TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 24, 2017

The Stain of Anti-Semitism at the White House Isn't Going Away

By Stosh Cotler, Simon Greer, AlterNet

Trump hides behind his Jewish daughter and son-in-law, but he has been a godsend to anti-Semitic movements and ideologies. READ MORE»

As Soon as Trump Started Bombing, the Corporate Media and Establishment Rushed to Call Him 'Presidential'

By Tom Engelhardt, Tom Dispatch

Why Trump’s Wars Should Seem So Familiar READ MORE»

Meet the Next Man Who Should Be the Next to Go at Fox News

By Cristina López G., Media Matters

Bill Shine continues at the helm despite reports that he helped cover up sexual harassment at the network READ MORE»

What Is 'White Supremacy'? A Brief History of a Term, and a Movement, That Continues to Haunt America

By Anis Shivani, Salon

The term gets thrown around carelessly, but the history of this ideology is long and tangled. READ MORE»

Young People Want Radical Change - Survey Blows the Lid off Right-Wing and Corporate Economic Propaganda

By Les Leopold, AlterNet

The Trump administration is doing all it can to accelerate inequality -- here's what a random sampling of 200 Americans under 40 want economically. READ MORE»

Noam Chomsky: What Trump's Election Means for Humanity's 'Prospects of Survival'

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Participants from about 200 countries at the Marrakech climate conference mulled over the incoming U.S. president's affect on the planet. READ MORE»

America's Second-Largest School District Says No to McDonald's McTeacher's Nights

By Sriram Madhusoodanan, AlterNet

The Los Angeles Unified School District adopted a resolution to end the kid-targeted marketing of junk food. READ MORE»

The Bizarre Experience of Watching Cable News in America on Earth Day

By Thom Hartmann, AlterNet

Nobody's Talking About How People Are Getting Rich by Destroying the Planet READ MORE»

How Ivanka Trump & Jared Kushner Personally Profit from Their Roles in the White House

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

So much for being a moderating influence.  READ MORE»

America Is 'a Democracy on Life Support — It Can’t Breathe'

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Author of a new book on Trump's rise says we face "something so dark, so real, so evil" with no clear precedent. READ MORE»

How Facebook Became a Home to Psychopaths

By John Naughton, The Guardian

The man who shot dead an innocent 74-year-old, then posted his confession on Facebook Live, points up a worrying trend on social media READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Modern-Day Gestapo

By Sonali Kolhatkar, Truthdig

To "make America great again,"Donald Trump is ripping families apart.  READ MORE»

Trump's Budget Chief Makes Astounding And Ludicrous Connection Between Building Border Wall and Destroying Obamacare

By David Edwards, Raw Story

"If you fund the border wall, payments to Obamacare will not be cut." READ MORE»

Monsanto Has Violated the Basic Human Right to a Healthy Environment and Food

By Katherine Paul, AlterNet

Judges at The Hague called on international lawmakers to hold corporations like Monsanto accountable. READ MORE»

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