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Former Fox Guest 'Terrorism Analyst' Sentenced to Prison For Faking CIA Cred

Former Fox Guest 'Terrorism Analyst' Sentenced to Prison For Faking CIA Cred

by Tommy Christopher
Sixty-two year-old Wayne Simmons was once a frequent and strident guest "terrorism expert" for Fox News, until he was arrested and charged with fraud for faking his CIA and military credentials for personal gain. Well, Simmons' transition from Fox News green room to federal prison cell is now complete, as a federal judge sentenced Simmons on Friday to 33 months in federal prison for his crimes.
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Mike Pence’s Pay-to-Play Problem

Mike Pence’s Pay-to-Play Problem

by Mediaite Staff

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Trump VP Pick Pence Addresses His Past Denouncement of Muslim Ban

Trump VP Pick Pence Addresses His Past Denouncement of Muslim Ban

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump VP pick Mike Pence gave his first interview since being added to the ticket with Sean Hannity tonight, and he addressed his past criticisms of the Muslim ban.
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Jon Stewart Will Join Stephen Colbert During Live Coverage of the Republican Convention

Jon Stewart Will Join Stephen Colbert During Live Coverage of the Republican Convention

by Ken Meyer
The stars are about to align for old fans of The Daily Show who wish Jon Stewart was still there to cover the 2016 election.
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Frank Luntz Battles Maher Over the GOP: You’re Demonizing Because It's 'Good for a Laugh'

Frank Luntz Battles Maher Over the GOP: You’re Demonizing Because It's 'Good for a Laugh'

by Josh Feldman
GOP pollster Frank Luntz really set Bill Maher off tonight when he attacked the host for cracking jokes instead of engaging in serious discussion.
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Turkish President Erdogan: Coup Organizers 'Will Pay a Heavy Price for Their Treason'

Turkish President Erdogan: Coup Organizers 'Will Pay a Heavy Price for Their Treason'

by Josh Feldman
After speaking to the country via FaceTime and flying around, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan returned to the Ataturk airport to deliver more comments on the attempted military coup.
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Ex-State Dept Official: Turkey Shows This Is 'Not a Time for Beginners’ in the White House

Ex-State Dept Official: Turkey Shows This Is 'Not a Time for Beginners’ in the White House

by Josh Feldman
A former Under Secretary of State said on MSNBC tonight that Turkey and other recent international horrors shows the importance of steady leadership in the White House this campaign season.
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Military Storms Into CNN Turk Studios, Abruptly Shuts Down Broadcast

Military Storms Into CNN Turk Studios, Abruptly Shuts Down Broadcast

by Josh Feldman
In the midst of its attempted coup, members of the Turkish military stormed into CNN Turk to take control of the broadcast.
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O'Reilly on Turkey: ‘This Is What Happens’ When the U.S. Steps Back and ‘Doesn’t Lead’

O'Reilly on Turkey: ‘This Is What Happens’ When the U.S. Steps Back and ‘Doesn’t Lead’

by Josh Feldman
Bill O'Reilly called into his own show tonight to react to the attempted military coup in Turkey only a day after the attack in Nice, France.
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Undercovered: Court to Consider Whether Muslim Custom Violates Women's Rights

Undercovered: Court to Consider Whether Muslim Custom Violates Women's Rights

by Sam Reisman
India's Supreme Court will consider whether or not certain Islamic laws that pertain to marriage and divorce violate women's rights.
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WH Statement on Turkey: 'All Parties Should Support the Democratically-Elected Government'

WH Statement on Turkey: 'All Parties Should Support the Democratically-Elected Government'

by Josh Feldman
The White House issued a statement on the call between President Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry over the attempted military coup in Turkey.
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CNN Airs Footage of Shots Ringing Out on the Streets of Turkey

CNN Airs Footage of Shots Ringing Out on the Streets of Turkey

by Josh Feldman
As the chaos in Turkey continued into the night, CNN broadcast live footage of shots being fired on the streets in Istanbul.
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High-Ranking Trump Supporter Sends Threat to Anti-Trump GOP Delegate

High-Ranking Trump Supporter Sends Threat to Anti-Trump GOP Delegate

by Lindsey Ellefson
You can bet that this convention, with its speakers, threats, and all-around hype, is going to be one that won't be forgotten for a long, long time.
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Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube Get Blocked in Turkey Amid Chaos

Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube Get Blocked in Turkey Amid Chaos

by Josh Feldman
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube were all blocked in Turkey during the attempted military coup tonight.
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American Media Runs Barrage of Negative Stories On Dr. Phil After He Files $250 Million Defamation Claim

American Media Runs Barrage of Negative Stories On Dr. Phil After He Files $250 Million Defamation Claim

by David Bixenspan

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As Turkey is Seized With Fear, Social Media Is Alight With Jokes, Dumb Comments

As Turkey is Seized With Fear, Social Media Is Alight With Jokes, Dumb Comments

by Lindsey Ellefson
Are we so used to seeing violence play out across our timelines that we are no longer shocked into silence by anything?
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The President of Turkey Makes Statement on Coup via FaceTime

The President of Turkey Makes Statement on Coup via FaceTime

by Josh Feldman
If you want another idea of just how crazy things are getting un Turkey right now, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered a statement via FaceTime.
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Man Reportedly Wielding a Machete Arrested at Vigil for Nice

Man Reportedly Wielding a Machete Arrested at Vigil for Nice

by Josh Feldman
A vigil in France for the Nice victims was briefly interrupted by a man apparently threatening people with a machete.
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Kerry Offers Brief Comment on Turkey: We Hope for 'Continuity and Peace'

Kerry Offers Brief Comment on Turkey: We Hope for 'Continuity and Peace'

by Josh Feldman
Secretary of State John Kerry happened to be holding a press conference as more and more reports of a coup emerged from Turkey.
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WATCH LIVE: Coverage of Ongoing Coup in Turkey

WATCH LIVE: Coverage of Ongoing Coup in Turkey

by Mediaite TV
There is an apparent coup going on in Turkey right now, and a lot of what's happening is still unclear.
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Clinton’s Lawyer Rips Into Judicial Watch For Wanting to Depose Her Under Oath

Clinton’s Lawyer Rips Into Judicial Watch For Wanting to Depose Her Under Oath

by Rachel Stockman

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Prince Harry Gets Tested for HIV on Facebook Live to Encourage Others to Test, Too

Prince Harry Gets Tested for HIV on Facebook Live to Encourage Others to Test, Too

by Lindsey Ellefson
This is like an updated version of Katie Couric's infamous on-air colonoscopy.
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D.L. Hughley Reportedly Cancelled Fox Appearance After Megyn Kelly Face-Off

D.L. Hughley Reportedly Cancelled Fox Appearance After Megyn Kelly Face-Off

by Josh Feldman
Comedian D.L. Hughley was apparently set to appear on Fox Business Network last night, but cancelled at the last minute.
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Military Coup in Turkey; Armed Forces Declare Martial Law

Military Coup in Turkey; Armed Forces Declare Martial Law

by Sam Reisman
Reports are coming in of gunfire in the Turkish capital city of Ankara and closures of major bridges in Istanbul, while witnesses are reporting seeing low-flying jets and helicopters passing over both cities.
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Heavy-Hitting Celebrities Join Together to List #23Ways Black Americans Can Die by Police

Heavy-Hitting Celebrities Join Together to List #23Ways Black Americans Can Die by Police

by Lindsey Ellefson
Creating choppy videos of seconds-long clips of celebrities demanding accountability and change is nothing new.
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Infamously Secret 28 Pages from 9/11 Report Have Finally Been Released

Infamously Secret 28 Pages from 9/11 Report Have Finally Been Released

by Josh Feldman
The infamous secret "28 pages" of the 9/11 Commission Report have finally been declassified and released for public consumption (though not without some noticeable redactions).
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'That Thing Has to Come Down’: Yale Employee Destroys Racist Stained Glass Window

'That Thing Has to Come Down’: Yale Employee Destroys Racist Stained Glass Window

by Lindsey Ellefson
As it turns out, students have been trying to have something done about the lingering reminders of racism all over campus for quite some time.
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Obama Denounces Gingrich Muslim Comments: 'The Very Suggestion is Repugnant'

Obama Denounces Gingrich Muslim Comments: 'The Very Suggestion is Repugnant'

by Alex Griswold
During a White House address Friday, President Barack Obama not-so-subtly called out former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich for his comments suggesting that every Muslim in the U.S. should be questioned and/or deported.
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'F**k ABC!': More Reactions to ABC News' President Obama Town Hall on Race and Police

