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ESPYs Stunningly Give 'Best Play' Award to Undeserving Nominee -- and Everyone Knew It

ESPYs Stunningly Give 'Best Play' Award to Undeserving Nominee -- and Everyone Knew It

by J.D. Durkin
The ESPYs are a joke and ESPN is a money-obsessed media powerhouse.
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Ebony Editor Isn't Sure Killing White People Should Be Considered a 'Hate Crime'

Ebony Editor Isn't Sure Killing White People Should Be Considered a 'Hate Crime'

by Alex Griswold
CNN contributor and former FBI agent Steve Moore wasn't buying the argument.
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TV Host Regrets Calling Dallas Killer a 'Martyr': 'I Wish I Had Chosen Another Word'

TV Host Regrets Calling Dallas Killer a 'Martyr': 'I Wish I Had Chosen Another Word'

by Ken Meyer
Mediaite founder Dan Abrams has been guest hosting Dr. Drew's show on HLN this week, and last night, he
engaged in a tough exchange with Kalyn Chapman James over her Facebook video calling the Dallas cop killer a "martyr."
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Report: FBI Agents Signed Special Secrecy Agreement for Clinton Email Investigation

Report: FBI Agents Signed Special Secrecy Agreement for Clinton Email Investigation

by Rachel Stockman

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Bill Maher 'Understands' Dallas Cop-Killer: 'I'm Surprised Somebody Did Not Fire Back Sooner'

Bill Maher 'Understands' Dallas Cop-Killer: 'I'm Surprised Somebody Did Not Fire Back Sooner'

by Tommy Christopher
On Wednesday night's Hardball, comedian and Real Time host Bill Maher kicked off a full hour with Chris Matthews by discussing the murders of five police officers in Dallas, and the police killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile that preceded that attack.
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Scarborough Jabs at Fox's Baier For Softball Trump Question: 'That's Some Hard Interviewing!'

Scarborough Jabs at Fox's Baier For Softball Trump Question: 'That's Some Hard Interviewing!'

by J.D. Durkin
"My boy Bret Baier really had to pull that one out of Trump, didn't he?" joked Scarborough in referenced to Baier's sit-down with the GOP nominee yesterday.
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'Enough is Enough': NBA Superstars Open ESPY Awards With Stirring Address to End Violence

'Enough is Enough': NBA Superstars Open ESPY Awards With Stirring Address to End Violence

by J.D. Durkin
"The racial profiling has to stop. The shoot-to-kill mentality has to stop."
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Transgender Woman Charged With Illegally Filming Teen Girl in Dressing Room

Transgender Woman Charged With Illegally Filming Teen Girl in Dressing Room

by Chris White

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New York Post Cover Calls Out Ruth Bader Ginsburg Bias in Hilarious Fashion

New York Post Cover Calls Out Ruth Bader Ginsburg Bias in Hilarious Fashion

by Lindsey Ellefson
The New York Post memorialized her scrappy week on the front lines of the national Trump debate with this cover, which you'll see tomorrow morning on all the newsstands.
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‘You Can’t Have a War on Drugs; You Can Only Have a War on People’: CNN Townhall on Race Gets Real

‘You Can’t Have a War on Drugs; You Can Only Have a War on People’: CNN Townhall on Race Gets Real

by Lindsey Ellefson
Neill Franklin, who works with Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, explained that the so-called "war on drugs" makes tense relationships between police and people of color possible by giving more reasons for cops to interact with black people.
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WATCH: Newt Gingrich Plays With... Well, See For Yourself

WATCH: Newt Gingrich Plays With... Well, See For Yourself

by Lindsey Ellefson
He's visiting Versailles from the comfort of a $12 cardboard box.
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WATCH: Reporter Playing Pokémon GO Walks Right Through Live Weather Broadcast

WATCH: Reporter Playing Pokémon GO Walks Right Through Live Weather Broadcast

by Lindsey Ellefson
o, seriously: Millions of people are playing it across the country. It became a sensation overnight and shows no sign of slowing down.
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The New York Observer Doesn't Want Your Open Letters About Trump

The New York Observer Doesn't Want Your Open Letters About Trump

by Lindsey Ellefson
The ban seems like an interesting move, given that Holiday's letter was one urging his father not to vote for Trump in the general election and the Observer famously endorsed Trump last April.
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Megyn Kelly and D.L. Hughley Battle: 'The Only Place Racism Doesn't Exist Is Fox News!'

