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Report: Trump’s Charitable Donations Only a Small Fraction of What He Claims

Report: Trump’s Charitable Donations Only a Small Fraction of What He Claims

by Ronn Blitzer

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President Obama Calmly Explains Why Brexit Doesn't Mean Trump Will Win

President Obama Calmly Explains Why Brexit Doesn't Mean Trump Will Win

by Tommy Christopher
In the aftermath of the United Kingdom's vote to leave the European Union, the media has pushed hard at the narrative that the same anger and frustration about foreigners that fueled that vote could be a sign that the candidacy of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump could ultimately succeed. In an interview with NPR's Steve Inskeep that was apparently filmed by a myopic film studies undergrad, President Obama attempted to allay some of those fears by acknowledging some of the similarities between Britain and the United States, but also some key differences.
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Benghazi Report: Even State Dept Officials Were Horrified by Susan Rice's TV Appearances

Benghazi Report: Even State Dept Officials Were Horrified by Susan Rice's TV Appearances

by Alex Griswold
Then-U.N. Ambassador and current National Security Advisor Susan Rice was lambasted by Obama administration critics when she went on all five Sunday morning shows in the wake of the 2012 Benghazi attack and blamed a YouTube video for the attack. But included in the newly-released Benghazi Committee report is the revelation that even within the Obama administration, State Department officials were flabbergasted by Rice's appearances.
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Kimmel Debuts New Trump Hotels Commercial: 'We're Really, Really Sorry About Everything'

Kimmel Debuts New Trump Hotels Commercial: 'We're Really, Really Sorry About Everything'

by J.D. Durkin
It's touch to work for a Trump hotel in 2016.
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Report: Obama Skipped Intelligence Briefing the Day After Benghazi Attacks

Report: Obama Skipped Intelligence Briefing the Day After Benghazi Attacks

by Alex Griswold
According to the upcoming report from the House Benghazi Committee, President Barack Obama skipped his daily intelligence briefing the day after the Benghazi attacks.
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Sam Bee Says Brexit Shows the Importance of Trump Losing 'In a F*cking Landslide'

Sam Bee Says Brexit Shows the Importance of Trump Losing 'In a F*cking Landslide'

by Ken Meyer
Samantha Bee explained last night that the United Kingdom's decision to leave the European Union is a warning that Donald Trump can, in fact, win the American election through the power of nationalist rhetoric.
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'I Want an Apology From Gays!' Catholic League's Donohue, Cuomo Spar Over Pope's Comments

'I Want an Apology From Gays!' Catholic League's Donohue, Cuomo Spar Over Pope's Comments

by J.D. Durkin
And it got worse from there.
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Dems Mistakenly Reveal Absurd Amount of Money Clinton Friend Got For ‘Consulting’

Dems Mistakenly Reveal Absurd Amount of Money Clinton Friend Got For ‘Consulting’

by Rachel Stockman

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Everything's Totally Great in Rio You Guys: Man With Water Bucket Tries to Extinguish Olympic Torch

Everything's Totally Great in Rio You Guys: Man With Water Bucket Tries to Extinguish Olympic Torch

by J.D. Durkin
Proenca was arrested at his home shortly after the incident, and charged with intent to cause material harm.
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Al Qaeda Advises Followers to Kill Whites, Avoid Targeting Minorities

Al Qaeda Advises Followers to Kill Whites, Avoid Targeting Minorities

by Alex Griswold
In the most recent edition of Insipire magazine, published by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, the terror group urges its U.S. followers to avoid targeting minorities in domestic terror attacks.
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Trump's Newest Senior Advisor Deletes Hysterical History of #SleazyDonald Tweets

Trump's Newest Senior Advisor Deletes Hysterical History of #SleazyDonald Tweets

by J.D. Durkin
As a top operative for the Cruz campaign, he regularly bashed Trump, who at the time was their fiercest primary rival.
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Trump’s Attorneys Point Finger at Clinton Email Lawsuit in Trump University Case

Trump’s Attorneys Point Finger at Clinton Email Lawsuit in Trump University Case

by Rachel Stockman

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Bill Kristol Isn't Ready to Leave the GOP Like George Will Did

Bill Kristol Isn't Ready to Leave the GOP Like George Will Did

by Josh Feldman
Bill Kristol made it clear today that unlike George Will, he has no plans to leave the Republican party.
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Stick Figures Get Brutally Dismembered, Killed in LA Metro PSAs

Stick Figures Get Brutally Dismembered, Killed in LA Metro PSAs

by Josh Feldman
LA Metro officials clearly had some, er, disturbing ideas in mind when they concocted their latest safety campaign.
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'Good Riddance': Huckabee Slams George Will for Leaving the GOP, Rejecting Trump

'Good Riddance': Huckabee Slams George Will for Leaving the GOP, Rejecting Trump

by Ken Meyer
Mike Huckabee is saying that conservatives like George Will who are still #NeverTrump are false Republicans who should hurry up and get lost.
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O'Reilly on George Will Leaving the GOP: Does Anyone Care?

