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Paul Ryan Makes the Most Horrible Hillary Clinton Comparison Ever

Paul Ryan Makes the Most Horrible Hillary Clinton Comparison Ever

by Tommy Christopher
Maybe I picked the wrong week to quit smoking, because the Republican National Convention is all over my TV like Roger Ailes at a Swedish job fair. Even Netflix has a double-box of Trump's empty podium. On Tuesday night, though, MSNBC's mercifully amateurish convention coverage spared me the indignity of having to watch the sitting Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, address the pasty throng.
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Keegan Michael-Key Portrays Ohio's Only Black GOP Delegate: 'I've Never Been So Popular!'

Keegan Michael-Key Portrays Ohio's Only Black GOP Delegate: 'I've Never Been So Popular!'

by J.D. Durkin
However, conservative principles weren't the only thing drawing him to the convention floor.
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'You Got Caught': Cuomo Grills Trump's Campaign Chief for Refusing to Admit Plagiarism

'You Got Caught': Cuomo Grills Trump's Campaign Chief for Refusing to Admit Plagiarism

by Ken Meyer
Paul Manafort appeared on CNN New Day early on Wednesday, where he was drilled by Chris Cuomo over why the Donald Trump campaign cannot bring itself to own up to the controversy generated by Melania Trump's plagiarism of Michelle Obama.
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We Got Played! Why Ailes’ Exit Agreement Was Probably Leaked to Drudge

We Got Played! Why Ailes’ Exit Agreement Was Probably Leaked to Drudge

by Rachel Stockman

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Colbert's Hidden Cameras Catch Fox's Bret Baier Hoarding Mustard at RNC

Colbert's Hidden Cameras Catch Fox's Bret Baier Hoarding Mustard at RNC

by Alex Griswold
A one-off joke by The Late Show's Stephen Colbert paid out dividends when a hidden camera in front of the RNC condiment stand caught Fox News' Bret Baier hoarding mustard.
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Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Makes CNN Anchors Crack Up With Jokes About Scott Baio

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Makes CNN Anchors Crack Up With Jokes About Scott Baio

by J.D. Durkin
"That's a good one, right? Even Wolf turned around for that one!" said Triumph. "Even Wolf likes that!"
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Report: Trump Campaign Told Kasich He'd Be in Charge of All Policy if He Accepted VP Slot

Report: Trump Campaign Told Kasich He'd Be in Charge of All Policy if He Accepted VP Slot

by Alex Griswold
According to a report from The New York Times, the Donald Trump campaign told a potential vice presidential pick that if he accepted, he would be in charge of literally all policy in the Trump White House.
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Brzezinski Says That One of Trump's Children Was 'Probably' Responsible For Melania's Plagiarized Speech

Brzezinski Says That One of Trump's Children Was 'Probably' Responsible For Melania's Plagiarized Speech

by J.D. Durkin
Trump himself was notably mute on the issue Tuesday.
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Dan Abrams: Megyn Kelly Alleged 'Multiple Incidents' of Harassment by Roger Ailes

Dan Abrams: Megyn Kelly Alleged 'Multiple Incidents' of Harassment by Roger Ailes

by J.D. Durkin
Kelly's lawyer confirmed that the anchor was involved in the investigation.
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Brzezinski Dismantles Trump's 'Harsh' Chairman Manafort: 'It's Like Lurch Leading a Campaign'

Brzezinski Dismantles Trump's 'Harsh' Chairman Manafort: 'It's Like Lurch Leading a Campaign'

by J.D. Durkin
Yesterday, Brzezinski noted that the embattled campaign chief, "out to look for a different job," following the Melania Trump flap.
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Megyn Kelly Reportedly Encouraged Female Colleague to Speak About Ailes Harassment

Megyn Kelly Reportedly Encouraged Female Colleague to Speak About Ailes Harassment

by Josh Feldman
A new report from NY Magazine's Gabriel Sherman provides some more insight into Megyn Kelly's role in the ongoing investigation into harassment claims against Fox News Chairman & CEO Roger Ailes.
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The Olympic Sailing Venue is Littered with Dead Animals and Debris

The Olympic Sailing Venue is Littered with Dead Animals and Debris

by Joe DePaolo
With the start of the Olympics just 17 days away, the International Olympic Committee insists that Rio is fully prepared to host the games. But some disgusting new images, which show the Olympic sailing venue covered in filth, suggest otherwise.
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Milo Yiannopoulos Has Been Permanently Suspended from Twitter

Milo Yiannopoulos Has Been Permanently Suspended from Twitter

by Josh Feldman
Breitbart's Milo Yiannopoulos has been permanently suspended from Twitter for "targeted abuse."
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Writer Smacks Down The Daily Show's Suggestion Trump Jr. Plagiarized Him

Writer Smacks Down The Daily Show's Suggestion Trump Jr. Plagiarized Him

by Josh Feldman
The Daily Show thought it had a smoking gun on its hands tonight, but it turns out it's not exactly what they thought.
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As Muslim Speaker Took Stage at RNC, Someone Shouted 'No Islam!'