Megyn Kelly and D.L. Hughley Battle: 'The Only Place Racism Doesn't Exist Is Fox News!'

by Lindsey Ellefson
It all started when Hughley informed Kelly that he hadn't been aware Fox contributor Mark Fuhrman (of O.J. Simpson trial fame) was going to be speaking prior to his segment.
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HLN Guest Compares Dallas Cop Shooter to Kid Who Finally Punches Playground Bully

HLN Guest Compares Dallas Cop Shooter to Kid Who Finally Punches Playground Bully

by Lindsey Ellefson
Dan Abrams tried to stop Spirit from saying what she was saying, but she continued, imploring him, "Hear me!"
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Trump to Announce Winner of His Veepstakes This Friday

Trump to Announce Winner of His Veepstakes This Friday

by Lindsey Ellefson
All the speculation about who Donald Trump will choose as a running mate is going to end on Friday!
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Maher Is Tired of the Double Standard That Lets Trump Get Away With Saying Racist Things

Maher Is Tired of the Double Standard That Lets Trump Get Away With Saying Racist Things

by Lindsey Ellefson
Maher sighed and said, "I am so tired of the two standards in this election, that he can get away with all this stuff and Hillary Clinton cannot. There are two standards."
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Maher Defends Police: Without Them, 'This Country Would Look Like That Movie, The Purge'

Maher Defends Police: Without Them, 'This Country Would Look Like That Movie, The Purge'

by Lindsey Ellefson
He pointed out that police culture needs work, which is a stance held by plenty of movement leaders.
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Trump Says He Has No Intention of Pivoting to a More 'Controlled, Presidential' Mode

Trump Says He Has No Intention of Pivoting to a More 'Controlled, Presidential' Mode

by Sam Reisman
Asked if he was planning to "pivot" from his loose, improvisatory campaigning style to a more controlled, presidential mode, Donald Trump said, "I don't think so. I want to be myself. It got me here."
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Trump Doesn't Mind That GOP Platform Is More Socially Conservative Than Him

Trump Doesn't Mind That GOP Platform Is More Socially Conservative Than Him

by Sam Reisman
In an interview with Fox's Bret Baier that aired Wednesday evening, presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump dismissed the fact that the GOP platform had taken a hard lurch to the right on social issues.
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Yale Students Rally Behind Employee Arrested for Destroying Window Depicting Slaves

Yale Students Rally Behind Employee Arrested for Destroying Window Depicting Slaves

by Rachel Stockman

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For Good Measure, Here’s Philando Castile’s Permit to Carry a Gun

For Good Measure, Here’s Philando Castile’s Permit to Carry a Gun

by Lindsey Ellefson
Straight from the Hennepin County sheriff, there is the confirmation that Castile had a permit for his weapon.
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Undercovered: Mothers and Newborns Who Can't Leave The Hospital Until Debts Are Paid

Undercovered: Mothers and Newborns Who Can't Leave The Hospital Until Debts Are Paid

by Sam Reisman
In maternity wards across Nigeria women and their newborn children are forbidden from leaving the hospital until their debts are paid.
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Coulter Says She Always Doubted Allegations of Ailes' Harassment Because No One Ever Sued...

Coulter Says She Always Doubted Allegations of Ailes' Harassment Because No One Ever Sued...

by Lindsey Ellefson
Well, now that Carlson has filed a suit, does this mean Coulter is inclined to believe the allegations?
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Report: Sean Hannity Personally Flew Newt Gingrich to Meet Trump

Report: Sean Hannity Personally Flew Newt Gingrich to Meet Trump

by Sam Reisman
Fox host and Trump enthusiast Sean Hannity allowed Newt Gingrich to take his private jet to a meeting with Donald Trump, CNN reports.
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Stars, They’re Just Like Us: Actor Tituss Burgess Leaves Furious and Hilarious Yelp Review

Stars, They’re Just Like Us: Actor Tituss Burgess Leaves Furious and Hilarious Yelp Review

by Lindsey Ellefson
As you can see, Burgess logged onto Yelp after a day's worth of texting back and forth with someone at a moving company who the actor claims wouldn't come do his job until a Yelp review was posted. Well, the mover got his wish!
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Why Hillary Clinton Will Not be Charged for Lying to Congress — Even Though She Did