O'Reilly on George Will Leaving the GOP: Does Anyone Care?

by Josh Feldman

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Limbaugh: Hillary as Nominee Shows Democrats 'Don't Care How Corrupt Their Leaders Are'

Limbaugh: Hillary as Nominee Shows Democrats 'Don't Care How Corrupt Their Leaders Are'

by Josh Feldman
Rush Limbaugh said today that Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee is proof that the entire party has stopped caring about whether their leaders are corrupt.
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Tucson TV Reporters Charged After Their Four-Month-Old Child Allegedly Ingests Cocaine

Tucson TV Reporters Charged After Their Four-Month-Old Child Allegedly Ingests Cocaine

by Lindsey Ellefson
Lisaius' bio has been removed from the website of his employer, KOLD. The future of the couple is unclear, but at least the baby is expected to make a full recovery.
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EX-NFL Player: I've Had Speaking Engagements Cancelled Because I Support Trump

EX-NFL Player: I've Had Speaking Engagements Cancelled Because I Support Trump

by Josh Feldman
Retired football player Herschel Walker told TMZ Sports today that his public support of Trump has lost him speaking engagements.
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Conservative Watchdog Files Ethics Complaint Against House Dems for Sit-In

Conservative Watchdog Files Ethics Complaint Against House Dems for Sit-In

by Sam Reisman
The conservative watchdog group Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT) has filed a complaint against House Democrats for their sit-in last week, alleging that the Democrats violated protesting a lack of action on gun control.
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Is Google Getting Ready to Run Public Transit?

Is Google Getting Ready to Run Public Transit?

by Sam Reisman
Google's parent company, Alphabet, is running a secret project to take over public transit in cities across America, according to a report in The Guardian published Monday.
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Glenn Beck Slams CNN's Amanpour Over Brexit Coverage: 'Stop Dividing!'

Glenn Beck Slams CNN's Amanpour Over Brexit Coverage: 'Stop Dividing!'

by Josh Feldman
Glenn Beck scolded CNN's Christiane Amanpour today for repeatedly invoking "xenophobia" in discussing the views of the pro-Brexit campaign.
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Trump Spox Gives Truly Confusing Interview on Muslim Ban: It’s Not About All Muslims!

Trump Spox Gives Truly Confusing Interview on Muslim Ban: It’s Not About All Muslims!

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson appeared on CNN earlier this evening and gave a truly confusing interview attempting to explain the particulars of the Muslim ban policy.
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Undercovered: Alleged Genocide in Myanmar, and the World is Silent

Undercovered: Alleged Genocide in Myanmar, and the World is Silent

by Sam Reisman
The persecution endured by the Rohingya in Myanmar since 2012, when local Buddhists began relegating them to refugee camps, has become classifiable as a genocide.
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Top UK Pol: 'Putin Behaved in a More Statesman-Like Manner Than Obama' Amid Brexit

Top UK Pol: 'Putin Behaved in a More Statesman-Like Manner Than Obama' Amid Brexit

by Josh Feldman
One of the top United Kingdom politicians who pushed for the Brexit really went after President Obama for meddling today.
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Hamilton Fans Use #Ham4StoptheSham on Twitter to Celebrate Supreme Court Ruling

Hamilton Fans Use #Ham4StoptheSham on Twitter to Celebrate Supreme Court Ruling

by Lindsey Ellefson
The tweets featured applicable lyrics and choreography from the musical about the life of Alexander Hamilton. Some called for the Senate to vote on President Barack Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court.
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Guess How Many Dems, GOPers Are Dissatisfied With the Nominees They Got Stuck With

Guess How Many Dems, GOPers Are Dissatisfied With the Nominees They Got Stuck With

by Josh Feldman
Wanna take a guess how many Republicans and Democrats are dismayed that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are their standard-bearers?
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The Three Worst Parts of Thomas’ Dissent in the Texas Abortion Case

The Three Worst Parts of Thomas’ Dissent in the Texas Abortion Case

by Elura Nanos

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Memo to George Will, Bill Kristol, and All GOP 'Never-Trumpers': Good Riddance!

