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Trump Plans to Force Mexico's Payment of Border Wall by Freezing Money Transfers

Trump Plans to Force Mexico's Payment of Border Wall by Freezing Money Transfers

by Ken Meyer
After months and months of ambiguous promises, Donald Trump has finally presented a method in mind for how he could ever force Mexico to pay for the construction of a wall across the national border.
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UK Student Faces 'Safe Space Complaint' For Raising Her Arms During Debate

UK Student Faces 'Safe Space Complaint' For Raising Her Arms During Debate

by Alex Griswold
A student at the University of Edinburgh faced sanction for violating one of the university's "safe space" policies by raising her arms at a meeting.
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ABC News' Dowd Says Bernie Has Better Shot Than Ted Cruz of Overcoming Delegate Lead

ABC News' Dowd Says Bernie Has Better Shot Than Ted Cruz of Overcoming Delegate Lead

by Tommy Christopher
When they're not chewing over the latest Donald Trump controversy, the political media is hard at work obsessing over "delegate math," which is like regular math mixed with sleeping pills. On Tuesday morning's Good Morning America, ABC News political commentator Matthew Dowd attempted to inject some suspense into the Democratic contest by asserting that insurgent candidate Bernie Sanders has a better chance of overtaking frontrunner Hillary Clinton's lead in pledged delegates than Ted Cruz does of taking the delegate lead from Donald Trump.
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Seth Meyers Takes A Closer Look at Hillary Clinton-Bernie Sanders Fossil Fuel Feud

Seth Meyers Takes A Closer Look at Hillary Clinton-Bernie Sanders Fossil Fuel Feud

by Tommy Christopher
The 2016 Democratic presidential primary has had some difficulty competing with the combination Wrestlemania Steel Cage Match/Fireworks factory fire that is the Republican primary, but some sparks have been flying of late over the issue of campaign contributions from fossil fuel interests. On Monday night's Late Night with Seth Meyers, host Seth Meyers put the whole issue in perspective in his "A Closer Look" segment.
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The Reason Why The Establishment Opposes Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump

The Reason Why The Establishment Opposes Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump

by Doug Wead

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Trevor Noah to Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Is DNC 'Cockblocking' Sanders?

Trevor Noah to Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Is DNC 'Cockblocking' Sanders?

by Josh Feldman
Trevor Noah tonight asked DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz about the current drama happening between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and whether the latter is being "cockblocked" by the party.
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Trump on Delegate Fight: 'I Don't Care About the Rules'

Trump on Delegate Fight: 'I Don't Care About the Rules'

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump is having a bit of a delegate problem lately, but it's okay because he doesn't care.
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Michelle Fields Rips Trump for Lying, Hannity for Not Calling Him on It

Michelle Fields Rips Trump for Lying, Hannity for Not Calling Him on It

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump continued to insist tonight on Fox News that the whole Michelle Fields thing was completely overblown, and Fields fired back at him and his interviewer, Sean Hannity.
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Clinton Campaign Memo: Sanders Camp's Only Path Is to 'Overturn' Will of the Voters

Clinton Campaign Memo: Sanders Camp's Only Path Is to 'Overturn' Will of the Voters

by Josh Feldman
Hillary Clinton's campaign manager posted a campaign memo on Medium earlier today detailing what they believe to be the solid facts about how strong a chance they have to win the Democratic presidential nomination.
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James Carville: Why Are Sanders, Dems Attacking Hillary with Same 'Stupidity' as GOP?

James Carville: Why Are Sanders, Dems Attacking Hillary with Same 'Stupidity' as GOP?

by Josh Feldman
James Carville had quite a lot to say on MSNBC tonight about the increasingly bitter fight amongst Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
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Megyn Kelly Asks Cruz About Rumors That He’s Had Affairs

Megyn Kelly Asks Cruz About Rumors That He’s Had Affairs

by Josh Feldman
During tonight's Fox News town hall, Megyn Kelly asked Ted Cruz about the rumors of him engaging in multiple extramarital affairs.
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O'Reilly: Trump's Rise Being Fueled Largely by 'White Grievance'

O'Reilly: Trump's Rise Being Fueled Largely by 'White Grievance'

by Josh Feldman
Bill O'Reilly opened his show tonight by explaining how Donald Trump's rise is being fueled by "white grievance"––specifically the grievances of older angry white men.
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FBI Director Says He Feels No Pressure to Complete Clinton Investigation Before Democratic Convention

