Dear MEF Participant:
I thank those who have donated to the Middle East Forum in 2022 – and invite those who have not yet done so to send a tax-deductible contribution, most easily by clicking here.

The world’s spotlight does not shine on the Middle East or Islamism these days. But these issues, always percolating, have a tendency to hit us when we are not paying attention – think of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait or 9/11.

Therefore, our specialists – 16 staff members and 20 fellows – keep a close eye to the region, researching and reporting on a range of issues that will impact Americans and the West:
  • Tehran races toward nuclear weapons;
  • Israel faces ongoing conflict with the Palestinians and threat of war with Lebanon;
  • Biden administration energy policies put Saudi Arabia once again in control of our economy’s lifeblood.
  • Turkey interferes with NATO;
  • Qatar finances radical Islam across the West and infiltrates;
  • Islamists team with Leftists and Rightists to undermine democratic institution;
  • Illegal migrants from Islamist hot spots who abhor our values flood across the almost-open border with Mexico; and
While MEF has become an action tank – promoting American interests directly with universities, corporate boardrooms, courts of law, Congress, federal agencies, the White House, Israel’s leadership, and Persian Gulf royal courts – our core mission remains an intellectual output, as supported by readers and webinar viewers like you.

Shaping Public Opinion
Writings – We published about 300 articles in the first half of 2022 (see also here, here and here), on topics ranging from Russia in the Middle East and Israel’s battle readiness, to the economics of American Islam and the case for banning burqas. Our work appeared in mass publications such as Bloomberg and The Wall Street Journal; D.C.-focused publications such as The Hill and The Washington Times; foreign publications such as The Jerusalem Post and The Toronto Sun; and specialist publications such as Defense News, Nordic Monitor and our own newly-created Focus on Western Islamism.

Webinars – Recent topics in our thrice-weekly series that has attracted nearly 5,000 unique participants have focused on the stability of the Tehran regime; freedom of speech about Islam; and Turkey’s malign influence network in the U.S. Former Vice President Mike Pence discussed his ideas. Our webinar on Biden administration foreign policy featuring Elliott Abrams, a top foreign policy official in several administrations, was featured on C-SPAN. To sign up for notices of future events, click here. For past ones, please go to YouTube, or read select transcripts.

Examples of our Original Reporting and Analyses
  • Islamists in Politics – Islamist Watch deputy director Benjamin Baird exposed U.S. Senate candidate  Dr. Oz’s deep political and financial connections to Erdoğan’s regime. It was cited by The Washington Post, The New York Times and NBC News, and forced a defensive response from Dr. Oz, who promised to renounce his Turkish citizenship if elected.
  • Focus on Western Islamism ( – Our counter-Islamist media outlet has quickly become the go-to resource: the Washington Examiner and the popular Power Line Blog cited managing editor Dexter Van Zile’s report on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) appearing at a conference featuring Islamic extremists; and The Times of Israel cited his report about a progressive Texas pastor’s ties to Islamist groups.
  • The Threat from Turkey –  Writing Fellow Burak Bekdil and I have called for the Islamist dictatorship of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to be expelled from NATO (see also, here and here) due to its hostility to the West and embrace of Putin. Fox News quoted both of us extensively on the topic.
  • Israeli Military Doctrine – Fellow Seth Frantzman took a deep-dive into the IDF’s new Momentum Plan, which is the key to victory on the future battlefield. The Forum's Israel Victory Project inspired the IDF's Plan.
  • Mainstreaming Islamic Extremism in the West – After Malik Faisal Akram’s terrorist attack on a Texas synagogue, demanding the release of Aafia Siddiqui, "Lady Al Qaeda," from federal prison, Ben Shapiro read, on his popular podcast, an entire article by the Forum’s Sam Westrop on how “mainstream” lawful Islamist groups have made Siddiqui a cause célèbre. “Twenty years after 9/11, besuited Islamist operatives are successfully able to advocate on her behalf, fueled by liberal handwringing and the political dogmas of our age.”
  • The Legitimacy of Israel – I explained in the Wall Street Journal that Israel is the only country in the world that was purchased rather than conquered. Jews re-established sovereignty in their homeland by buying land, acre by acre, in voluntary transactions. Only after an all-out attack by Arab states in 1948 to crush the nascent Jewish state, did Israel take up arms to win land through military conquest.