As Muslim Speaker Took Stage at RNC, Someone Shouted 'No Islam!'

by Josh Feldman
The head of American Muslims for Trump was the final speaker at the Republican National Convention tonight, and one person got up to shout at him.
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Ben Carson Invokes Saul Alinsky and Lucifer in Bonkers RNC Speech

Ben Carson Invokes Saul Alinsky and Lucifer in Bonkers RNC Speech

by Josh Feldman
Dr. Ben Carson delivered a speech at the Republican National Convention tonight that was truly, truly bizarre in its attacks on Hillary Clinton.
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Donald Trump Jr.: We Need a President ‘Who Will Unleash the Greatness in Our Nation!’

Donald Trump Jr.: We Need a President ‘Who Will Unleash the Greatness in Our Nation!’

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump, Jr. took the stage at the Republican National Convention and delivered a rousing speech making the case for his dad and taking all sorts of shots at Hillary Clinton.
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Chris Christie ‘Prosecutes’ Clinton in Fiery RNC Speech: ‘Guilty or Not Guilty?’

Chris Christie ‘Prosecutes’ Clinton in Fiery RNC Speech: ‘Guilty or Not Guilty?’

by Josh Feldman
Chris Christie delivered a fiery speech tonight in which he "prosecuted" the case against Hillary Clinton.
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Paul Ryan Rips Hillary, Dems at RNC, Avoids Saying Much About Trump

Paul Ryan Rips Hillary, Dems at RNC, Avoids Saying Much About Trump

by Josh Feldman
Paul Ryan spoke at the Republican National Convention tonight and spent the vast majority of his time ripping the Democrats and making more a case for Republican governance than a case for Donald Trump.
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Trump Celebrates Officially Clinching the Nomination in Video Message to Convention

Trump Celebrates Officially Clinching the Nomination in Video Message to Convention

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump appeared for the second night in a row at the Republican National Convention, this time popping in via live video from Trump Tower.
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O’Reilly Revisits NWA, ‘F*ck tha Police’ After Shootings: Does Ice Cube Want Cops Harmed?

O’Reilly Revisits NWA, ‘F*ck tha Police’ After Shootings: Does Ice Cube Want Cops Harmed?

by Josh Feldman
Ice Cube told TMZ recently he won't stop performing the NWA hit "F*ck Tha Police" following multiple police shootings, and Bill O'Reilly tonight really went after him for that.
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UFC President Dana White at RNC: 'I Know Fighters! Donald Trump Is a Fighter!'

UFC President Dana White at RNC: 'I Know Fighters! Donald Trump Is a Fighter!'

by Josh Feldman
UFC president and longtime Donald Trump friend Dana White delivered a short, fiery speech to the Republican National Convention tonight talking about what kind of man Trump is.
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Clinton VP Contender Won’t Be Punished, Said He Didn’t ‘Intend’ To Break Federal Law

Clinton VP Contender Won’t Be Punished, Said He Didn’t ‘Intend’ To Break Federal Law

by Rachel Stockman

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Fox News Covers, On Air, the Newest Roger Ailes/Megyn Kelly Reporting

Fox News Covers, On Air, the Newest Roger Ailes/Megyn Kelly Reporting

by Josh Feldman
Amid the delegate roll call vote tonight, Fox News took a minute to cover the controversy swirling around the network today over allegations against Chairman & CEO Roger Ailes.
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Clinton and Pretty Much Everyone Else Had Some Strong Reactions to Trump Making It Official

Clinton and Pretty Much Everyone Else Had Some Strong Reactions to Trump Making It Official

by Josh Feldman
Everyone has some pretty strong thoughts on Donald Trump officially becoming the nominee of one of American's two major political parties.
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Melania Draft Submitted by Speechwriter Reportedly Didn’t Feature Plagiarized Passage

Melania Draft Submitted by Speechwriter Reportedly Didn’t Feature Plagiarized Passage

by Josh Feldman
A new report is providing some insight into how Melania Trump ended up reading a speech featuring a paragraph that plagiarized Michelle Obama.
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The Republican Party Has Officially Voted to Make Donald Trump Their Nominee