FBI Director Says He Feels No Pressure to Complete Clinton Investigation Before Democratic Convention

by Christopher White

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Bernie Bro Tim Robbins Says Winning South Carolina 'Like Winning Guam' For a Democrat

Bernie Bro Tim Robbins Says Winning South Carolina 'Like Winning Guam' For a Democrat

by Tommy Christopher
Actor and Bernie Sanders supporter Tim Robbins angered a lot of Democrats Monday when, while introducing Senator Bernie Sanders at a rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin, he said that Hillary Clinton's win in the South Carolina was insignificant because "winning South Carolina in a Democratic primary is about as significant as winning Guam."
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Trump Wants to Act 'Unpresidential' for as Long as He Can

Trump Wants to Act 'Unpresidential' for as Long as He Can

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump riffed a bit in Wisconsin this afternoon about people telling him he should be more presidential.
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Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Agree to CNN Debate in Brooklyn Next Week

Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders Agree to CNN Debate in Brooklyn Next Week

by Josh Feldman
CNN announced tonight that the network will be hosting a Democratic presidential debate in Brooklyn with both Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.
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Police Reportedly Investigating Death Threats Made to Michelle Fields

Police Reportedly Investigating Death Threats Made to Michelle Fields

by Josh Feldman
Being in the public spotlight has not exactly been the most pleasant experience for former Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields, and now she's had to call the police after someone made threats against her life.
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U.S. Library of Congress No Longer Allowed to Use Term ‘Illegal Alien’

U.S. Library of Congress No Longer Allowed to Use Term ‘Illegal Alien’

by Rachel Stockman

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The White House Issues Comment on Petition Calling for Trump's Arrest

The White House Issues Comment on Petition Calling for Trump's Arrest

by Josh Feldman
While we were all slogging through April Fool's Day, the White House responded last Friday to a petition demanding Donald Trump be arrested.
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Elizabeth Banks Launched a Platform For Established and Up-and-Coming Female Comedians

Elizabeth Banks Launched a Platform For Established and Up-and-Coming Female Comedians

by Lindsey Ellefson
She recently transferred all of her own videos over to the site, which aims to give a broader reach to other funny women.
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Former DHS Official: ‘Very Real Probability’ Asian Intelligence Services Read Unsecured Clinton E-Mails

Former DHS Official: ‘Very Real Probability’ Asian Intelligence Services Read Unsecured Clinton E-Mails

by Christopher White

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'I Will Not Take Back the Truth': Kesha Rejects Offer for 'Freedom' from Dr. Luke

'I Will Not Take Back the Truth': Kesha Rejects Offer for 'Freedom' from Dr. Luke

by Ken Meyer
In the newest chapter in her struggles with Sony Music, Kesha says that she turned down a deal that would have released her from her working contract with music producer she has accused of raping her.
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WATCH: Trump Holds Third Campaign Rally of the Day in Milwaukee, WI

WATCH: Trump Holds Third Campaign Rally of the Day in Milwaukee, WI

by Mediaite TV
In his last campaign event for Monday, Donald Trump will try to lock up Wisconsin primary voters with a rally tonight at the Milwaukee Theatre.
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NY’s Sen Schumer Orders Investigation Into Forthcoming Gun Meant to Look Like An iPhone

NY’s Sen Schumer Orders Investigation Into Forthcoming Gun Meant to Look Like An iPhone

by Lindsey Ellefson
After revealing that over 4,000 people have already pre-ordered the gun "for nefarious purposes," he asked The Daily News, "What's Next? A gun made to look like a chocolate bar?"
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Blitzer to Trump Spox: Aren't Attacks on GOP Establishment Backfiring?

Blitzer to Trump Spox: Aren't Attacks on GOP Establishment Backfiring?

by Josh Feldman
Wolf Blitzer spoke with Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson and basically pointed out that the GOP frontrunner's attacks on the Republican establishment may be backfiring.
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Mediaite Originals: Sarah Palin's Bizarre Ramble in Milwaukee Highlight Package

Mediaite Originals: Sarah Palin's Bizarre Ramble in Milwaukee Highlight Package

by J.D. Durkin
Even on Morning Joe Monday, Joe Scarborough noted, "Halfway through her speech, did you ask if you stumbled into some bad acid?" and John Heilemann went straight for the gut you betcha: "Let’s say it was not a fully coherent speech."
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IRS Building Evacuated After Fire Breaks Out in Basement

IRS Building Evacuated After Fire Breaks Out in Basement

by Josh Feldman
The Internal Revenue Service building in D.C. was evacuated this afternoon after a fire broke out in the basement.
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Trump Said He Wants Government Employees to Sign NDAs So They Can't Talk About Him

