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Priebus Insists There Is Now 'No Religious Test' in Trump's Muslim Ban

Priebus Insists There Is Now 'No Religious Test' in Trump's Muslim Ban

by Josh Feldman
There's been so much confusion recently about whether Donald Trump has changed the parameters of his Muslim ban, but RNC Chair Reince Priebus says everything is completely fine.
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Tapper Presses Kerry: It Doesn’t Look Like ISIS Is Really 'On the Run'

Tapper Presses Kerry: It Doesn’t Look Like ISIS Is Really 'On the Run'

by Josh Feldman
Secretary of State John Kerry said on CNN this morning, in reacting to the attack in Nice last week, that it's clear ISIS is under pressure and "shrinking." But Jake Tapper confronted him on how many people certainly don't see it that way.
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Trump Goes on Tweetstorm Against Clinton, 'Pocahontas' Warren, and CNN

Trump Goes on Tweetstorm Against Clinton, 'Pocahontas' Warren, and CNN

by Josh Feldman
Ahead of the Republican National Convention––kicking off tomorrow––presumptive nominee Donald Trump is doing his normal tweetstorm schtick.
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Scott Baio Says He'll Be Speaking at the Republican National Convention

Scott Baio Says He'll Be Speaking at the Republican National Convention

by Josh Feldman
One of Donald Trump's biggest celebrity supporters is Scott Baio––of Happy Days and Charles in Charge––and he said on Fox News last night that he's been invited to speak at the Republican National Convention this week.
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Guess Who Will Be Blamed If There is Chaos in Cleveland

Guess Who Will Be Blamed If There is Chaos in Cleveland

by Doug Wead

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Lesley Stahl Grills Pence: How Can You Support Trump if You Hate Negative Campaigning?

Lesley Stahl Grills Pence: How Can You Support Trump if You Hate Negative Campaigning?

by Ken Meyer
CBS previewed a brief segment of their interview with Donald Trump and Mike Pence, where the Indiana governor was asked an aspect of Trump that he showed deep disagreement with before he became the mogul's running mate.
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Muslim Columnist Reacts to Gingrich on Fox News: 'How Are You Going to Test Me?'

Muslim Columnist Reacts to Gingrich on Fox News: 'How Are You Going to Test Me?'

by Ken Meyer
"Every time this happens, all Muslims are dehumanized.
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Someone Spray Painted ‘Kill Cops’ at the Baltimore Museum of Art

Someone Spray Painted ‘Kill Cops’ at the Baltimore Museum of Art

by Alberto Luperon

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#ThingsHillaryWillNeverHave Prompts Major Slams on Clinton From the Right and the Left

#ThingsHillaryWillNeverHave Prompts Major Slams on Clinton From the Right and the Left

by Ken Meyer
There's a new political hashtag going around this Saturday, and it's giving Hillary Clinton's critics every incentive to blast her online and say she'll never have the presidency...or a lot of other things.
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Gingrich: Obama 'Disqualified' From Calling My Remarks Repugnant After 'Eight Years of Failure'

Gingrich: Obama 'Disqualified' From Calling My Remarks Repugnant After 'Eight Years of Failure'

by Ken Meyer
Newt Gingrich hit back on President Obama on Friday as he continues to defend himself for his proposal that Muslims should be forced to undergo a religious test.
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GOP Legislator Says Hillary Should be 'Hung' on National Mall for 'Treason, Murder'

GOP Legislator Says Hillary Should be 'Hung' on National Mall for 'Treason, Murder'

by Ken Meyer
On Friday night, a member of the West Virginia House of Delegates tweeted that Hillary Clinton ought to be publicly hung on outside the United States Capitol in Washington D.C.
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You Can Carry Assault Weapons Outside GOP Convention, But Not Toy Guns

You Can Carry Assault Weapons Outside GOP Convention, But Not Toy Guns

by Tommy Christopher
Despite the GOP's pro-gun positions and insistence that more guns make people more safe, attendees of this week's Republican National Convention are barred from carrying firearms into the convention center, but Cleveland officials confirmed this week that because of the state's open carry laws, firearms can be carried in the public areas surrounding the convention site.
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'Two Small, Insecure, Weak Men': Warren Unleashes Brutal Tweetstorm on Trump and Pence

'Two Small, Insecure, Weak Men': Warren Unleashes Brutal Tweetstorm on Trump and Pence

by Ken Meyer
Just in time for Donald Trump's presser with his new running mate, Elizabeth Warren took their Twitter dueling to the next level with a blistering rant on him and his partner, Mike Pence
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Wow: Watch Former Apprentice Star's Amazingly Racist Promotional Video

Wow: Watch Former Apprentice Star's Amazingly Racist Promotional Video

by Tommy Christopher
Former Apprentice star Jennifer Murphy probably doesn't have many Asian friends, and definitely has one bad Asian acquaintance who let her make a complete racist ass of herself while filming a promotional video for her company, Jennifer Murphy Beds. The video was released months ago, but only gained traction on Reddit this week, and it shows Murphy singing an original song called "I Want to Be Neenja" in the most offensively stereotypical Asian-inflected English dialect since ever.
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Chris Matthews Calls Mike Pence Speech 'Barn-Burner,' 'Power-Packed'

Chris Matthews Calls Mike Pence Speech 'Barn-Burner,' 'Power-Packed'

by Tommy Christopher
After a rambling, 30-minute wind up, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump finally got around to introducing Indiana Governor Mike Pence, Trump’s “first choice” to run for vice president on his ticket. Pence then delivered a ten-minute acceptance speech that MSNBC host Chris Matthews apparently watched while tripping something approximating balls.
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Donald Trump Almost Calls Himself 'Unacceptable' While Introducing Mike Pence

Donald Trump Almost Calls Himself 'Unacceptable' While Introducing Mike Pence

by Tommy Christopher
After a rambling, 30-minute wind up, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump finally got around to introducing Indiana Governor Mike Pence, Trump's "first choice" to run for vice president on his ticket. Right before that introduction, though, Trump nearly made a Freudian slip by calling himself "too unacceptable" as he was explaining away Pence's previous endorsement of Ted Cruz. Trump managed to stop himself, but the reference he was about to make is pretty clear.
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Donald Trump Insists Mike Pence 'Was My First Choice' For VP at Press Conference

Donald Trump Insists Mike Pence 'Was My First Choice' For VP at Press Conference

by Tommy Christopher
At a press conference to announce his selection of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his running mate, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump delivered a characteristically wide-ranging and rambling speech that only occasionally included Pence himself, but the real estate mogul's first reference to his running mate included an assurance that seemed designed to push back against rumors that he'd tried to back out of the Pence pick at the last minute.
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Sarah Palin's Son Track Palin Pleads Guilty To Weapons Charge From Domestic Violence Call

Sarah Palin's Son Track Palin Pleads Guilty To Weapons Charge From Domestic Violence Call

by Tommy Christopher
The son of former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has entered a guilty plea to a weapons charge in connection with a January domestic violence arrest. Track Palin entered into a plea deal this week that should allow him to avoid jail time, according to the Alaska Dispatch News.
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Dem Congressman Alan Grayson Mocks Marco Rubio For Spinal Cord Injury Support

Dem Congressman Alan Grayson Mocks Marco Rubio For Spinal Cord Injury Support

by Tommy Christopher
Democratic Florida Congressman and Senate candidate Alan Grayson is known for his fiery and controversial style, so his keynote at the kickoff of the 2016 Netroots Nation Conference was relatively subdued by comparison. However, Grayson did manage to get in a few choice licks at Republicans, first mocking his fellow members of the House Committee on Science and Technology, whom he accused of denying climate science.
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