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VIDEO: Woman Shows Cleavage and Offers Cash During Traffic Stop, Cops Say

VIDEO: Woman Shows Cleavage and Offers Cash During Traffic Stop, Cops Say

by Rachel Stockman

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'Scoreboard, Bitches!': Maher Brags to the GOP That Liberal Ideas Are Winning Out

'Scoreboard, Bitches!': Maher Brags to the GOP That Liberal Ideas Are Winning Out

by Josh Feldman
Bill Maher ended his show tonight by contrasting how liberal ideas have thrived in California and how conservative ones haven't done so well in Kansas and Louisiana, telling them, "Scoreboard, bitches!"
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Maher Has a Problem with Lynch/Clinton Meeting: She Should Have Said 'Get Off My Plane'

Maher Has a Problem with Lynch/Clinton Meeting: She Should Have Said 'Get Off My Plane'

by Josh Feldman
With some liberal commentators downplaying the significance of Bill Clinton's plane meeting with Loretta Lynch, Bill Maher tonight actually said he has a problem with that.
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Batman v Superman Extended Cut Features Cameo from a Certain Fake News Host...

Batman v Superman Extended Cut Features Cameo from a Certain Fake News Host...

by Josh Feldman
The extended cut of Batman v Superman, which dropped online this week, featured a brief cameo from a certain recently-departed late night host...
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Charleston Church Shooting Victims File Lawsuit Against the FBI Over Gun Sale Error

Charleston Church Shooting Victims File Lawsuit Against the FBI Over Gun Sale Error

by Josh Feldman
This past month marked one year since the horrific mass shooting at the Charleston Emanuel AMC church, and the surviving victims of that tragedy are taking legal action.
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Limbaugh: Lynch Meeting Shows 'We Are Being Played' by the Clintons

Limbaugh: Lynch Meeting Shows 'We Are Being Played' by the Clintons

by Josh Feldman
Rush Limbaugh today said that the Loretta Lynch/Bill Clinton meeting shows that the American people are once again being played by the Clintons.
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MSNBC Terror Analyst: 'Donald Trump Is the ISIS Candidate'

MSNBC Terror Analyst: 'Donald Trump Is the ISIS Candidate'

by Josh Feldman
An MSNBC terrorism analyst tonight referred to Donald Trump as "the ISIS candidate" during a discussion on combating terror.
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White House Releases Estimate of How Many Civilians Have Been Killed in Drone Strikes

White House Releases Estimate of How Many Civilians Have Been Killed in Drone Strikes

by Josh Feldman
The Obama administration today released an estimate of how many civilians have been killed in U.S. drone strikes.
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Clinton Holding Contest For Chance to Give Nomination Speech At Democratic Convention

Clinton Holding Contest For Chance to Give Nomination Speech At Democratic Convention

by Lindsey Ellefson
She's just giving that speech out. Well, you have to compete for it, but yeah, she's letting a regular old Joe Schmo or Jill Schmill participate in the big moment.
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An Orangutan Caused Panic After Running Loose at Florida Busch Gardens

An Orangutan Caused Panic After Running Loose at Florida Busch Gardens

by Josh Feldman
An orangutan got on the loose at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida today.
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Trump Asks Turkish Reporter 'Are You Friend or Foe?'

Trump Asks Turkish Reporter 'Are You Friend or Foe?'

by Josh Feldman
During a campaign event today, Donald Trump joked with a Turkish reporter about whether he's "friend or foe."
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Fox's Kim Guilfoyle Calls Attorney General Loretta Lynch's Gaffe 'Law School Flunk Out 101'

Fox's Kim Guilfoyle Calls Attorney General Loretta Lynch's Gaffe 'Law School Flunk Out 101'

by Sam Reisman
Fox's Kimberly Guilfoyle said that the ill-advised meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton was the sort of ethical gaffe that could get a lawyer disbarred; it was, she said, "law school flunk out 101!"
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Undercovered: One of the Estimated 12,800 Transgender Service Members in the U.S. Military

Undercovered: One of the Estimated 12,800 Transgender Service Members in the U.S. Military

by Sam Reisman
Two weeks ago, the BBC reported on a 25-year pilot in the U.S. Armed Forces who was waiting for the day she could finally tell the Air Force that she's transgender.
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State Dept. Accused of ‘Wildly Miscalculating’ Number of Clinton Emails, Dragging Out FOIA Request

