Cancer Health Email Update
Get Attuned to Music Therapy for Cancer Care
An interview with Karen Popkin, a board-certified music therapist and a licensed creative arts therapist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City
Rare Voice Box Transplant Helps Man With Laryngeal Cancer Speak Again
Marty Kedian is only the third person in the country to undergo a total larynx transplant. [VIDEO]
A New Effort to Recruit Black Patients of Clinical Trials
The American Cancer Society will collaborate with Trial Library, Inc., and the Prostate Cancer Clinical Trials Consortium.
Healthy Recipe: Kale & Fennel Salad
Try a sweet, refreshing salad this summer!
Watch Damon Runyon Honor Home Depot Cofounder Ken Langone
Damon Runyon emeritus board member Ken Langone was honored at the cancer research foundation’s annual breakfast.
Older Women Are Different Than Older Men. Their Health Is Woefully Understudied.
If we’re concerned about the health of the older population, we need to be concerned about the health of older women.
Check Out Our Summer 2024 Issue!
Read the entire print issue online, including the cover profile on golfer Jim Plotkin, who is playing—and winning—with leukemia, and the 2024 Cancer Health 25, which profiles people who power clinical trials.
#ASCO 2024
A roundup of studies presented at this year’s annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)

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