BU Today

Friday, March 31st

Top Headlines
Kevin Outterson, professor of health law, Boston University School of Law

LAW-based CARB-X Awards $24 Million for Superbug Antibiotics

Wellcome Trust gives $155M for nonprofit’s work on “huge global challenge”

University trustee Maurice R. Ferré applauded the first Latin American Alumni Summit in Miami as the real start of the University’s outreach to an ever-more-important community.

First Latin American Alumni Summit Burnishes BU Bonds

On the agenda: global roles for the region and the University

Actor Herlin Navarro (left) and director Emily Sheehan on the set of Borderline.

Meet This Year’s Redstone Film Festival Nominees

Shorts screen tonight at annual awards showcase

television watching

What Are You Watching and How Are You Watching It?

Take BU Today‘s pop culture survey

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Michael Che holding microphone

Comedian, writer, and actor Michael Che of Saturday Night Live fame was at BU last week as the highlight of BU Comedy Week 2017. He knocked ’em dead at the GSU Metcalf Ballroom. Photo by Alexandra Wimley (COM’17)

Featured Video
Section Border
animation of Deniz Hallik sitting on a park bench

Lost and Found: Deniz Hallik, Turkey

Thousands of international students come to study in US colleges every year, 3,000 at BU alone. Leaving everything familiar—family, friends, their culture—behind can be hard, but even harder may be building a new life for themselves. Watch the second story in our new animated series “Lost and Found,” about using art to beat depression.

Upcoming Events
Section Border
Live at the Link

March 31 at 1:00 pm
George Sherman Union, GSU Link, 775 Commonwealth Ave.

2017 Redstone Film Festival

March 31 at 7:00 pm
Tsai Performance Center, 685 Commonwealth Ave.

Step About Boston's Annual Ceili

April 1 at 6:00 pm
SAC Gym, 1 University Rd.

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Series Spotlight
Section Border


Where to go to dance, dine, listen to music, or whatever—after dark.

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Stage Nightclub Boston

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