State Dept. Accused of ‘Wildly Miscalculating’ Number of Clinton Emails, Dragging Out FOIA Request

by Rachel Stockman

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Ex-RNC Chair Isn't Supporting Trump, Prays for a 'Miracle in Cleveland'

Ex-RNC Chair Isn't Supporting Trump, Prays for a 'Miracle in Cleveland'

by Josh Feldman
Marc Racicot served as chairman of the Republican National Committee from 2002 to 2003, and he is absolutely refusing to get behind his party's nominee.
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'Worse Than Goldwater' — New Poll Shows Trump At Record-High Unfavorability

'Worse Than Goldwater' — New Poll Shows Trump At Record-High Unfavorability

by Sam Reisman
A new Gallup poll puts Donald Trump at historically high unfavorability, and his rival Hillary Clinton isn't faring much better.
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Hillary Clinton Has Exclusive Emojis But Some of Them Are Pretty Questionable

Hillary Clinton Has Exclusive Emojis But Some of Them Are Pretty Questionable

by Lindsey Ellefson
As shocking as all of this is, it should be noted that Clinton and her campaign did not endorse the Hillarymoji app.
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Trump Delegates Want to Bring Guns to Convention to Defend It From ISIS

Trump Delegates Want to Bring Guns to Convention to Defend It From ISIS

by Sam Reisman

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Daily Caller, Buzzfeed Writers Hysterically Spar in 'Battle of the Assholes' on Twitter

Daily Caller, Buzzfeed Writers Hysterically Spar in 'Battle of the Assholes' on Twitter

by J.D. Durkin
It was a bloody battle; lots of assholes were thrown around, and lots of assholes were injured.
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Of All the Public Figures Known For Bad Choices, You Won’t Believe Who's Writing an Advice Book

Of All the Public Figures Known For Bad Choices, You Won’t Believe Who's Writing an Advice Book

by Lindsey Ellefson
It makes sense. She is engaged and is even getting really politically involved.
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Veterans Groups Blast NRA's Pro-Trump Benghazi Ad: 'Don't Use Our Dead to Score Political Points'

Veterans Groups Blast NRA's Pro-Trump Benghazi Ad: 'Don't Use Our Dead to Score Political Points'

by Sam Reisman
Veterans groups are pushing back against a recent NRA ad that uses Benghazi to make a case for Donald Trump.
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'Good Guy With a Gun' Halts Shooting in South Carolina Club

'Good Guy With a Gun' Halts Shooting in South Carolina Club

by Sam Reisman
A person with a license to legally carry a concealed gun shot another person with a gun at a South Carolina club last weekend.
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AG Lynch Just Made the Case For Why She Must Recuse Herself From Clinton Email Investigation

AG Lynch Just Made the Case For Why She Must Recuse Herself From Clinton Email Investigation

by Christopher White

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Reporter Sends Raging, Scathing, Nasty Resignation Letter to People Magazine

Reporter Sends Raging, Scathing, Nasty Resignation Letter to People Magazine

by Lindsey Ellefson
Was this letter a ploy to get people to learn of the existence of her books? Absolutely. Do you know about those books now? Absolutely!
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Armed Attackers Take About 20 Hostages in Restaurant in Dhaka, Bangladesh; 2 Killed (UPDATED)

Armed Attackers Take About 20 Hostages in Restaurant in Dhaka, Bangladesh; 2 Killed (UPDATED)

by Sam Reisman
Roughly 6-8 attackers armed with guns and grenades have taken about 20 people hostage in a restaurant in the capital city of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
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Looks Like Trump Might Have Used Charity Money to Buy Himself a $12,000 Souvenir

Looks Like Trump Might Have Used Charity Money to Buy Himself a $12,000 Souvenir

by Lindsey Ellefson
Was that $12,o00 his to drop, though?
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UK Man Acquitted of Rape Forced to Give Police 24-Hour Notice Before Sex

UK Man Acquitted of Rape Forced to Give Police 24-Hour Notice Before Sex

by Alex Griswold
A British man acquitted of rape is threatening to go on a hunger strike after police issued an order requiring him to give them 24-hour notice before any sexual encounters.
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Say What? Sarah Palin Says 'Splodey Heads Keep Sploding' Over Trump Victory