Memo to George Will, Bill Kristol, and All GOP 'Never-Trumpers': Good Riddance!

by Matt Schneider
While many continue to greet Donald Trump’s hostile takeover of the Republican party with hysteria, confused as to why anyone could support him...
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Hillary: 'I've Thought a Lot About' People Saying I'm Untrustworthy

Hillary: 'I've Thought a Lot About' People Saying I'm Untrustworthy

by Josh Feldman
Hillary Clinton today addressed the criticism that a lot of voters have for her––she's simply untrustworthy.
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CEO Of Largest Private Prison Corporation Says He’ll Be ‘Just Fine’ With Trump or Clinton

CEO Of Largest Private Prison Corporation Says He’ll Be ‘Just Fine’ With Trump or Clinton

by Lindsey Ellefson
That sort of jaded thinking represents the distrust that has propelled outsiders like Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders to the tops of polls over the last few months.
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Scott Brown Challenges Elizabeth Warren to Take a DNA Test

Scott Brown Challenges Elizabeth Warren to Take a DNA Test

by Lindsey Ellefson
Response to the suggestion from Brown, who ran and lost in New Hampshire after being defeated by Warren, have not been entirely kind.
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Anti-Trump Conservative Challenges Trump to a 'Real Fight' and to Prove That He's a 'Badass'

Anti-Trump Conservative Challenges Trump to a 'Real Fight' and to Prove That He's a 'Badass'

by Sam Reisman
Steve Deace, the conservative #NeverTrump stalwart and erstwhile Ted Cruz campaign surrogate, appeared on MSNBC Monday to challenge Donald Trump to prove that he's a "badass" and open up the Republican National Convention.
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This Is Really The Actual Advice Sarah Palin Gave For Trump's VP Selection

This Is Really The Actual Advice Sarah Palin Gave For Trump's VP Selection

by Tommy Christopher
If there's been a common theme to the Republican presidential election campaign, aside from overt racism, it has been lowered expectations, and it doesn't get any lower than the ones proposed by former future Vice President Sarah Palin for this year's running mate. During a fun-filled panel at this weekend's Politicon convention, Palin was asked to weigh in on the qualities that presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump ought to look for in a potential vice-presidential pick.
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'Vile': The Daily Show’s SCOTUS Abortion Tweet Stirs Up Some Twitter Outrage

'Vile': The Daily Show’s SCOTUS Abortion Tweet Stirs Up Some Twitter Outrage

by Josh Feldman
The Daily Show tweeted a joke about the Supreme Court's abortion ruling today that is going over, um, not so well.
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Dems’ Benghazi Report Exonerates Hillary Clinton and President Obama

Dems’ Benghazi Report Exonerates Hillary Clinton and President Obama

by Ronn Blitzer

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Andrea Mitchell Says Hillary and Warren 'Did Seem Like Magic on That Stage'

Andrea Mitchell Says Hillary and Warren 'Did Seem Like Magic on That Stage'

by Tommy Christopher
Monday morning saw the first-ever appearance of Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton tag-teaming it on the stump, and at least one journalist was impressed. Longtime NBC News correspondent and host of MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports Andrea Mitchell probably exploded a few conservative media watchdog heads when she introduced former White House adviser Anita Dunn by observing that " it did seem like magic on that stage."
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Fox News Dominates All Other News Outlets on Facebook

Fox News Dominates All Other News Outlets on Facebook

by Josh Feldman
You might not be aware of this if your media/Facebook diet is more liberal, but Fox News is actually the most-engaged news outlet on Facebook.
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Democrats' Benghazi Report Includes More Trump References Than Two of the Dead Americans

Democrats' Benghazi Report Includes More Trump References Than Two of the Dead Americans

by J.D. Durkin
The sprawling report from the Democrats includes one peculiar fact hidden deep within its 339 pages.
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President Obama Stacks Cheerios and Makes a Friendship Bracelet in Video for BuzzFeed

President Obama Stacks Cheerios and Makes a Friendship Bracelet in Video for BuzzFeed

by Josh Feldman
President Obama has participated in a goofy BuzzFeed video before, but somehow his new one out today ups the ante in some big ways.
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