with The San Francisco Chronicle editorial board, Democratic California Senator Diane Feinstein was caught off-guard when asked to name Hillary Clinton's accomplishments when they served together in the Senate.
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The Associated Press is Now Openly Pushing Democratic Talking Points

The Associated Press is Now Openly Pushing Democratic Talking Points

by Alex Griswold
Hey, remember the "War on Women," the election year talking point invented by Democrats in 2012? Well, the Associated Press really wants you to remember it.
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Greta: Conservative Women Who Called for Lewandowski to Be Fired Shot Themselves in the Foot

Greta: Conservative Women Who Called for Lewandowski to Be Fired Shot Themselves in the Foot

by Josh Feldman
Fox News' Greta Van Susteren ended her show last night criticizing the 16 conservative women in media who signed a joint letter demanding Donald Trump fire Corey Lewandowski.
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