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2016 Holiday Sale Week 2

Welcome to Week 2 of our annual holiday sale! This week our theme is: Join the Socialist Equality Party! The installation of the fascistic billionaire Donald Trump as President of the United States and his ultra-right-wing administration ushers in an era of explosive political struggles, both at home and internationally. Now is the time to join the Socialist Equality Party and build the revolutionary leadership for the coming struggles. This week we are offering essential reading for building the Trotskyist movement, at discounted prices. 
Socialist Equality Party bundle
Introduces the history of the Socialist Equality Party and its predecessor, the Workers League. This collection reviews the strategic experiences through which the working class and the international Trotskyist movement have passed over the course of the 20th and 21st centuries. Includes six titles: The Historical & International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party, The SEP Statement of Principles, the 1988 Perspective of the ICFI, The Workers League & the founding of the Socialist Equality Party, the Workers League Perspectives of 1993, the Perspectives & Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party 2008-2010.
Regular price: $25.00.

Available now for $22.50
The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party traces essential historical events and political experiences spanning more than a century. The work establishes the theoretical and political basis of the struggle for socialism.

Regular price: $9.95.

Available now for $8.00

Principles of the Socialist Equality Party

This statement was unanimously adopted by the founding Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US) held August 3-9, 2008. It outlines the essential principles of Trotskyism in the US today.
Regular price: $2.00.

Available now for $1.80
The Heritage We Defend (David North)
The work reviews the political and theoretical disputes inside the Fourth International, the international Marxist movement founded by Leon Trotsky in 1938. Against WRP renegade Michael Banda, it analyzes the defense of Trotskyism by James P. Cannon and the Socialist Workers Party through the 1950s, a banner taken up by the British Socialist Labour League under Gerry Healy in the 1960s, and defended by the ICFI in the 1980s.

 Paperback available now for $18.95, or in ePub or Kindle format for $8.99
In Defense of Leon Trotsky (David North)

Defends Trotsky's legacy against the campaign of historical falsification begun by Stalin and continuing to this day. Exposes the lies told about Trotsky by British academics in three recent biographies, which aim to forestall renewed interest in the great revolutionist.

Paperback, hardcover and ePub
available now at discounted prices.
Lessons of the Bernie Sanders Campaign

Examines the political role of the Sanders campaign, which employed radical phrases in order to contain rising working class opposition and keep it trapped within the confines of the existing political and economic system.

Regular price: $3.50.

Available now for $3.15

More titles on sale:

Socialism and the Fight Against War (International Committee of the Fourth International) The ICFI has issued a call to the working class and youth to build a new international anti-war movement on an anti-capitalist and socialist basis.
Regular price: $3.50. Available now for $3.15
The Transitional Program (Leon Trotsky) The founding program of the Fourth International, the World Party of Socialist Revolution, adopted at its initial September 1938 conference held in Paris, while Trotsky was in exile in Mexico.
Available for $3.00
The Workers League and the Founding of the Socialist Equality Party (David North) Elaborates the political and theoretical foundations upon which the Workers League based its decision to found a new party.
Regular price: $3.00. Available now for $2.70
Race, Class and Police Violence in America Draws the connection between intensifying police violence at home and the pursuit of war overseas.
Regular price: $3.00. Available now for $2.70
The Truth Behind the Bankruptcy of Detroit The bankruptcy of Detroit was a political conspiracy and a social crime, designed to set a national precedent in the looting of employee pensions and public assets.
Regular price: $13.95. Available now for $12.56
The ICFI and the Split with the WRP Bundle The 1985-86 split by the British Workers Revolutionary Party with the ICFI involved fundamental questions of Marxist program and perspective. Includes Gerry Healy and his place in the history of the Fourth International, The ICFI Defends Trotskyism and How the Workers Revolutionary Party Betrayed Trotskyism 1973-1985.
Regular price: $15.00. Available now for $13.50
Tsar to Lenin--The extraordinary cinematic account of the Russian Revolution, with dramatic documentary footage from the mass uprising that overthrew the centuries-old Tsarist regime in February 1917, to the Bolshevik-led insurrection eight months later that established the first socialist workers' state, and the final victory in 1921 of the new Soviet regime over counterrevolutionary forces after a three-year-long civil war. This 1917 Centenary Edition contains subtitles in 15 languages.
Regular price: $14.95. Available now for $12.95. Free US domestic shipping.

The Russian Revolution and the Unfinished Twentieth Century (David North) One hundred years after the outbreak of World War I and the Russian Revolution, none of the problems of the twentieth century--devastating wars, economic crises, social inequality, and the threat of dictatorship--have been solved.
Regular Price: $24.95.Available now for $17.95(paperback)
Regular price: $39.95. Available now for $29.95 (hardcover)

Lessons of October (Leon Trotsky) [ePub or Kindle] The 1923 analysis insisting on absorbing the lessons of the 1917 Russian Revolution for the sections of the Communist (Third) International--or face disaster. The growing Stalinist bureaucracy responded furiously.
Only $4.49 for ePub or Kindle

Ten Days that Shook the World, (John Reed) Reed's classic eyewitness account of the October 1917 revolution in Russia.
Regular price: $9.95. Available now for $8.95
My Life (Leon Trotsky) The autobiography of the outstanding leader of the Russian Revolutions of both 1905 and 1917 and of the fight against Stalinism.
Regular price: $18.95. Available now for $15.95
History of the Bolshevik Party (Grigorii Zinoviev) The 1924 edition of Zinoviev's lectures on the history of the Bolshevik party from its origins in the late 19th Century through February 1917.
Regular Price: $14.95. Available now for $9.95
The Bolsheviks Come to Power: The Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd (Alexander Rabinowitch) A lively account of the stormy events leading to the October 1917 Russian Revolution.
Regular Price: $18.00. Available now for $16.00
The Bolsheviks in Power: The First Year of Bolshevik Rule in Petrograd (Alexander Rabinowitch) An essential reference point for the study of the political and social aftermath of the overthrow of the bourgeois Provisional Government and the establishment of the Bolshevik regime.
Regular Price: $28.00. Available now for $25.20
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