Why Hillary Clinton Will Not be Charged for Lying to Congress — Even Though She Did

by Chris White

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Kate Middleton NOT Pregnant And Due On Christmas, Despite Report

Kate Middleton NOT Pregnant And Due On Christmas, Despite Report

by Gossip Cop

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I Was Called a 'Racist' on TV Proving Why the Media Blows Race Cases

I Was Called a 'Racist' on TV Proving Why the Media Blows Race Cases

by John Ziegler
We might lose our gig, or not be invited back on television. In the eye of the average media personality, THAT would be a REAL tragedy...
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No, Rachel Maddow Is Not 'Prepping for a Possible Trump Presidency' by 'Studying Hitler'

No, Rachel Maddow Is Not 'Prepping for a Possible Trump Presidency' by 'Studying Hitler'

by Sam Reisman
Joe Concha filed a blog post in The Hill Wednesday morning claiming that MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow was preparing for a Donald Trump presidency by studying Adolph Hitler.
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Former Trump Aide Told Journalist Corey Lewandowski and Hope Hicks Were 'Secret Lovers'

Former Trump Aide Told Journalist Corey Lewandowski and Hope Hicks Were 'Secret Lovers'

by Alex Griswold
A week before the news broke that Donald Trump was suing a former staffer for going to the press about an alleged affair between two unnamed Trump staffers, a journalist reported that another former staffer tried to convince him that former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and press secretary Hope Hicks were secret lovers.
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Jedidiah Bila Defends Ailes Amid Harassment Allegations: 'If Anything He's Dad-ish With Me'

Jedidiah Bila Defends Ailes Amid Harassment Allegations: 'If Anything He's Dad-ish With Me'

by Lindsey Ellefson
Bila countered that by defending him a little more but Behar delivered a succinct blow with, "Not for nothing, Jed, but you're not blond. If this is true, he likes blond women."
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Dem Congressman Alan Grayson Tells Trump to 'STFU' About Justice Ginsburg

Dem Congressman Alan Grayson Tells Trump to 'STFU' About Justice Ginsburg

by Tommy Christopher
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's feud with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg just became a three-way, as firebreathing Democratic Florida Congressman Alan Grayson jumped into the fray on Wednesday. Justice Ginsburg has been critical of Trump in several interviews, which prompted the real estate mogul to tweet that Ginsburg's "mind" must be "going."
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Well, It's Happening: David Duke Considering Congressional Run

Well, It's Happening: David Duke Considering Congressional Run

by Lindsey Ellefson
He hasn't quite decided yet, but should he choose to run before the ballot deadline of July 22, he'll be taking on Rep. Steve Scalise.
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Former Trump U Instructor Admits: 'We Were Bringing in the Money'

Former Trump U Instructor Admits: 'We Were Bringing in the Money'

by J.D. Durkin
"I was told to promote and sell the Trump University packages and the packages they were offering," Harris admitted.
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Watch the 406 Times Hillary Nodded During Sanders' Endorsement Speech

Watch the 406 Times Hillary Nodded During Sanders' Endorsement Speech

by Ken Meyer
During her appearance with Bernie Sanders yesterday, Hillary Clinton seemed to be either giving her neck muscles a five-minute workout or doing her best impression of a bobblehead.
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Pierson: CNN Lets Black Lives Matter Off Easy Compared to Tea Party

Pierson: CNN Lets Black Lives Matter Off Easy Compared to Tea Party

by Sam Reisman
Trump national spokesperson Katrina Pierson accused CNN and the other major news networks of giving more favorable coverage to Black Lives Matter than to the Tea Party.
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Donald Trump Seeks $10 Million From Former Campaign Aide For Confidentiality Breach

Donald Trump Seeks $10 Million From Former Campaign Aide For Confidentiality Breach

by J.D. Durkin
The suit in question allegedly deals with a breach of a confidentiality agreement.
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Journalists Call Out Clinton for Hypocrisy After She Criticizes Trump's Relationship with Press

Journalists Call Out Clinton for Hypocrisy After She Criticizes Trump's Relationship with Press

by Alex Griswold
After Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton attacked her Republican rival Donald Trump for his heavy-handed treatment of the...
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School District Says Students Acted ‘Carelessly’ When Allegedly Sexually Abused By Teacher

School District Says Students Acted ‘Carelessly’ When Allegedly Sexually Abused By Teacher

by Ronn Blitzer

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