Jambo John

I’ve never learned as much about myself, enlightenment, and the super-natural gifts and powers latent within us all, as I have in the past 3 years.

These 6 channels are among my personal teachers... and I’m so excited to have them share their profound insights with you.

This will be the channeling event of the century, designed to help you awaken. Never before have these 6 teachers come together to share their extraordinary gifts and insights pertaining to the earth’s shifting energies, uncovering and healing deep-rooted pain, raising your vibration as you move toward full self-realization, and the glory that awaits those who are prepared.

July 11 - Jessie Herman (channels Vagrein)

July 18 - Paul Selig (channels The Guides

July 25 - Riz Mirza (channels Phineas)

August 1 - Wendy Kennedy (channels 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective)

August 8 - Sheila Gillette (channels THEO)

August 15 - Geoffrey Hoppe (channels Adamus Saint-Germain)

It starts July 11: Click here to join us!

John, prepare to be truly astounded

P.S. Sign up BEFORE MIDNIGHT to get 2 early sign-up bonuses! 2 talks, one from Ramtha (channeled in 2008) and a recent interview between myself, Lee Carroll & Monika Muranyi (including a visit from Kryon, channeled by Lee).

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