'F**k ABC!': More Reactions to ABC News' President Obama Town Hall on Race and Police

by Tommy Christopher
ABC News' Thursday night special "The President and the People: A National Conversation" got off to a rocky start before it even aired, as Erica Garner, activist and surviving daughter of the late Eric Garner, staged a disruption at the end of the taping to protest being denied a promised opportunity to ask a question on-air. The special itself was shot through with so many glaring and often offensive flaws that I couldn't fit them all into four posts on the subject, not even close.
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Peter King Defends Muslim Surveillance: You Don’t Go Looking for the KKK in Harlem

Peter King Defends Muslim Surveillance: You Don’t Go Looking for the KKK in Harlem

by Josh Feldman
In the wake of the attack in Nice, Congressman Peter King continued to make his long-standing push for more surveillance of Muslim communities.
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ABC News’ Obama Town Hall on Race and Police Violence Completely Ignores the Solution

ABC News’ Obama Town Hall on Race and Police Violence Completely Ignores the Solution

by Tommy Christopher
On Thursday night, ABC News aired a town hall event with President Obama (one which had been taped prior to the attack in Nice that killed at least 80 people) that was billed as a "national conversation" on race and policing, and even by the low standards evoked by that mission, the special was a nearly total failure, for reasons too numerous to name.
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Ex-Romney Advisor: I Commiserated With Pence About How 'Unacceptable' Trump Is

Ex-Romney Advisor: I Commiserated With Pence About How 'Unacceptable' Trump Is

by Josh Feldman
Without saying his name directly, a former Mitt Romney advisor said on Twitter today that he and Mike Pence once chatted about how "unacceptable" Donald Trump is.
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Tom Brady Gives Up on Appeal, Will Serve Four Game Suspension for DeflateGate

Tom Brady Gives Up on Appeal, Will Serve Four Game Suspension for DeflateGate

by Ken Meyer
New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady announced today that he will be sitting out for the first four games of the next football season.
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MSNBC's Roberts: Maybe Nice Attacker Was Just Crazy, Wanted to ‘Challenge Society'

MSNBC's Roberts: Maybe Nice Attacker Was Just Crazy, Wanted to ‘Challenge Society'

by Alex Griswold
MSNBC's Thomas Roberts had an interesting take on the Nice terror attack Friday, wondering aloud whether the killer of 84 people was only mentally ill and wanted to "challenge society" by driving a truck through a crowed Bastille Day celebration.
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Katy Perry Releases Song For Olympics As If Rio Isn't in Total Shambles

Katy Perry Releases Song For Olympics As If Rio Isn't in Total Shambles

by Lindsey Ellefson
The song is catchy. It's the sort of pop song that revitalizes a summer in mid-July and gives a push for revelers to keep cruising toward fall. The video is nice. Sure. Whatever.
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CNN Reports Trump Asked Aides Last Night If He Could 'Get Out of' Picking Pence

CNN Reports Trump Asked Aides Last Night If He Could 'Get Out of' Picking Pence

by Josh Feldman
All the reports yesterday said Donald Trump was going with Mike Pence as veep, but it turns out he may have been trying to get out of it.
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Judge Under Fire After Refusing to Officiate Secular Wedding

Judge Under Fire After Refusing to Officiate Secular Wedding

by Alberto Luperon

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Newt Gingrich Backtracks, Says We Shouldn't Deport Muslim Citizens

Newt Gingrich Backtracks, Says We Shouldn't Deport Muslim Citizens

by Alex Griswold
After backlash over his suggestion that everyone of "Muslim background" should be questioned by the authorities, former Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich clarified Friday that his comments did not extend to U.S. citizens.
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Teenage Boys Get Themselves Trapped in Underground Caves Searching for Pokemon

Teenage Boys Get Themselves Trapped in Underground Caves Searching for Pokemon

by Sam Reisman
A group of teenagers in South West England had to be rescued after trapping themselves in an underground cave complex 100 feet below ground while searching for Pokemon.
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'Released From the Hostage Situation': Christie Mocked on Twitter for Losing Trump VP Nod to Pence

'Released From the Hostage Situation': Christie Mocked on Twitter for Losing Trump VP Nod to Pence

by Ken Meyer
Chris Christie lost his chance to become Donald Trump's running mate today, and the Twitterverse had a field day as they called it the latest moment of his self-inflicted humiliation.
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