The Republican Party Has Officially Voted to Make Donald Trump Their Nominee

by Josh Feldman
Donald Trump has officially been nominated to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States.
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Evangelical Legal Org Liberty Counsel Touts 'Most Conservative GOP Platform in History'

Evangelical Legal Org Liberty Counsel Touts 'Most Conservative GOP Platform in History'

by Sam Reisman
Liberty Counsel is touting the GOP's newly adopted platform, which has lurched into the far right on issues like abortion, gay rights, and the repeal of ObamaCare, as the "most conservative" in history.
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Undercovered: We All Have to Live in the Borders of Boxes Our Fathers Draw for Us

Undercovered: We All Have to Live in the Borders of Boxes Our Fathers Draw for Us

by Sam Reisman
Human Rights Watch has published a comprehensive report on the effects of male guardianship on women in Saudi Arabia.
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Are Hulk Hogan And Peter Thiel Now Trying To Get All 'Defamatory' Gawker Articles Deleted?

Are Hulk Hogan And Peter Thiel Now Trying To Get All 'Defamatory' Gawker Articles Deleted?

by David Bixenspan

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Tweet and Delete: A Look at the Online Response to Ailes' (Maybe) Ouster From Fox News

Tweet and Delete: A Look at the Online Response to Ailes' (Maybe) Ouster From Fox News

by Lindsey Ellefson
Over on Twitter, armchair critics (and the occasional journalist) have thrown due diligence out the window or, at the very least, are documenting their long, anxious wait for confirmation.
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Report: Ailes 'Furious' at Megyn Kelly Amid Reports He's Leaving Fox

Report: Ailes 'Furious' at Megyn Kelly Amid Reports He's Leaving Fox

by Josh Feldman
Gabriel Sherman, the New York Magazine reporter who broke big news about Roger Ailes leaving Fox this week, has more information tonight on the behind-the-scenes drama at Fox News.
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White House Responds to Petition Demanding Black Lives Matter Be Designated a Terror Group

White House Responds to Petition Demanding Black Lives Matter Be Designated a Terror Group

by Josh Feldman
Earlier this week, the White House finally responded to a petition on their website demanding that Black Lives Matter be designated a terrorist organization.
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WATCH: Here's a Preview of FLOTUS Doing Carpool Karaoke!

WATCH: Here's a Preview of FLOTUS Doing Carpool Karaoke!

by Lindsey Ellefson
The First Lady, Michelle Obama, will be on the Late Late Show segment tomorrow night.
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Glenn Beck Says Plagiarized Trump Speech Was Sabotage

Glenn Beck Says Plagiarized Trump Speech Was Sabotage

by Sam Reisman
"I think this was done intentionally. No good speechwriter does that,” Beck said.
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Tonight's Star-Studded RNC Lineup Includes LPGA Golfer Natalie Gulbis, Ranked 492nd

Tonight's Star-Studded RNC Lineup Includes LPGA Golfer Natalie Gulbis, Ranked 492nd

by Joe DePaolo
Much has been made of the lack of star power of the actors who've spoken at the Republican National Convention
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Vanderbilt Player Convicted of Rape Reportedly Calls it Payback for '400 Years of Slavery'

Vanderbilt Player Convicted of Rape Reportedly Calls it Payback for '400 Years of Slavery'

by Joe DePaolo
According to a report in the Tennessean, former Vanderbilt football player and convicted rapist Cory Batey — who was sentenced Friday to 15 years in prison — said that the motive for his crime was a payback for slavery.
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Why Melania Trump’s Plagiarism of Michelle Obama REALLY Matters

Why Melania Trump’s Plagiarism of Michelle Obama REALLY Matters

by John Ziegler
It is cliché that in politics it isn’t usually the “crime” which does the real damage, but rather the ensuing cover up. It seems clear that the flap over Melania Trump...
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21st Century Fox Issues Statement Amid Reports of Ailes Leaving

21st Century Fox Issues Statement Amid Reports of Ailes Leaving

by Josh Feldman
21st Century Fox has issued a statement on the current status of Fox News Chairman & CEO Roger Ailes amid reports he's officially leaving the network.
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Drudge Walks Back Report on Ailes Leaving Fox

Drudge Walks Back Report on Ailes Leaving Fox

by Josh Feldman
So. Matt Drudge was first to report this afternoon on Roger Ailes officially leaving Fox News. The Daily Beast independently confirmed it. But now both have walked back their reports.
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