Trump Said He Wants Government Employees to Sign NDAs So They Can't Talk About Him

by Lindsey Ellefson
In a Trump White House, federal government employees would ideally sign NDAs, said Trump this weekend in an interview with The Washington Post.
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Fox's Outnumbered Beat All Cable Shows to Be #1 in 25-54 Demo on Friday

Fox's Outnumbered Beat All Cable Shows to Be #1 in 25-54 Demo on Friday

by Mediaite Staff
The Fox News noon program Outnumbered did something pretty remarkable this past Friday: taking the #1 spot in the demo, ahead of other Fox News programs and its CNN and MSNBC competitors.
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Bernie Sanders New Mark Ruffalo Video Borrows From Ron Paul

Bernie Sanders New Mark Ruffalo Video Borrows From Ron Paul

by Tommy Christopher
Hoping to counter the total media saturation of Donald Trump and capitalize on momentum from his recent victories, Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign is rolling out a series of web videos, the first of which features Bernie Sanders supporter and actor Mark Ruffalo and an eerily familiar-sounding slogan.
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NY Observer Editor Gave Trump Input on AIPAC Speech, Observer Issues Statement

NY Observer Editor Gave Trump Input on AIPAC Speech, Observer Issues Statement

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka––who recently gave birth––is married to Jared Kushner. Kushner owns the New York Observer, and that publication has come under some scrutiny over one of its editors giving Trump input on his AIPAC speech.
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Take a Guess Which Country's Flag Was Flown From Trump's New Hotel as a Prank

Take a Guess Which Country's Flag Was Flown From Trump's New Hotel as a Prank

by Ken Meyer
You only get one, but one is probably all you need.
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Those Pro-Trump White Nationalist Robocalls Are Back — Now in Wisconsin (AUDIO)

Those Pro-Trump White Nationalist Robocalls Are Back — Now in Wisconsin (AUDIO)

by Sam Reisman
"Donald Trump "will respect all women and will help preserve Western civilization. If you vote for Donald Trump, he will be a fine president."
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So MSNBC Just Basically Hijacked Part of Fox News' Cruz Town Hall

So MSNBC Just Basically Hijacked Part of Fox News' Cruz Town Hall

by Josh Feldman
So something pretty awkward happened this morning: a big chunk of a Fox News town hall ended up airing on MSNBC.
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Trump Responds to Obama Saying He Doesn't Know Anything About the World

Trump Responds to Obama Saying He Doesn't Know Anything About the World

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump sat down for an interview with former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson and responded to President Obama basically insulting him on the world stage.
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LAPD Shows Up In Riot Gear to Crowd Yelling ‘F— Donald Trump,’ Only It’s Not a Protest

LAPD Shows Up In Riot Gear to Crowd Yelling ‘F— Donald Trump,’ Only It’s Not a Protest

by Ronn Blitzer

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Rapper Azealia Banks: Sarah Palin Should Be Gang-Raped by Black Men

Rapper Azealia Banks: Sarah Palin Should Be Gang-Raped by Black Men

by Alex Griswold
Rapper Azealia Banks went on a Twitter rant against former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Twitter Sunday, saying Palin should be forced to undergo a series of crude and humiliating sex acts with black men.
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ICYMI: Steve Buscemi Played John Kasich In A Skit About Hating the Movie Fargo

ICYMI: Steve Buscemi Played John Kasich In A Skit About Hating the Movie Fargo

by Lindsey Ellefson
Colbert appeared as the battle-worn and flamboyant Blockbuster employee who was tasked with feeding old VHS tapes into a grinder.
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‘Sheer Idiocy’: Ben Stein Goes Ballistic on Trump for ‘Horrifying’ Economic Ignorance

‘Sheer Idiocy’: Ben Stein Goes Ballistic on Trump for ‘Horrifying’ Economic Ignorance

by Josh Feldman
Economist and Bueller-dropper Ben Stein basically used every single synonym of the word "insane' to describe his reaction to Donald Trump's vision (or lack thereof) on the economy.
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Greg Gutfeld Calls Out Fox Colleagues Greta and Hannity for Softball Trump Interviews

Greg Gutfeld Calls Out Fox Colleagues Greta and Hannity for Softball Trump Interviews

by Alex Griswold
Following Donald Trump's Sunday night Fox town hall, Fox host Greg Gutfeld not-so-subtly criticized his colleagues Greta Van Susteren and Sean Hannity for giving interviews he didn't think were sufficiently tough.
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