Meet TNR's reporter-researcher team. The reporter-researcher program is partially funded by your support, and its mission is to nurture the next generation of liberal journalists and media professionals.


Dear Friend,


As we continue our series of profiles of The New Republic staff members, we’d like to introduce you to our reporter-researcher team. The reporter-researcher program is partially funded by your support, and its mission is to nurture the next generation of liberal journalists and media professionals.


Your donation provides the resources we need to train these talented new journalists to produce hard-hitting investigative features, as they work with our dogged editorial team to fact-check every word in print and online.


This year’s class:


Megan Evershed

Noah Flora

Annie Geng

Daniel Fernandez

Megan Evershed joined the magazine in March 2020. Megan graduated in May 2019 with degrees in English literature and political science from Columbia University and from Sciences Po University in Paris.


Daniel Fernandez joined The New Republic in 2020. He was previously an editorial intern at The Nation and has worked for Mother Jones, Smithsonian, and New York. Daniel graduated from Northwestern University in 2019, majoring in journalism and history. In his free time, he enjoys solving crosswords, cooking stews, and taking long, aimless walks around Brooklyn.


Noah Flora graduated from the Ohio State University and Rutgers University. He interned at The Nation and Democracy Now!, among other outlets, before joining TNR in 2020.


Annie Geng interned at Harper’s, the Chicago Sun-Times, and CNN before joining the staff in January 2021. She recently graduated (into the pandemic) from the University of Chicago with a degree in philosophy. She is very bad at telling lies.


Any support you can offer will help us attract, train, and give voice to the best up-and-coming writers in American journalism and bolster our ability to report the news with the accuracy, intellectual vigor, and scrupulous professionalism you expect and have come to enjoy.


Kerrie Gillis, publisher

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