Say What? Sarah Palin Says 'Splodey Heads Keep Sploding' Over Trump Victory

by Tommy Christopher
Former future Vice President and current Donald Trump-backer Sarah Palin was at her verbal slap-chopping best Friday afternoon as she appeared at the Western Conservative Summit in Denver, Colorado to stump for the real estate mogul. The former Alaska governor showed true frontier resourcefulness when she decided to just use made-up words when she ran out of real ones to toss into her word salad.
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Report: The FBI Will Meet With Hillary Clinton Saturday As Part Of Email Investigation

Report: The FBI Will Meet With Hillary Clinton Saturday As Part Of Email Investigation

by J.D. Durkin
A final and crucial step in the FBI's investigation into the infamous email server probe will happen this weekend...
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W.H.: President's Position on Lynch's Role in Clinton Investigation is 'Not Relevant'

W.H.: President's Position on Lynch's Role in Clinton Investigation is 'Not Relevant'

by Sam Reisman
Press Secretary Josh Earnest said that the president would remain agnostic regarding Attorney General Loretta Lynch's announced decision to accept the recommendation of FBI investigators.
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WATCH LIVE: Donald Trump Speaks at Conservative Summit in Denver

WATCH LIVE: Donald Trump Speaks at Conservative Summit in Denver

by Mediaite TV
Watch the live stream above from Right Side Broadcasting.
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Key Trump Staffer Quits After Only Two Weeks on the Job

Key Trump Staffer Quits After Only Two Weeks on the Job

by Alex Griswold
Two weeks ago, the Donald Trump campaign announced the addition of veteran Republican advisor Kevin Kellems. This Friday, Kellems already called it quits.
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This Japanese Commercial Is Already the Best Ad of 2016, Maybe the Best Ever

This Japanese Commercial Is Already the Best Ad of 2016, Maybe the Best Ever

by J.D. Durkin
The purpose of the ad? To get you to buy Ocedel LED lights, and they go about it in the absolute most amazing way.
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Meghan McCain: Lynch/Clinton Gaffe Is Exactly Why Sanders Should Stay In the Race

Meghan McCain: Lynch/Clinton Gaffe Is Exactly Why Sanders Should Stay In the Race

by Sam Reisman
Meghan McCain said that the revelation about the meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton was precisely why Bernie Sanders should stay in the Democratic. race.
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'Hold My Nose and Pray' — Big GOP Donors Are Worried About Trump

'Hold My Nose and Pray' — Big GOP Donors Are Worried About Trump

by Sam Reisman
Big GOP donors are wary of Donald Trump as his gaffes and incendiary pronouncements show no sign of letting up as the presumptive party nominee barrels toward the general election.
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Following Exposé, Pro-Clinton PAC Refunds $200G in Banned Contributions

Following Exposé, Pro-Clinton PAC Refunds $200G in Banned Contributions

by Sam Reisman
A pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC has returned $200,000 in contributions following an investigation published Wednesday from The Hill that revealed the donor company held federal contracts
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Bret Baier: FBI Agents Are 'Livid' About Private Clinton/Lynch Meeting

Bret Baier: FBI Agents Are 'Livid' About Private Clinton/Lynch Meeting

by Alex Griswold
Fox News' Bret Baier reported Friday, citing a "well-placed source in the FBI," that FBI agents are "livid" about the private meeting between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former president Bill Clinton.
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This Might Be The Trump Campaign’s Dumbest Legal Move Yet

This Might Be The Trump Campaign’s Dumbest Legal Move Yet

by Rachel Stockman

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Benghazi Survivor in Anti-Hillary Clinton Ad Sang a Different Tune in January

Benghazi Survivor in Anti-Hillary Clinton Ad Sang a Different Tune in January

by Tommy Christopher
The National Rifle Association recently unveiled an ad ominously urging its members to "Stop Hillary Clinton," an ad which starred Mark Geist, one of the Benghazi survivors whose story formed the basis of the film 13 Hours. The ad literally uses the graves of fallen soldiers as political props in order to attack Hillary Clinton, but just a few short months ago, Geist was singing a different tune about the politics of Benghazi, and about Hillary Clinton.
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WaPo Columnist Grills Lynch on Clinton Meeting: 'What on Earth Were You Thinking?'

WaPo Columnist Grills Lynch on Clinton Meeting: 'What on Earth Were You Thinking?'

by Alex Griswold
The Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart spoke for many in Washington Friday when he quizzed Attorney General Loretta Lynch in an Aspen town hall, asking bluntly why on earth she thought it was a good idea to meet privately with Bill Clinton.
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