Dear Friend,

We’ve arrived at a point of broad consensus on what can very loosely be called the American left. The walls between liberals and more radical factions of the progressive coalition are beginning to break down. It is more obvious than ever to more people than ever that the fundamental structures of our political system and economy are leading us to ruin. There is an urgency among thinking people about escaping the intersecting crises now bearing down upon us and an eagerness to reckon with the failures and atrocities of our past. We’ve enough insight and energy to shape a new country, but there aren’t many major publications left willing to take the remaking of America on as their editorial mission. That has always been The New Republic’s project. It always will be. And I’m proud to be at a magazine fostering the debates and reporting that will drive our country forward.

—Osita Nwanevu, Staff Writer

Osita Nwanevu is a staff writer at The New Republic. He is a former staff writer at The New Yorker and Slate, and his work has appeared in Harper’s, In These Times, and the Chicago Reader. He is also the former editor in chief of the South Side Weekly, a Chicago alternative newspaper. 
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