Jacob Silverman, TNR staff writer
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Jacob Silverman, TNR staff writer


Dear Friend,

I’ve written for The New Republic as a freelancer for years, so it’s a true pleasure to join a place I’ve come to know and admire. As a longtime tech critic, I plan to continue taking a skeptical look at the Silicon Valley monopolies monetizing our daily lives. I’ll write about power-hungry venture capitalists, overcapitalized surveillance start-ups, and the many hucksters and charlatans overseeing our digital economy. I’m also looking forward to writing more about American empire and critically examining the role of Democrats in upholding our forever wars. There might be the occasional dispatch from the odder corners of our politics (this is the QAnon era, after all). And once something like normal life returns, I’d like to get out and do more reporting outside of the New York bubble. 


I’m glad to be aboard, and with the support of readers like you, I hope to continue publishing stories like:




I’m acutely aware that I, and the extremely dedicated writers I work with, cannot do this without you. We’re immensely grateful for support like yours that ensures we can continue to produce this kind of uncompromising content.


Please help us keep it up—the smart, in-depth reporting—by supporting me and my colleagues at TNR.


Jacob Silverman, The New Republic staff writer




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