Recent MEF webinars featured fellow Todd Bensman (left) discussing the Islamists flooding into the U.S. through the open southern border; and Michael Rubin (center) examining the stability of the Tehran regime. Former Vice President Mike Pence (right) joined me for a conversation.

Compliments – Some Backhanded
MEF is one of the “most influential neocon Zionist think tanks in the U.S.” – Daniel Haqiqatjou, a very popular hardline Islamist commentator, May 29, 2022.

“The Middle East Forum [is] a respected anti-Islamist group.” – The Washington Examiner, May 27, 2022.

“The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) … today expressed deep concern about the selection of Tonya Ugoretz to lead the FBI Directorate of Intelligence due to her past work with an anti-Muslim hate group and far-right extremist Daniel Pipes.” – Islamist group CAIR press release, which accompanied a letter of protest to the FBI, after Director Chris Wray appointed the MEF alumna to head the FBI’s Intelligence Directorate, May 24, 2022
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I hope you find utility in the breadth and detail of our intellectual output. If you are also interested in learning more about our activism, please let me know by hitting “reply” to this email and we will be pleased to send you a short overview of this work.

On behalf of our Board of Governors, the staff and writing fellows, I appreciate your consideration of this request for support.

Yours sincerely,

Daniel Pipes
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Please address all questions about contributions to Gregg Roman, or 215-546-5406 ext. 104.

 (1) Online via Credit Card or PayPal: Supporting the Forum is most easily done at our website by clicking here. (The website is secure and encrypted; your personal information cannot be read as it travels through the Internet.)
(2) Personal Check via the Postal Service: Please make a check payable to “Middle East Forum” and mail it to:
Middle East Forum
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Account Name: The Middle East Forum
Account Number: 59334817
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Donations of stock may be sent by U.S. mail (with a letter of instruction) and sent to:
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If you donate stock, please email us at or call 215-546-5406 x104 to inform us of the gift so that we may thank you.
(4) Planned Giving: A gift in perpetuity enhances the Forum’s capabilities while allowing you to transfer more wealth to your heirs at a lower cost. Each of the following 4 methods serves a different purpose and fits a specific investment plan:
  1. Charitable Bequest – to remove assets from a taxable estate and make a larger contribution than may be possible during one’s lifetime.
  2. Life Insurance – to gain a charitable income tax deduction for the cash surrender value and premiums of a life insurance policy.
  3. Retirement Plan – to reduce the size of a taxable estate, avoid income taxation on those funds, avoid income and estate taxes, and increase the amounts passing to heirs.
  4. Charitable Trust – to see philanthropy in action, making transfers to heirs at a lower tax cost and designating beneficiaries to receive payments for life or a term of years. Three types of Charitable Trusts: Charitable Remainder Trust, Charitable Lead Trust, Retained Life Estate.
For more information on MEF's Legacy Society, please contact Gregg Roman, MEF's director, at 215-546-5406 ext. 104 or

Benefits: We offer a wide range of benefits and gifts to donors, such as invitations to events (Click here for details.)

International Donations: International donations to the Middle East Forum in a non-U.S. currency are most easily done via PayPal, which draws on one’s credit card, debit card, or bank account. If you do not have PayPal, please contact Gregg Roman at 215-546-5406 ext. 104 or
Nonprofit Status: The Middle East Forum is a publicly supported, nonprofit organization under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code, meaning donations are tax deductible within the United States.
United Way: Donations through United Way's Donor Choice Program, MEF’s Agency Code is 52445.
Combined Federal Campaign: The Forum is now included in the Combined Federal Campaign, available to Federal workers. Please see for more details.
Political and Economic Analyses: Middle East Forum staff members are available on contract to do political and economic analyses.
Privacy Policy: The Middle East Forum is committed to protecting the privacy of each donor's personal information. The Middle East Forum securely maintains records of each donor's giving history solely for our internal use and record keeping. The Middle East Forum will only report the donor's personal information to the appropriate government agencies as required by law. The Middle East Forum will not intentionally give, rent, sell or share any of the donor's personal information with a third party except as required by law. The Middle East Forum supports the Association of Fundraising Professionals' Donor Bill of Rights.
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